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Pollution Control Tools and Programs

There are a variety of management measures that can be used in developing implementation plans. The following are state or national sources of information which may be helpful in identifying actions to take. They are organized by nonpoint source or pollutant type.


Sources of bacteria include discharges of untreated or poorly treated sewage resulting from malfunctions or overflows, and runoff that carries feces from pets or wildlife.


Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can cause damage to the brain and nervous system. Primary sources of mercury in the Willamette Basin are associated with nonpoint sources, namely the erosion of soils containing mercury and runoff from atmospherically-deposited mercury.


The primary sources of nutrients are fertilizers (nitrogen) and soil erosion (phosphorous).

Riparian management (Temperature)

In both urban and rural areas, increased solar radiation can result from removal of riparian (streamside) vegetation which reduces the amount of shade over the water and increases stream temperature.

    Riparian Model Ordinances


Frequent sources of sediment are construction sites and roads.


Stormwater management is meant to reduce many pollutants from point sources and nonpoint sources.

Land use planning

  • Model Development Code and User's Guide for Small Cities
    Developed by Oregon's Transportation and Growth Management Program at the request of Oregon's small cities. It is intended to assist small cities in updating their ordinances to be consistent with state planning policies, statutes, and administrative rules, while providing options for implementing "smart development" practices.


For basin specific information, contact the appropriate Basin Coordinator. 

Basin Coordinator List

Gene Foster
Watershed Management 