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ODE-Approved Provider Lists for Professional Development and Coaching and High-Dosage Tutoring

NEW! Effective July 1, 2025.

ODE-Approved Provider List for Professional Development and Coaching

ODE-Approved Provider List for High-Dosage Tutoring 


As part of the Early Literacy Success School District grants, OAR 581-017-0811 requires ODE to develop a list of approved providers for Professional Development (PD) and Coaching and High-Dosage Tutoring related to early literacy. These pre-approved lists support districts in navigating the myriad of providers for PD & Coaching, and High-Dosage Tutoring, and supports high quality implementation for early literacy. Districts can easily identify effective PD & Coaching and High-Dosage Tutoring programming that is grounded in research-aligned practices based on the science of reading and writing, designed to support implementation of the Early Literacy Success School District Grant (ELSSDG). 

What does this mean for districts?

Beginning July 1, 2025, if contracting with an external provider for PD & Coaching and/or High-Dosage Tutoring funded fully or partially with ELSSDG funds, grantees must select from the Approved Provider Lists.

Note that districts may choose to develop and provide PD & Coaching or High-Dosage Tutoring through internal district capacity if they choose not to contract externally for these services. For more information, please read our criteria for district-developed High-Dosage Tutoring

Districts are required to ensure that any PD & Coaching and/or high-dosage tutoring services fulfill all requirements of the ELSSDG.

Inclusion on these lists do not guarantee any contract and ODE does not hold statewide price agreements with these providers. Districts are responsible for following their own internal procurement processes and any other requirements for securing services from these providers, including local and state background check requirements.

Note: Grantees of the Early Literacy Community Grants are also required to select providers from the ODE-Approved list for High-Dosage Tutoring if they choose to contract for High-Dosage Tutoring services. 

Criteria for Selection

In August of 2024, ODE released a Request for Information (RFI) for vendors to submit responses in order to be evaluated and included on the approved list of providers. Criteria for the RFI to determine approved vendors can be found within the RFI. 

Additional Information

For additional questions, please see our Approved Provider List FAQ or email