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(Presented by Megan Kemple, Former Director of the Oregon Farm to School and School Garden Network, Amy Gilroy, Oregon Department of Agriculture Farm to School Coordinator, and Rick Sherman, Oregon Department of Education Farm to School/School Garden Analyst)
A helpful document to help you figure out purchasing rules in Oregon!
Everything you need to know in one convenient place! Training, information and more.
One of the best tools for schools looking to buy local food is the geographic preference option, which allows purchasers to include language in solicitations so that vendors who can supply local products have an edge. Schools get to decide for themselves how to define local, how much preference to give to local items, and how exactly to structure their solicitations. Now, two new resources are available to help schools incorporate geographic preference correctly and successfully!
The USDA farm to school team recently developed a fact sheet titled Geographic Preference: What it is and how to use it, which gives a quick overview of the law and associated regulations and then walks through three ways to use the geographic preference option.
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