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Analysis Tools and Modeling Review

Analysis tools

Below are descriptions of various tools that Oregon DEQ uses for water quality analysis. These tools have been developed and are maintained by Oregon DEQ staff members. Listed below are brief descriptions of each water quality analysis tool and links for downloading the applications and their documentation.


TTools is an ArcGIS extension used to sample geospatial data and assemble high-resolution inputs for the Heat Source model or other water quality analysis. Appropriate use and application are the sole responsibility of the user.

  • Download: TTools v.7.56 
    requires ArcGIS 9 or ArcGIS 10, Spatial Analyst, and Visual Basic license from ESRI if using ArcGIS 10
  • Download: TTools v.7.21 
    requires ArcView version 3.x, Spatial Analyst

Heat Source

Heat Source is a computer model used by Oregon DEQ to simulate stream thermodynamics and hydrology. It was developed in 1996 as a Masters Thesis at Oregon State University in the Departments of Bioresource Engineering and Civil Engineering. DEQ currently maintains the Heat Source methodology and computer programming. Appropriate model use and application are the sole responsibility of the user.


CE-QUAL-W2 is a water quality and hydrodynamic model in 2D (longitudinal-vertical) for estuaries, lakes, reservoirs, and large river systems. W2 models basic eutrophication processes such as temperature-nutrient-algae-dissolved oxygen-organic matter and sediment relationships. The current model release enhancements have been developed under research contracts between the US Army Corps of Engineers and Portland State University under supervision of Dr. Scott Wells. DEQ uses this model for temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and other nutrient assessments.


QUAL2Kw is a one dimensional steady state modeling framework written in Excel/VBA. QUAL2Kw is adapted from the QUAL2K model that was originally developed by Dr. Steven C. Chapra of Tufts University. DEQ uses this model for dissolved oxygen and pH assessments in rivers and streams. [Link directs to Washington State's Department of Ecology models and tools page.]

Modeling review


For basin specific information, contact the appropriate Basin Coordinator. 

Basin Coordinator List

Gene Foster
Watershed Management 