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ePipeline Newsletter

The ePIPELINE is published quarterly by Oregon Drinking Water Services (DWS) to provide public water suppliers with information about regulations, technology, training, and other drinking water-related topics.

ePipeline issues, technical articles and previous newsletters are viewable in  PDF format. Contact us to request paper copies or alternative formats.

Read the Current ePipeline for July 2024

Current ePipeline Topics: Opportunity to comment on best practices for community engagement around water projects, operator certification news, service line inventory, drinking water state revolving fund, congratulations to Outstanding Performers, training opportunities

Technical Articles

Technical articles are not time sensitive.

Previous ePipeline Issues

EPA releases final PFAS rule, certification news, certification lists on Data Online updated, lead and copper news, congratulations to Outstanding Performers, drinking water state revolving fund, training opportunities

Cyber resiliency for water utilities pilot program, proposed lead and copper rule improvements, operator certification news, what is managerial capacity, Outstanding Performers, funding news for drinking water infrastructure and planning, training opportunities

Prepare for inclement weather, certification renewals, clarification of lead and copper requirements, what is technical development, Outstanding Performers, funding news for drinking water infrastructure and planning, training opportunities

Consumer confidence reports reminder, EPA offers free cybersecurity workshop, what is capacity development, Outstanding Performers, funding news for drinking water infrastructure and planning, training opportunities

Cybersecurity at public water systems, consumer confidence reports due July 1, operator certification news, opportunity to participate in groundwater age study, funding news for drinking water infrastructure and planning, Outstanding Performers, training opportunities

Drinking water source protection grants and loans, wildfire VOC report available, optimizing corrosion control and understanding LCR requirements, operator certification updates, 2022 cross connection ASR, funding news for drinking water infrastructure, Outstanding Performers, training opportunities

Guidance and template for developing a service line inventory, free service line inventory training offered, certification renewals, funding news for drinking water infrastructure, Outstanding Performers, training opportunities

Prepare for summer emergencies, operator certificiation update, BIL provides funding for drinking water infrastructure, Outstanding Performers, email update

BIL provides funding for drinking water infrastructure, important survey for Community and Non-Transient water systems, new deadlines for infrastructure loans and grants, Outstanding Performers, training opportunities

EPA announces desision on the lead and copper rule revisions, new rules for Oregon Very Small systems, emergency response and planning requirements, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law enhances Oregon DWSRF, Outstanding Performers, training opportunities

EPA offers Cybersecurity Assessment, 2021 National Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey, PFAS Drinking Water Sampling Project, congratulations to outstanding performers, low-cost funding available, training opportunities.

July 2021
DWS updates phone system, Outstanding Performers, Prepare for Wildfire, Guard Against Cyberattacks, low-cost funding available, and training opportunities.

Manganese: friend and foe, alarm setpoints for treatment plants, Outstanding Performers, low-cost funding available, training opportunities.

COVID-19 vaccine priorities, operator certification updates, plan review—electronic submittal, source water protection grants, wildfire recovery continues.

Previously Published Newsletters

October 2019
New drinking water fees; new risk and resilience assessments required; 2020 drinking water infrastructure needs survey; plan review reminder; operator certification corner; low-cost Funding for eligible drinking water system improvements; water quality and compliance information available online; congratulations to our outstanding performers; meeting calendar; training calendar.

Salem cyanotoxin crisis: Lessons learned; Drinking Water Program fee update; This is the last printed Pipeline!; The Eastern Oregon field office has moved; A reminder: Setbacks to contaminants for wells; Plan review required for major additions or modification; Low-cost funding for eligible drinking water system improvements; Congratulations to our outstanding performers!; Meeting calendar; Training calendar.

January 2018

Oregon's Drinking Water Program, Loss of water system pressure requires a boil water advisory, beef up your budget with better planning, operator certification corner, low-cost funding for drinking water system improvements, source water assessment updates, make sure there are no bypasses around treatment plants, outstanding performers, meeting calendar, training calendar.

January 2017
Program update; 2016 renewal and audit: Lessons learned; Are you ready for a water emergency?; Low-cost funding for drinking water facility improvements; Congratulations to our Outstanding Performers!; Dave Leland retires!; New DWS section manager; Meeting calendar; Training calendar.

August 2016
The Flint, Michigan lead crisis, aftermath and ramifications, State agencies announce plan to help school districts and childcare centers reduce lead in drinking water, Ensuring proper sample site selections, Lead and copper implications when adding a new source or treatment, Reporting requirements under the Lead and Copper Rule, Consumer notification of individual results, Guidance for lead and copper sample collection, Funding available for service line replacements, Finding lead resources on the DWS website, Fact sheet: Information for schools and childcare facilities, Meeting Calendar, Training Calendar.

March 2016
Drinking water fee increases take effect January 2; Thirtieth anniversary of primacy in Oregon; Does your storage tank need maintenance?; April showers bring... new requirements for seasonal water systems; No joke, new rules for coliform bacteria arriving on April 1, 2016; 2016 source water assessment updates; Congratulations to our "Outstanding Performers"!; Meeting Calendar; Training Calendar.

October 2015
Coliform Monitoring Changes; Is Your Water System's Coliform Sampling Plan Up-to-Date?; Level 1 and Level 2 Coliform Investigations; New Requirements for Seasonal Water Systems; Staff Updates; Congratulations to our "Outstanding Performers"!; Meeting Calendar; Training Calendar

September 2015
2015 Legislature Authorizes Increased Drinking Water Fees; Allowable Continuing Education Unit Topics for Operators Expanded

May 2015

Drinking Water Fees and the 2015 Legislature; Revised Total Coliform Rule Coming to Oregon in 2016; Staff Update; Update On Harmful Algae Blooms and Drinking Water; Aging Infrastructure? Compliance Issues? We've Got You Covered!; 2015 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs; Reminders On Plan Review and Construction Standards; Meeting Calendar; Training Calendar

November 2014

Program Update; Oregon's Aging Water Treatment Facilities; Outstanding Performers; OHA Answers to Questions; Aging Infrastructure? We've Got You Covered; Meeting Calendar; Training Calendar.

April 2014

Program update; Rulemaking update; Ten tips to help communities hire an engineer; Everything you need to know about written operator protocols; Revised Total Coliform Rule: A Quick Reference Guide; Congratulations to our "Outstanding Performers"!; Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule and Consumer Confidence Reports; Pendleton office update; 2015 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey; Operator Certification Corner: Succession planning; Want help with issues pertaining to treatment plant operations?; Reminder: Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Monitoring Rule is in effect!; Does your polymer have acrylamide or epichlorohydrin?; Aging infrastructure? We've got you covered!; Staff updates; AWWA's new backflow prevention YouTube videos; To be — or not to be — that is the LEADed question...; Boosting resiliency offers short and long term benefits; Meeting calendar; Training calendar.

October 2013
Cryptosporidiosis outbreak in Baker City; Program update; Emergency awareness apps; 100-foot setback requirement for wells and springs; Gutter-drain style hatches for reservoirs; Meeting calendar; Training calendar

April 2013 - Revised from print edition
Program update; Stage 2 disinfection byproducts monitoring; Plan review update; Are my drinking water chemicals safe?; Consumer Confidence Reports: Update on electronic delivery; Staff updates; Congratulations to our "Outstanding Performers"!; Calibration and care of pH meters; It's coming — no more deadlines; Meeting calendar; Training calendar

September 2012
Program update; Drinking Water Program Performance Survey; Loss of water system pressure requires boil water advisory; Congratulations to our outstanding performers; Fall 2012 advanced small water system training courses; Shutdown tips; Meeting calendar; Training calendar

April 2012
Program update; Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rule; Congratulations to our outstanding performers; Operator Certification Corner; It's coming! mark your calendars!; Advanced small water system training course rides again in 2012; Start-up tips for seasonal groundwater systems; Handy tips for lead and copper sampling!; Meeting calendar; Training calendar

Summer 2011
Program update; Reminder: 2011 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey is now under way; Congratulations to our outstanding performers; Staff updates; Drinking Water Program organizational chart; Meeting calendar; Training calendar

Spring 2011
Oregon Public Health and the Department of Justice work to bring safe water to a Lincoln County public water system; Program update; Congratulations to our outstanding performers; Resources for cyanobacteria and drinking water; What is your certification number?; Surface water systems - Do you need a tracer study?; New! Advanced Small Water System Training Course 201; It's coming! Mark your calendars! (2011 State Revolving Loan Fund Letter of Interest); Meeting calendar; Training calendar

Winter 2011
Program update; 2011 Drinking water infrastructure needs survey; Congratulations to our outstanding performers!; ITT publishes findings from value of water survey; O&M manuals - What's in it for me?; Update on monthly source assessment sampling under the Ground Water Rule (GWR); The three pillars of an asset management program; Staff updates; Meeting calendar; Training calendar

Fall 2010
Program update; Congratulations to our Outstanding Performers; Drinking Water Program actively enforces safe drinking water requirements; Know your system score; Operator Certification Corner; Triggered Monitoring under the Ground Water Rule; Annual source sampling reminder; DEQ report looks at sediment impacts on public water systems in coast range; Calendar

Summer 2010
Program update; Is your system an Outstanding Performer? It's coming: the fall 2010 Letter of Interest (LOI); Staff updates; The City of Creswell: Meeting the challenges of growth; EPA Fact Sheet; Ground Water Rule sampling; Calendar

Spring 2010
Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund awards top $200 million; New water treatment plant in Sweet Home; What is the point of it all? Questions about the new ground water rule; New requirement for groundwater systems; Operator certification corner; Staff updates; Calendar

Winter 2010
Oregon's public drinking water sources; Drinking water emergency; Staff updates; Labeling coliform sample locations; Sending your public notice to the state; Preparing for the flu; Updating the coliform reporting form; Operator certification corner; Calendar; DWP organizational chart

Fall 2009
Special edition:  Implementing the newest EPA drinking water rules in Oregon; Implementation of the Ground Water Rule in Oregon; Significant deficiencies: What's new for GW systems; Assessment monitoring of groundwater sources is expected to begin in 2010; Implementing Stage 2 compliance monitoring plans; Groundwater systems can be outstanding performers, too!; The Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2)

Summer 2009
Recap of the 2009 Legislature; Best management practices for service outages; Third Annual ORWARN Conference will take place October 14-16; Updates to the coliform sampling plan template for small systems: Incorporating the provisions of the Ground Water Rule; Why Clorox®?; Operator certification corner: OESAC Web site look is NEW; New small system vulnerability assessment and emergency response plan tool available; Meeting calendar; Training calendar

Spring 2009
Governor announces $27.8 million in federal stimulus awards; Operator certification corner; Introducing electronic reporting of water quality data; Meeting calendar; Training calendar

Winter 2009
Program update; OAWU to deliver small water system operator training; Get ready for the Ground Water Rule; Mercury in pumps: Addressing the risk of contamination; Renewing backflow tester and specialist certifications for 2009-11; Attention Lane County public water systems; Operator certification corner; Meeting calendar; Training calendar

Fall 2008
Program update; Best management practices for water main repairs; Drinking Water Program organizational chart; Drinking Water Program Advisory Committee; Drinking Water Program technical service regions; Operator certification corner; Staff updates; Meeting calendar; Training calendar

Summer 2008
Risk communication; Outstanding performance designation of public water systems; Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR); Contact change for circuit rider; Cross Connection/Backflow Prevention; Conventional and direct filtration; Emergency management achievements honored; Operator certification corner; Meeting calendar; Training calendar

Spring 2008
New rules in effect; Filling out lab sample sheets - correctly!; Complying with EPA rules; Staff updates; Surface water systems - Are you calculating CT's correctly?; West Slope Water receives Excellence Award; Oregon utilities receive CCR awards; Enforcing 2008 seasonal window for lead and copper and disinfection byproducts sampling; Meeting calendar; Training calendar

Winter 2008
December 2007 storm puts emergency preparedness to the test; Oversight of very small Non-EPA public water systems begin; Interested in the weather?; Consumer confidence reports (New lead reporting requirements for 2008 CCR); Source water protection coming to a county near you; Drinking water protection bulletins; Welcome new staff; Operator certification corner; Consumer confidence reporting and drinking water implementation program; Training calendar

Fall 2007

Oregon Loan Fund receives EPA's Sustainable Public Health Protection Award; Fee for sanitary survey inspections proposed; Training calendar; Meeting calendar

Summer 2007

Drinking Water Program wins $3 million boost from Legislature; Looking at 10 years of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund; Umpqua Basin Water Association installs membrane filtration; 2007 Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey now underway; Operator certification corner; Training calendar

Spring 2007

Polluted drinking water is public's top environmental concern; Statewide water/wastewater Mutual Aid Agreement (ORWARN); Flying in to discuss drinking water; The Oregon Drinking Water Advisory Committee; 2006 Consumer confidence report; Operator certification corner; Oregon's drinking water operator certification workforce survey; Training calendar

Winter 2007

Drinking water initiatives advance in the 2007 Legislature; New EPA rules; Radiological sampling due; Staff updates; Training calendar

Fall 2006
Oregon Drinking Water Quality Standards; Current Standards; Future Standards

Summer 2006
2007 Drinking water budget proposal; Drinking water emergency; Consumer confidence reports made simple; Water Contaminant Information Tool (WCIT); Stage 2 and LT2 webcasts; New Operator Certification Program coordinator; Annual operator certification; John Potts retires; Training calendar

Spring 2006
Direct lab reporting is underway; Kari Salis receives AWWA award; Certifications; Measure and record chlorine residual; Drinking water revolving fund; Drinking water certified laboratories: Direct Lab Reporting Procedure effective April 1, 2006; Enforcement of drinking water regulations; Notice of violations and administrative orders; Groundwater under surface water influence determinations: Non-community water systems; Training calendar

Winter 2006
20 Years of primacy in Oregon; Drinking water rules adopted; Consumer confidence reports; Drinking Water Program employees - past and present; Training calendar

Fall 2005
Revised arsenic standard; EPA announces new rules; Got a drinking water emergency?; Monitoring reductions for disinfection byproducts testing; Cross Connection/Backflow Prevention Program returns to Drinking Water Program; Dennis Nelson receives Groundwater Foundation's Government Service Award; Consumer pollution: Pharmaceuticals and personal care products; Training calendar

Summer 2005
DHS proposes new drinking water rules; 2005 Legislature Report: Direct Lab Reporting, Backflow, Drinking Water Program Capacity, Public Water System Definition, Drinking water fluoridation; Waterborne disease outbreak strikes Oregon camp;

Spring 2005
Drinking Water Protection Issue: Source water assessments; Drinking Water Protection Area (DWPA); Learning and Source Water Assessments; Drinking water protection strategies; Getting the public involved; Land use planning; Source water assessments - implementation

Winter 2005
2005 Legislature Is Underway; Oregon Water Systems Benefit From $100 Million Loan Fund; Accredited Laboratories and EPA Approved Methods; Cross Connection Program; Top2Bottom - Drinking Water Program Restructuring; Perchlorates: A New Look at an Old Chemical; EPA to Strengthen Protection From Lead in Drinking Water; Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Reminder; 30th Anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act; Training Calendar

Fall 2004
Oregon Drinking Water Quality Standards; Current Standards; Future Standards

Summer 2004
2003 Report on Oregon public drinking water; Oregon Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program; Drinking Water Program staffing changes; Coliform sampling plans; Security vulnerability assessment deadlines; Requirements for plan submission and review — Drinking Water Program; Creating a water system operations manual; Water Operator Renewals

Spring 2004
The Task Force on Drinking Water Program Workload and Funding; New Disinfection By-products Requirements Now Apply!; Small Groundwater Operator Certification; Operator Certification Corner; Cyanobacteria: An Emerging Problem for Drinking Water Systems; Opportunity for Public Review and Comment; Drinking Water Program Staffing Changes

Winter 2004
Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR); Backflow Program Continues; Operator Certification Corner; Nitrate Testing; City of Pendleton's New Membrane Filtration Plant

Fall 2003
Small Groundwater Operator Certification; Security Advisory System – are you a partner?; Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule; Stage 2 Disinfection By-products Rule; Manzanita and Wheeler; Heceta Water District; Radionuclide Contaminants

Summer 2003 Special Edition
2003 Report on Oregon's Public Drinking Water; 2003 Annual Compliance Report

Spring 2003
Drinking Water Program Outlook, 2003-05; HB 2255-Task Force On Drinking Water Program Workload and Funding; Program Priorities; Drinking Water Advisory Committee Roster; Surface Water Filtration Regulatory Update; Eugene Water & Electric Board Photos; Arsenic Treatment Project; Safe Drinking Water Revolving Fund Update; CCRiWriter

Winter 2003
New Membrane Plant; Rural Community Assistance Corporation; Safe Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund; Disinfection Byproducts; Operator Certification; Drinking Water Rules; Consumer Confidence Reports; EPA Enforcements; Training Calendar

Winter, 2002
Program Update; SDWIS-State Update; Funding Security Projects; Emergency Response Plans; Sheldon Ridge Fire; Sumpter; Labs Getting Certified Under ORELAP; New Radionuclides Rule; Certified Operators

Fall 2002 Special Edition
Oregon Drinking Water Quality Standards--Current Standards; Future Standards

Summer 2002 Special Edition
2001 Report on Oregon's Drinking Water; 2001 Annual Compliance Report

Spring 2002
Program Update; Walkerton Disease Outbreak; New Membrane Filter for Youngs River Lewis and Clark WD; Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS-State); HOW TO FILL OUT A LAB SLIP

Winter 2002
Accomplishments; Consumer Confidence Reports; New Arsenic Rule; Chemical Monitoring Waivers; Radionuclides Rule; City of Talent; Rules On CD; Southern Oregon Office

Fall 2001
Program Update; Certifying Operators of Small Systems--Getting Started; Infrastructure Security; Availability of SRF Funds for Drinking Water Protection; Source Water Assessment/Drinking Water Protection Highlights

Fall 2001 Special Edition
Oregon Drinking Water Quality Standards--Current and Future

Summer 2001 Special Edition
2000 Report on Oregon's Drinking Water; 2000 Annual Compliance Report

Summer 2001
Revolving Loan Fund Projects; Chemical Sampling Reminders; Technical Assistance Provider; Rules on CD (Correction! Phone number to order is: 503-731-4899); EPA Issues order; Drought/Drought Questionnaire; SOC/VOC Testing Frequency Chart; Training Calendar

Spring 2001
MTBE; Monitoring Schedules; Regulatory Update; Microbial & Disinfection Byproducts Regulation; Scholarship Money for Cross Connection Training; Year 2000 Accomplishments; Turbidity Treatment Technique Requirements

Winter 2001

Revisiting Coliform Bacteria; The Coliform Rule; Public Notification Regulations; Resolved Total Coliform Templates, Barriers to Microbial Contamination: The Walkerton Outbreak

Summer 2000
Enforcement; Revolving Loan Fund; Safe Drinking Water Act Time Line; Program Priorities; Powell Valley Road Water District

Summer 2000 Special Edition
1999 Report on Oregon's Public Drinking Water; 1999 Annual Compliance Report; Drinking Water Progress Measures; Summary Compliance Data; Oregon Violation Summary

Spring 2000 Special Edition
Oregon Drinking Water Quality Standards: Broad overview of current and future drinking water quality standards which public water systems in Oregon must meet through the year 2005; Current Standards ; Future Standards.

Spring 2000
New Online Data Query site; Program Update; Contact Phone Numbers; Cross Connection Update; Groundwater Rule Proposed; Pendleton WTP & ASR Project; Protocols Required For Continuous Turbidity Monitoring

Winter 2000
Drink Water Program Update; MTBE; Arsenic; Radon Rule; Rural Infrastructure Conference; Identifying Significant Deficiencies In a Water System; Consumer Confidence Reports; Underground Injection Wells and Drinking Water Protection; Brownfields Redevelopment in Oregon

Fall 1999
The Safe Drinking Water Act - 25 Years; Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program; Technical Assistance Circuit Riders; Continuing Education Requirements; Cross Connection Update; Training Calendar

Special Edition 1999 (Not available electronically)
1998 Report on Oregon Public Drinking Water

Summer 1999
What's new in safe drinking water: Consumer Confidence Reports, State Revolving Loan Fund, Operator Certification, Capacity Development, and Cross Connections.

Spring 1999
EPA brings out two new standards - Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule and Disinfection By-Products Rule; Circuit riders hired to help you and your water system.

Winter 1999
State Revolving Loan Fund - Letters of Interest and application for 1999 funds

Fall 1998
Brief introduction on Consumer Confidence Reports, 1999 Drinking Water Systems Needs Survey; updates on groundwater protection, EPA ground water rule, operator certification, backflow device tester, and cross connection inspector.

Special Edition: Water Quality Standards 98
Water quality standards for 1998. Changes, updates, and regulations? that are coming.

Summer 1998
Source water assessment, Determining delineation priority surveys, filtration endorsements.

Winter 1998
1996 Annual Compliance Report

Fall/Winter 1997
Revolving loan fund gets underway for 1998, Contact phone numbers, Changes to cross connection and backflow personnel

Summer 1997
Safe Drinking Water Act -- a review after one year's implementation

Spring 1997
Countdown to Corrosion control, Measuring Progress Toward Safe Drinking Water - Oregon Benchmark, "Thinking of upgrading your certification?"

May 1997
Special Edition on the State Revolving Loan Fund and the Implementation of the 1996 Amendments to the SDWA in Oregon

Fall 1996
Safe Drinking Water Act 1996 Amendments and their effect on Oregon, Lead/Copper Rule Corrosion Control Treatment Recommendations, Disposal of Chlorinated Water, Filtration treatment at Waldport and Idanha, cross connection update.

Spring 1996
NRDC report on drinking water, Chemical Testing Requirements for 1996-98, Turbidity Quality Assurance Check, Well field Designation (affects sampling requirements), Information Collection Rule, Well Identification Program, cross connection Update

Fall 1995
How to prepare for your Aquifer Test, Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1995 (S. 1316), Cross Connection Update

Summer 1995
NRDC Report on US Drinking Water Released, CDC releases workshop report on waterborne cryptosporidiosis, Cryptosporidium Health Effects, Cross Connection Update

Winter 1995
Special Issue, Oregon Drinking Water Quality Standards including the 1986 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act

Fall 1994
SDWA reauthorization fails to pass, EPA survey of water system needs, cross connection control, coliform monitoring waiver development

Summer 1994
Planning Ahead to meet new standards, Construction requirements for new wells.

Spring 1994
How to Develop a Coliform Sampling Plan

Winter 1993-1994
Cross connection program returns to OHS, Congress debates SDWA Reauthorization, Program goals and objectives, Water/Wastewater Financing Program, Round 2 testing for lead and copper reminder.

September 1993
Implementation of new standards in Oregon, Funding for 1993-5, Loan program funded, Phase 5 Rule Hearings Set, New Turbidity and CT Forms, Phone numbers for State and County staff.

July 1993
Oregon Drinking Water Quality Standards - a complete reference including discussion of health effects and monitoring frequencies for microbiological and chemical contaminants, treatment technique requirements for surface water and lead/copper.

April 1993
Disinfection Helps Bend Avoid Filtration, Asbestos in Drinking Water, Results of initial lead/copper monitoring by large systems, Phase 2 and 5 Update, Help for Small Systems from AWWA

January 1993
Phase 2 & 5 Chemical Monitoring Guidance, Lead & Copper Rule Adopted, Wellhead Protection.

October 1992
Initial Lead/Copper Results from Large Systems, Phase 2 Rule Amended.

July 1992
Estimating the Cost of Groundwater Resource Loss, Drought strategies for small systems, Getting Credit for Water Testing

April 1992
Use and Susceptibility Waivers - for reduced Phase 2 chemical monitoring

January 1992
Utility Self-Evaluation: Emergency Preparedness, Initial VOC Monitoring Period Ends

December 1991
Summary of Oregon Drinking Water Quality Regulations

October 1991
Safe Drinking Water Funding Program.

July 1991
SIOC, Lead/Copper Rules will affect all, Milwaukie installs aeration towers, Sutherlin's polyphosphate system a success