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We hope to keep supporting your work and create a space for tools and resources, but also reflect on the essence of the "why" of our work. Our Equity Team is committed to looking for evidence and research-based practices that will enhance your teaching practices.
Education equity is the equitable implementation of policy, practices, procedures, and legislation that translates into resource allocation, education rigor, and opportunities for historically and currently marginalized youth, students, and families including civil rights protected classes. This means the restructuring and dismantling of systems and institutions that create the dichotomy of beneficiaries and the oppressed and marginalized.
For individual Student Success Program announcements please subscribe to the following listservs: American Indian/Alaska Native Education, African American/Black Student Success, Immigrant/Refugee Student Success, Latino/a/x & Indigenous Student Success, LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Student Success.
Office of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (OEDI)
African American/Black Student Success
American Indian/Alaskan Native Education
Culturally Specific After School Learning (CSASL)
Early Literacy Success Community Grants
English Language Learners
Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Resources
House Bill 3499 EL School & District Improvement Program
Immigrant & Refugee Student Success
Latino/a/x & Indigenous Student Success
Leading For Equity
LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Student Success
Safe & Inclusive Schools (SIS)
Torrey Sims - Assistant Superintendent
To contact Torrey, please reach out to his Executive Support Staff, Meghan Rogers-Czarnecki
For general questions please reach out using the Education Equity email.
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