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Oregon Diploma

The Oregon Diploma is designed to prepare each student for success in all aspects of their life, including college and career, citizenship, and life-long learning. 

To earn a diploma, students need to successfully complete the following: 

  • demonstrate proficiency in the Essential Skills,
  • complete personalized learning requirements, and 
  • earn credit requirements.
Districts may have additional requirements beyond the state minimum requirements; check your school district’s website for details.

You may also download a printable version of the Oregon Requirements for Graduation.

Graduation Requirements

Personal Finance Requirements and Higher Education and Career Path Skills Requirement
With the passage of Senate Bill 3, beginning with the class of 2027, the Oregon diploma requirements will include 0.5 credit in Personal Financial Education and 0.5 credit in Higher Education and Career Path Skills, as detailed in the table below. Visit the Senate Bill 3 page to learn more about these new requirements.

Assessment of Essential Skills
The Essential Skills are cross-disciplinary skills that students should be developing throughout grades K- 12. The Oregon State Board of Education has suspended the assessment of the Essential Skills as a requirement for receiving a high school diploma through the 2027-28 school year. Please see the Essential Skills page for more details.

Personalized Learning Requirements
The Personalized Learning Requirements personalize the diploma for each student and help students plan for their post-high school education and career goals. These include the Education Plan and Profile, Extended Application, and Career-Related Learning Experiences.

Credit Requirements
The table below outlines the credit requirements for the Oregon Diploma. Each content area links to the adopted State Standards for that area. For more information on awarding credit, see the Options for Awarding Credit page. 

Subject Areas


Notes (See subject area pages for more information)

Language Arts

4 credits

The graduation requirement for "English Language Arts" was revised to "Language Arts" with the passage of Access to Linguistic Inclusion in 2021


3 credits

Must be Algebra I and above 

Courses aligned to the adopted Algebra, Geometry, and Data Reasoning standards meet this requirement   


3 credits


Must include Scientific Inquiry and Lab Experiences as outlined in the standards

Lab experiences can take place outside of school, in field-based experiences

Social Sciences

3 credits

Must include at least 0.5 credit from Civics and inclusive instruction in Tribal History/ Shared History, Holocaust/ Genocide, and Ethnic Studies, starting with students graduating in 2026


1 credit

Physical Education

1 credit

World Languages


Career and Technical Education

3 credits

Credits may come from any of these content areas 

Personal Financial Education

0.5 credits

This requirement begins in January, 2027.

Higher Education and Career Path Skills

0.5 credits

This requirement begins in January, 2027.


5 credits

Beginning in 2027, 5 credits of electives are required.


24 Credits 

Additional Resources

Honors Diploma Seal Request Form
An Oregon honors diploma seal is available for public school students who have obtained a GPA of 3.5 or above. Use the form linked above to submit your request.

High School Exit Options

As Oregon students work to be successful in their next steps (e.g., postsecondary education and training, workforce entry, career school, apprenticeship, military) the Department of Education is committed to ensuring a variety of options are available to meet all students’ needs.

Modified Diploma, Extended Diploma and Alternative Certificates
This page gives an explanation of all diploma types available for students so they are prepared for postsecondary education experience, integrated employment, and citizenship.

Oregon’s High School Equivalency Program
Oregon’s High School Equivalency Program, administered by the HECC Office of Community Colleges and Workforce Development (CCWD) oversees the GED® test preparation, instruction, and testing process in Oregon. The GED® program provides individuals with an opportunity to earn a GED® test credential. Earning a GED® test credential can help individuals improve their chances to find work, increase earnings, and/or pursue additional education through community colleges, universities or training programs.

All Oregonians who are 18 or older can take the GED test. Those who are 16-18 may take the GED test if they: To find your local testing center, check the GED Testing Services website.

For more information on this topic, please email Kristidel McGregor.