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School Safety and Emergency Management

ODE graphic for the School Safety and Emergency Management team

The mission of the Oregon Department of Education’s School Safety and Emergency Management (SSEM) program is to support the development and implementation of emergency operations plans (EOPs) in schools across the state to help improve the safety and security for all students and staff. Oregon Revised Statute 336.071  and Oregon Administrative Rule 581-022-2225  require schools to instruct and drill students on emergency procedures and maintain a comprehensive safety program that includes plans for responding to emergencies. The resources provided here will help Oregon schools plan for, train for, and respond to emergencies affecting their students and staff.

Link To Information on Wireless Panic Alarm Grant for Districts

Link To Information on RFI from Vendors for the Wireless Panic Alarm Grant

Resources for Developing High-Quality School EOPs

The links on the referred page will take you to the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance Center. They have partnered with the U.S. Dept. Of Education, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide examples, templates, interactive tools, guidelines, and training materials on emergency planning for all schools.

SSEM Contact Information

Find contact information for ODE school emergency operations planning staff or the regional emergency operations planning representative in your area. If you have questions about the program or would like information about our resources you can email us here at

Threat and Hazard Resources

The link above provides resources to help plan for specific threats and hazards that should be considered in any high-quality school EOP. Now included on that page are archived copies of our monthly newsletter, the Monthly Minute. ODE's resource page--Planning for the 2023-24 School Year--is a centralized repository of guidance and resources to address challenges associated with communicable diseases.

The Wireless Panic Alarm Grant

The Wireless Panic Alarm Grant is open to School Districts that provide services to students during the regular school year. Applicants will be processed in the order they are received. Applications must be for the purchase and installation of wireless panic alert systems during the 23-25 biennium (ending June 30th, 2025). Applicants may request grant funds for every school used by students during the school year. School Districts will be reimbursed $2,000 per school in their district.

A Request for Information (RFI) has been issued for vendors that can provide a product or service that meets the expectations of this grant. A list has been generated from this RFI. Districts are not required to use a vendor from this list. The list is provided as a reference.

Vendor Responses to RFI for Wireless Panic Alarm Grant This document includes a list of vendors that have responded to the RFI for this grant and can provide a sufficient product or service.

Recipients may use the funds for the purchase and installation of wireless panic alarms. Requirements of such a system to be eligible for reimbursement:

  • Wireless: panic alarm or system that can operate as a panic alarm must have a wireless activation feature such that a teacher or other staff member may be able to activate an alarm outside of a centralized location. The intent of such a system is so that a teacher or other staff member can activate an alarm immediately upon observation of an incident that requires emergency response so that both emergency responders are notified and the whole school can respond simultaneously.
  • Emergency Response Notification: The panic alarm system, once activated, must be capable of notifying emergency response personnel (police and/or fire) through 911 dispatch.
  • Whole School Notification: The panic alarm system must be capable of activating a school-wide alarm system or provide direct notification to the front office for the purposes of notifying the school campus of the emergency situation.

Districts that wish to apply for reimbursement or have questions about reimbursement for the purchase and installation of a wireless panic alarm system can email us here at to request a link for application.

Important Deadlines for the Wireless Panic Alarm Grant:

  • Applications for work that has not yet been done: December 1st, 2024
  • Applications for work that has already been done: April 30th, 2025
  • Last day to complete work: June 30th, 2025
  • Last day to submit claims in EGMS: August 15th, 2025

Request for Information from Vendors for the Wireless Panic Alarm Grant

This RFI is published on Oregon Buys under Bid S-58100-00010183. Link to Oregon Buys login for vendors:

This RFI will be used to identify vendors that can provide the necessary services expected under the Wireless Panic Alarm Grant. In order to aid school districts in their search for a suitable vendor, this RFI will produce a list of vendors that have proven they can provide the necessary services. This RFI will not rank order the vendors, provide information on pricing or on past performance. The list of vendors produced under this RFI will not be exclusive—meaning that a school district will not be required to choose a vendor from the list produced.

RFI Schedule:

  • RFI Issued: April 24th, 2024
  • RFI Closing (Responses Due): May 24th, 2024
  • List Released to School Districts: June 24th, 2024
  • List Posted Through: December 31st, 2024

Please feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns to the SPC at

RFI and Attachments: Please follow instructions in the materials below in order to apply.

Upcoming Events

August Training and TA Sessions

What: The School Safety and Emergency Management program is hosting two brief training events on emergency drills ahead of the new school year. These training sessions will cover the Standard Response Protocols that were developed by the I Love U Guys Foundation. Both sessions are scheduled for the same content. SSEM staff will stay on after the training is complete to answer questions and connect with school personnel who would like some follow-up assistance.

When: August 6th and 20th from 1:30pm to 2:30pm.

Who Should Attend: Any school administrator or staff member who would like training or assistance on the Standard Response Protocols.

Link to Register for Session #1: Registration page for August 6th at 1:30pm.

Link to Register for Session #2: Registration page for August 20th at 1:30pm.


September Training and TA Sessions

What: The School Safety and Emergency Management program is hosting two brief training events that will expand on how to conduct required emergency drills at the beginning of the school year. These training sessions will address special considerations such as access and functional needs considerations and how to make emergency drills practical. Both sessions in September are scheduled for the same content. SSEM staff will stay on after the training is complete to answer questions and connect with school personnel who would like some follow-up assistance.

When: September 3rd and 17th from 1:30pm to 2:30pm.

Who Should Attend: Any school administrator or staff member who would like training or assistance on special considerations for emergency drills and how to practically apply drills for improved school emergency preparedness.

Link to Register for Session #1: Registration page for September 3rd at 1:30pm.

Link to Register for Session #2: Registration page for September 17th at 1:30pm.