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Transfers Between Districts

Oregon currently has four methods of transfer

  1. Interdistrict Transfer
  2. Tuition
  3. Contract
  4. Enrollment in a public charter school

Open Enrollment, enacted by the Oregon Legislature in 2011, created an additional option for students wishing to transfer between districts. The open enrollment statute contained a sunset provision, effective July 1, 2019. What this means for districts and students:

  • 2018-19 was the last school year for students to transfer under open enrollment.
  • Any student who transferred to a new district through open enrollment prior to the 2019-20 school year continues to be considered a resident of that district until the student graduates from high school, is no longer required to be admitted to the schools of the school district under ORS 339.115, or enrolls in a school in a different school district. 

Interdistrict Transfer

A student may transfer between districts if the student receives consent to transfer from both the district of residence and the receiving district. Questions about the process and timelines for obtaining consent should be directed to school districts.

A student may remain at their current school for a period of time following a move to a new district. If the student moves mid-year, the student may remain enrolled until the end of the year. If the student moves over the summer, the student may remain enrolled for the following school year.

A district may consider a transfer request outside of the district’s interdistrict transfer policy and procedures where a hardship exists. Hardship is defined in OAR 581-021-0019(1)(c).

For questions about interdistrict transfer, please email us.

Applicable Statutes and Rules:


A student may enroll in a district other than their district of residence by paying tuition to the new district if the district accepts tuition paying students. School districts determine whether to accept tuition paying students and establish tuition rates. Questions about tuition rates and enrollment process should be directed to school districts.

For other questions, please email us.


Two districts may enter into a contract for the education of a student or group of students. An example of transfer by contract is where district A contracts with neighboring district B to provide grades 9-12 for high school students residing in district A. Districts have discretion as to whether or not to enter into a contract. Questions about a specific district should be directed to that school district.

For other questions, please email us.

Applicable Statute:

ORS 339.125

Enrollment in a public charter school

Public charter schools may enroll students who live outside of the sponsoring district. Questions about enrollment procedures should be directed to the specific charter school.

A district may deny a student's intent to enroll in a public charter school if the student is planning to enroll in a virtual public charter school and more than 3% of the district's students are enrolled in a virtual public charter school sponsored by another district.

Districts that deny enrollment in virtual charter schools must provide written notice to the family within 10 days of receiving the notice of intent to enroll and must provide a list of two online options for the student. Families may appeal a district denial following the Virtual Charter School Enrollment Appeal Process.

This list of known virtual charter schools in Oregon can help districts determine what schools qualify as virtual charter schools. The list depends on voluntary reporting. If the charter school you are researching is not on the list and you have reason to believe it is a virtual charter school, please email us.

For questions about virtual charter school enrollment and the 3% cap, or ODE's Virtual Charter School Appeal Process, please email us.

Applicable Statutes and Rules: