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Decommission, modify, repair, replace, or temporarily close my tank
Change ownership or address information
Install a new tank
Note: An Air Contaminant Discharge Permit is required for most UST facilities dispensing gasoline. To learn if your gasoline dispensing facility requires an ACDP, please visit the Air Quality Vapor Recovery Permit page.
Air Quality Stage 1 Vapor Recovery Fact Sheet
Obtain a UST Service Provider or Supervisor License
Register a discovered tank
To Decommission Existing Unregistered Tanks
Document operator training
UST Operator Training Documentation Form
Change tank contents to alternative fuels greater than 10 percent E10 or 20 percent B20
To Operate Regulated USTs Containing Alternative Fuels
Request a new permittee UST technical assistance inspection
First-Time Permittee or Tank Owner Request for UST Technical Assistance Inspection - This form is now available through Your DEQ Online. Please visit this web page for information about how to use the new system.
Return a UST to active operation after temporary closure or when my permit has been suspended or revoked
Return to Service Application Form - This form is now available through Your DEQ Online. Please visit this web page for information about how to use the new system.
Report a suspected release
Upgrade a tank with a Structural Retrofit
Document monthly walkthroughs and interstitial monitoring results
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