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In no particular order. Not all grants are currently open, tour the links below to learn more.
KidsGardening offers a variety of grants to new and existing youth garden programs across the nation. Each funding opportunity has its own timeline, defining features, eligibility requirements, and reporting expectations. Learn more and apply here.
Project Learning Tree offers GreenWorks! grants of up to $1,000 to schools and youth organizations for environmental service-learning projects that link classroom learning to the real world. Students implement an action project they help design to green their school or to improve an aspect of their neighborhood’s environment. The funds can be used by students to implement recycling programs at their school, conserve water and energy, establish school gardens and outdoor classrooms, improve a forest, restore a natural habitat, and more. Learn more at this link for the grant.
The Herb Society of America will select ten (10) schools/classrooms serving grades 3 through 6 to receive $200 "Seed Money" to establish an indoor or outdoor herb garden. The funds may be used for supplies such as soil, plant trays, containers, child or youth sized tools, etc. Learn more and apply here at this link.
Check out their website for the next opportunity. They fund about 30 programs each year
Awarded each year.
A school and community garden sponsorship program that Gardening Know How is administering. They accept applications until the end of September. This year they will be awarding 10 sponsorships to 10 selected gardens. Each sponsorship will be for $1000.
Honey Bee Grant, School Garden Grant & more.
Family Engagement Materials & Instructions - Start here! Want to take your Farm to School program to the next level? Are you seeing kids respond well to garden education? What if there were materials and guidelines available to better engage their families? Well, here’s your one-stop-shop to find resources available to you so your programming is more holistic!
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