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Oregon General Equivalency Diploma (GED)

New law regarding 16- and 17 year old GED testers


The first GED® test was created in 1942 in response to the high number of people who were sent to fight in WWII without completing high school. In 1945 the Veterans Testing Service was established and it wasn’t until 1947 that civilians had access to the test. Since then, the GED® tests have been revised and updated several times in response to the changing needs of post-secondary education and training, and the workforce. The tests are closely aligned to the skills and knowledge of graduating high school seniors.

High School Equivalency Programs (18+)

Oregon's High School Equivalency Program, administered by the HECC Office of Community Colleges and Workforce Development (CCWD) oversees the GED® test preparation, instruction and testing process in Oregon. The GED® program provides individuals 18 and older with an opportunity to earn a GED® test credential. For more information, please visit the Oregon High School Equivalency Program webpage or contact

GED Option Programs (for youth ages 16-18)

When considering options for careers and postsecondary education and training, youth may be well served by a high school equivalency certificate; preparation and testing sites are located throughout the state. More detailed information is available on the Resources for Testers (age 16-18) page.