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Farm to School Promoting and Education

Four farmers serving vegetables with one dressed in a peapod costume

Promotion & Education

Farm Field Trip Resources

  • The Oregon Farm to School Network has created a Farm Field Trip Toolkit for Teachers (updated 6/2021), which is a step-by-step guide for implementing successful farm field trips. The Toolkit also includes funding sources, recommended farms, evaluation tools, field trip activities, supplemental classroom lessons, and activities, visuals and handouts to educate kids about the important role of farmworkers in our food system.
  • Here’s an opportunity to take a virtual field trip to a dairy farm. As you might know from other Discovery Education opportunities, there are companion activities for educators to download to prepare students prior to the 30 minute video. The video is a compilation of four, approximately 6 minute segments to allow you viewing flexibility.
    Watch Now: Undeniably Dairy Virtual Field Trip.