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Statewide Student, School, and Education Workforce Surveys


Belonging, wellness and wellbeing are prerequisites for teaching and learning. Statewide surveys are important tools to inform schools, districts, state policymakers and communities on the experiences and needs of students and staff in Oregon’s public schools, especially to support student and staff mental and behavioral health. By offering these five surveys, Oregon is working to fully embody our commitment to data justice and centering the voice of youth and those who work in public education.

This resource provides a visual overview of the three surveys which are required by law: Crosswalk for Required Surveys

District and School Surveys

Logo for Oregon Health Authority's Student Health Survey

Student Health Survey (SHS)

  • Oregon's Student Health Survey (SHS) is a comprehensive, school-based, anonymous and voluntary health survey of 6th, 8th and 11th graders conducted yearly. It is a key part of statewide efforts to help local schools and communities ensure that all Oregon youth are healthy and successful learners. The SHS is designed to address student health and safety, student mental and behavioral health, and school climate and culture. Many state and local agencies rely on SHS data for adolescent programs and services that address important student health issues. The SHS asks about the whole child to get a more complete picture of students’ health and provides data on many different health-related topics and helps to find the link between protective factors, risk, and outcomes.
  • House Bill 2656 requires districts in Oregon to make the Student Health Survey available to students. The SHS is administered in 6th, 8th, and 11th grades. Districts are also required to notify parents and guardians at least five days before survey administration. Parents/guardians and students are allowed to decline to participate in the SHS.
logo for SEED Survey

Student Educational Equity Development (SEED) Survey

  • The Student Educational Equity Development Survey (SEED) will help the Oregon Department of Education gather information about the educational experiences of students in Oregon. This information will help ODE to develop appropriate resources and supports for districts in Oregon and target those resources and supports where they are most needed. The SEED Survey will also help ODE better interpret information we are already gathering through statewide testing. The SEED Survey gathers data from students statewide, in grades 3-11. The content of the survey varies by grade level. The survey measures student perceptions in four core domains: access to learning resources, opportunity to learn, self-efficacy, and sense of belonging.
  • Per House Bill 2656, all school districts in Oregon are required to make the SEED Survey available to students in grades 3 through 11. Districts are also required to notify parents and guardians at least five days before survey administration. Parents/guardians and students are allowed to decline to participate in the SEED Survey.
logo for EVE Workforce Survey

Elevating Voices in Education (EVE) Survey

  • The Elevating Voices in Education (EVE) Survey is an annual and anonymous survey. The EVE Survey includes questions on topics such as workplace climate, professional learning, well-being, students, equity, and job satisfaction. However, unlike prior surveys administered by ODE which largely concentrated on licensed teachers and administrators (e.g., Teaching, Empowering, Leading, and Learning [TELL] survey and Oregon Statewide Educator Survey [OSES]), the EVE Survey will focus on all licensed and classified staff employed or under contract with a public K-12 education provider in Oregon.
  • ODE will provide districts a survey administration toolkit containing email language, survey links, and survey administration guidance.
  • ODE will provide schools and districts aggregate and suppressed summaries of their respective EVE survey results.

Summer SEED Survey

  • The Summer SEED Survey is a student perception survey designed to help leaders better understand students’ experiences in summer programs. The survey questions assess four areas of student engagement: accessible and engaging opportunities, co-creation and student interest, sense of belonging, and self-efficacy. These equity driven constructs are foundational to high-quality summer programs and the basis of ODE’s Summer Learning Best Practice Guide and Companion Toolkit.
  • Survey administration is required for districts/schools that receive 21st CCLC (Title IV-B) or SSA Summer grants and optional for all other districts/schools.
logo for Summer SEED Survey

School Health Profiles

  • ODE is undergoing a process to develop an Oregon version of the School Health Profiles survey. This will result in a state-wide data system for collecting information from Oregon high and middle school Principals, Health Teachers, or other school staff about the health policies and practices in place in their school. The purpose of Profiles is to produce data to participating schools and districts that they can use to identify areas where they are doing well and those that need improvement; this can include analyses that explore the connection between school health policies and programs and student health and education outcomes. The data that Profiles will collect is not only related to the existence of policies and programs, but the implementation and operationalization of those policies and programs at a school-level. Our goal is for Profiles to produce reliable state- and county-level data that can clearly inform educational, state, and local policy and program initiatives, technical assistance, and community-driven efforts to advance health equity and education.
  • ODE aims to begin collecting information Fall 2026 or Spring 2027.