Welcome to the Finance site, which has links to many of the finance related units at the Department of Education. It is our intent to provide timely and reliable fiscal and administrative services. This work is designed to ensure that all agency services adhere to all applicable laws and regulations while seeking solutions focused on the needs of Oregon’s children. These staff and units contribute to an infrastructure that allows the Department to focus on the core mission of leadership, accountability, and school improvement.
Accounting Financial Services
- Payment information
Budget and Analysis
- Legislatively Approved Budget, Governor's Recommended Budget
- Contract Bids, Construction Quotes, Supply Ordering, more...
State School Fund
- Information relating to the calculation and disbursements of the State School Fund and its component pieces
School Facilities
- Oregon School Capital Improvement Matching Program (OSCIM) and the Technical Assistance Program (TAP)
Financial Memos
Substitute Teacher Pay
For more information, contact Evan Fuller.