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Financial Responsibility

Attention: A new, streamlined tool for working with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s Underground Storage Tank program is here. See Underground Storage Tanks in Your DEQ Online.

Every underground storage tank that is in operation or temporary closure requires a form of financial responsibility. Federal financial responsibility rules require underground storage tank owners or permittees to demonstrate that they can pay for the costs of cleaning up any release of petroleum from their tank, as well as compensate anyone who was injured by the release. For more information on the federal requirements for financial responsibility, please reference EPA's Dollars and Sense: Financial Responsibility Requirements For Underground Storage Tanks.

In order to operate regulated USTs in Oregon, the tank owner or permittee must submit current proof of compliance with financial responsibility requirements to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Underground Storage Tank Program. The proof of financial responsibility must be submitted by 30 days after the expiration of the previous proof. Non-compliance will result in corrective action and possible penalties.

If you are using pollution liability insurance, we need a copy of the Certificate of Insurance, and Tanks Schedule provided by the insurance company. The Tanks Program provides a template that includes all necessary information.

Note: An ACORD form will not work 
Besides documenting the policy number, insurance limits and policy term, each certificate must also identify the location of the insured facility, the number of underground storage tanks insured and the DEQ-issued facility ID number. If you are uncertain what to send, your insurance agent will be able to assist you in locating a copy of the pollution liability Certificate of Insurance.

The UST Program now reaches out to responsible parties for proof of financial responsibility via email or letter 30 days before the expiration date of the previous proof in our database.

If you receive one of these notifications, please submit your current proof of FR using one of the following options:


For questions related to submitting or processing your proof of financial responsibility, please contact the UST Permits and Licensing Coordinator at 503-229-6652.