Oregon defines the states of career development through a system of Career Connected Learning—a framework of career awareness, exploration, preparation, and training that is both learner-relevant and directly linked to professional and industry-based expectations.
The CCL framework encompasses four key stages:
- Career Awareness—learning ABOUT work
- Career Exploration—learning FOR work
- Career Preparation—learning THROUGH work
- Career Training—learning AT work
Oregon has invested ESSER Funds to develop a Career Connected Learning program that builds supports and resources around the four key stages of CCL.
CCL Systems Network
Beth Molenkamp is the Career Connected Learning Coordinator at ODE, and
Eric Juenemann is the Career Connected Learning Specialist at the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC). Beth and Eric are responsible for CCL grant management, facilitation of the network of CCL Systems Navigators, and cross-agency collaboration.
Susan Samek is the Career Connected Learning Tribal Liaison. The liaison role is to work closely with the nine federally recognized tribes in Oregon to collaborate on Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Career Connected Learning opportunities, programs, and grants that support American Indian/Alaska Native students.
Please contact Beth Molenkamp, Susan Samek or Eric Juenemann with questions regarding statewide support.
Career Connected Learning System Navigators
Oregon has developed a network of Career Connected Learning System Navigators (CCLSN) who support the work of Career Connected Learning. Housed at each of Oregon's community colleges, the CCLSNs work to maximize CCL efforts in their region and foster partnership with a goal of expanding opportunities for students and engaging all interested parties in the region. If you have an idea for a CCL opportunity, or would like to work alongside your regional CCL System Navigator, their contact information follows:
Blue Mountain Community College -
Annie Claus
Central Oregon Community College - Leigh Church
Chemeketa Community College -
Katie Castillo
Clackamas Community College -
Tom Brown
Clatsop Community College - Vacant
Columbia Gorge Community College -
Dylan McManus
Klamath Community College -
Beth Stiller
Lane Community College - Tami Hill
Linn-Benton Community College -
Deron Fort
Mt. Hood Community College -
Katie Dirkswager
Oregon Coast Community College -
Matt Batchelor
Portland Community College - Naomi Brown
Rogue Community College - Raelyn Horton
Southwest Oregon Community College - Vacant
Tillamook Bay Community College - Vacant
Treasure Valley Community College -
Millie Padilla
Umpqua Community College - Aaron Towne
The following links provide additional information and resources: