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Oregon Health Authority

Deaths and Perinatal Deaths Data

Annual Report Volume 2 Archive Index

Until 2017, the Vital Statistics Annual Report was issued in two volumes. Volume 2 presented data on deaths (all ages) and perinatal deaths. See Volume 1 for data on births, induced terminations of pregnancy, and teen pregnancy from 1995-2017.

Final vital statistics data after 2017 are available as interactive data dashboardsA limited number of data tables presented in the annual report can be found below.

See Death Data Maps for county level maps.

All files are Adobe Reader (PDF) format.


2022 Vital Statistics Legacy Tables​

  • Ta​ble 1.  Deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, by county of residence, Oregon, 2022
  • Table 2.  Infant deaths by age and county of residence, Oregon, 2022
  • Table 3.  Deaths by age, sex, and county of residence, Oregon residents, 2022
  • Table 4.  Deaths by race, ethnicity, and county of residence, Oregon, 2022
  • Table 5.  Deaths due to firearms by manner, sex, age, race/ethnicity, county of residence, and weapon type, Oregon residents, 2022
  • Table 6.  Tobacco-linked deaths by cause of death, Oregon residents, 2022
  • Table 7.  Tobacco-linked deaths by county of residence, Oregon residents, 2022
  • Table 8.  Deaths by disposal of remains and county of residence, Oregon occurrences, 2022
  • Table 9.  Term fetal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2022
  • Table 10.​  Term early neonatal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, preliminary 2022 birth cohort
  • Table 11.  Life expectancy at birth and remaining years at selected ages by county and sex, Oregon residents, 2018-2022

2021 Vital Statistics Legacy Tables​

  • Ta​ble 1.  Deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, by county of residence, Oregon, 2021
  • Table 2.  Infant deaths by age and county of residence, Oregon, 2021
  • Table 3.  Deaths by age, sex, and county of residence, Oregon residents, 2021
  • Table 4.  Deaths by race, ethnicity, and county of residence, Oregon, 2021
  • Table 5.  Deaths due to firearms by manner, sex, age, race/ethnicity, county of residence, and weapon type, Oregon residents, 2021
  • Table 6.  Tobacco-linked deaths by cause of death, Oregon residents, 2021
  • Table 7.  Tobacco-linked deaths by county of residence, Oregon residents, 2021
  • Table 8.  Deaths by disposal of remains and county of residence, Oregon occurrences, 2021
  • Table 9.  Term fetal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2021
  • Table 10.​  Term early neonatal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, preliminary 2021 birth cohort
  • Table 11.  Life expectancy at birth and remaining years at selected ages by county and sex, Oregon residents, 2017-2021

2020 Vital Statistics Legacy Tables

  • Table 1.  Deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, by county of residence, Oregon, 2020
  • Table 2.  Infant deaths by age and county of residence, Oregon, 2020
  • Table 3.  Deaths by age, sex, and county of residence, Oregon residents, 2020
  • Table 4.  Deaths by race, ethnicity, and county of residence, Oregon, 2020
  • Table 5.  Deaths due to firearms by manner, sex, age, race/ethnicity, county of residence, and weapon type, Oregon residents, 2020
  • Table 6.  Tobacco-linked deaths by cause of death, Oregon residents, 2020
  • Table 7.  Tobacco-linked deaths by county of residence, Oregon residents, 2020
  • Table 8.  Deaths by disposal of remains and county of residence, Oregon occurrences, 2020
  • Table 9.  Term fetal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2020
  • Table 10.​  Term early neonatal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, preliminary 2020 birth cohort
  • Table 11.  Life expectancy at birth and remaining years at selected ages by county and sex, Oregon residents, 2016-2020​

2019 Vital Statistics Legacy Tables

  • Table 1.  Deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, by county of residence, Oregon, 2019
  • Table 2.  Infant deaths by age and county of residence, Oregon, 2019
  • Table 3.  Deaths by age, sex, and county of residence, Oregon residents, 2019
  • Table 4.  Deaths by race, ethnicity, and county of residence, Oregon, 2019
  • Table 5.  Deaths due to firearms by manner, sex, age, race/ethnicity, county of residence, and weapon type, Oregon residents, 2019
  • Table 6.  Tobacco-linked deaths by cause of death, Oregon residents, 2019
  • Table 7.  Tobacco-linked deaths by county of residence, Oregon residents, 2019
  • Table 8.  Deaths by disposal of remains and county of residence, Oregon occurrences, 2019
  • Table 9.  Term fetal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2019
  • Table 10. Term early neonatal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, preliminary 2019 birth cohort
  • Table 11. Life expectancy at birth and remaining years at selected ages by county and sex, Oregon residents, 2015-2019

2018 Vital Statistics Legacy Tables

  • Table 1.  Deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, by county of residence, Oregon, 2018
  • Table 2.  Infant deaths by age and county of residence, Oregon, 2018
  • Table 3.  Leading causes of death for males and females by rank order, number, rate, percent, and median age at death, Oregon residents, 2018
  • Table 4.  Leading causes of death by age group and sex, Oregon residents, 2018
  • Table 5.  Number of deaths from selected causes by age and sex, Oregon residents, 2018
  • Table 6.  Death rates for selected causes by age (total, male, and female), Oregon residents, 2018
  • Table 7.  Fatal overdoses and poisonings by manner, type, sex, and age, Oregon residents, 2018
  • Table 8.  Deaths by age, sex, and county of residence, Oregon, 2018
  • Table 9.  Deaths by race, ethnicity, and county of residence, Oregon, 2018
  • Table 10. Selected causes of death by county, Oregon residents, 2018
  • Table 11. Deaths due to firearms by manner, sex, age, race/ethnicity, county of residence, and weapon type, Oregon residents, 2018
  • Table 12. Deaths by disposal of remains and county of residence, Oregon occurrences, 2018
  • Table 13. Tobacco-linked deaths by cause of death, Oregon residents, 2018
  • Table 14. Tobacco-linked deaths by county of residence, Oregon residents, 2018
  • Table 15. Term fetal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2018
  • Table 16. Term early neonatal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, preliminary 2018 birth cohort
  • Table 17. Life expectancy at birth and remaining years at selected ages by county and sex, Oregon residents, 2014-2018​

NOTE: All documents are in PDF format.

Items are posted as they become available.


Chapter 5. Quick Reference (All tables)

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, maternal deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, U.S., 1945-2016
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, maternal deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, Oregon, 1910-2017
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, by county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 5-4. Population and deaths by city of residence, Oregon, 2017

Chapter 6. MORTALITY

Chapter 6. Mortality (All tables)

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific death rates by sex, Oregon residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010-2017
  • Table 6-2. Leading causes of death for males and females by rank order, number, rate, percent, and median age at death, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-3. Selected leading causes of death with rates, Oregon residents, 1998-2017
  • Table 6-4. Leading causes of death by age group and sex, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-5. Deaths by marital status, sex, and age, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-6. Number of deaths from selected causes by age and sex, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-7. Death rates for selected causes by age (total, male, and female), Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-8. Number of deaths by cause and month of death, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by age, single mention race, and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by age, race (any mention), and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-11. Deaths by cause, single mention race, and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-12. Deaths by cause, race (any mention), and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-13. Years of potential life lost before age 75 from the leading causes of death, by year, Oregon residents, 2003-2017
  • Table 6-14. Years of potential life lost by cause and sex, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-15. Median age at death by year and cause, Oregon residents, 2003-2017
  • Table 6-16. Selected causes of death among infants, children, and adolescents, by age, Oregon residents less than 20 years old, 2017
  • Table 6-17. Deaths due to alcohol or drugs by sex, age, race/ethnicity, and educational attainment, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-18. Deaths due to alcohol or drugs by county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked deaths by sex, age, and education, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-20. Tobacco-linked deaths by cause of death, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-21. Tobacco-linked deaths by county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 6-22. Selected causes of death among adult males by veteran status and age, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-23. Selected causes of death among adult males by veteran and combat status and age, Oregon occurrence, 2015-2017
  • Table 6-24. Injury deaths by intent, mechanism of injury, and age, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-25. Injury death rates by intent, mechanism of injury, and age, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-26. Injury deaths and crude death rates by mechanism and intent, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-27. Unintentional deaths by type or source of injury, age, and sex, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-28. Unintentional fatal falls by type or source, age, and sex, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-29. Decedent's mode of travel by collision type for land transport-related deaths, Oregon occurrence injuries, 2017
  • Table 6-30. Fatal motor vehicle injuries by age, sex, and occupant and traffic status, Oregon occurrence injuries, 2017
  • Table 6-31. Traffic accidents by decedent's mode of transport, sex, and age, Oregon occurrence injuries, 2017
  • Table 6-32. Unintentional deaths due to drownings by sex, age, county of injury, and circumstances of drowning, Oregon occurrence injuries, 2017
  • Table 6-33. Deaths from suicide, homicide, legal intervention, and undetermined intent external causes by age, sex, and method, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-34. Deaths due to firearms by manner, sex, age, race/ethnicity, county of residence, and weapon type, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-35. Fatal overdoses and poisonings by manner, type, sex, and age, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-36. Leading causes of death by county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 6-37. Deaths by age, sex, and county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 6-38. Years of potential life lost before age 75 by cause and county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 6-39. Median age at death by sex and county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 6-40. Deaths by race, ethnicity, and county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 6-41. Selected causes of death for Portland, Salem, and Eugene, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-42. Selected causes of death by county, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-43. All deaths and medical examiner's cases by county of occurrence, autopsy status, and manner of death, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 6-44. Oregon occurrence deaths by disposal of remains and county of residence, 2017
  • Table 6-45. Unintentional injury deaths for selected causes by county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 6-46. Unintentional injury deaths for selected causes by county of injury, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 6-47. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes, Oregon residents, 2013-2017
  • Table 6-48. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes by county/geographic region, Oregon residents, 2015-2017
  • Table 6-49. Selected causes of death for the residents of Oregon's largest cities, 2017
  • Table 6-50. Oregon deaths resulting from injuries occurring while at work by sex, age, manner, place, weekday, and time, 2017
  • Table 6-51. Causes mentioned on the death certificate but which were not the underlying cause of death, by county of residence, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-52. Causes mentioned on the death certificate but which were not the underlying cause of death, by sex and age, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-53. Place of death by sex, age, and selected causes of death, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 6-54. Crude death rates for selected leading causes of mortality, United States, 2001-2015
  • Table 6-55. Age-adjusted death rates for residents of Oregon and the United States for leading causes of death, 2016
  • Table 6-56. Highest and lowest age-adjusted death rates by state, 2016
  • Table 6-57. Life expectancy at birth and remaining years at selected ages by county and sex, Oregon residents, 2013-2017
  • Table 6-58. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes of death, Oregon and United States residents, 2002-2016


Chapter 7. Infant and fetal mortality (All tables)

  • Table 7-1. Infant deaths by age and county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 7-2. Infant deaths by cause and age, Oregon residents, death cohort 2017
  • Table 7-3. Fetal deaths by age of mother and county of residence, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 7-4. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and cause of death, Oregon, 2017
  • Table 7-5. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and age of mother, Oregon residents, 2017
  • Table 7-6. Births by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 7-7. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 7-8. Early neonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2016
  • Table 7-9. Late neonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2016
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2016
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal deaths by birthweight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2016
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal deaths by birthweight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2014-2016
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal death rates by county of residence, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2016
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal death rates by county of residence, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2014-2016
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal death rates by maternal characteristics, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2016
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal death rates by maternal characteristics, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2014-2016
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, postneonatal, and infant death rates by maternal characteristics, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2016
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, postneonatal, and infant death rates by maternal characteristics, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2014-2016
  • Table 7-19. Term fetal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2017
  • Table 7-20. Term early neonatal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, preliminary 2017 birth cohort
  • Table 7-21. Fetal deaths by maternal characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2015-2017
  • Table 7-22. Early neonatal deaths by maternal characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, preliminary 2015-2017 birth cohort


Appendix A. Population
Appendix B. Technical notes
Appendix C. List of figures and tables
Appendix D. Sample forms

NOTE: All documents are in PDF format.

LATEST UPDATE: Complete report posted 9/26/2018.​


Chapter 5. Quick reference (All tables)
Quick reference guide

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, maternal deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, U.S., 1945-2015
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, maternal deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, Oregon, 1910-2016
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, by county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 5-4. Population and deaths by city of residence, Oregon, 2016

Chapter 6. MORTALITY

Chapter 6. Mortality (All tables)

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific death rates by sex, Oregon residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010-2016
  • Table 6-2. Leading causes of death for males and females by rank order, number, rate, percent, and median age at death, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-3. Selected leading causes of death with rates, Oregon residents, 1997-2016
  • Table 6-4. Leading causes o​f death by age group and sex, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-5. Deaths by marital status, sex, and age, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-6. Number of deaths from selected causes by age and sex, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-7. Death rates for selected causes by age (total, male, and female), Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-8. Number of deaths by cause and month of death, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by age, single mention race, and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by age, race (any mention), and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-11. Deaths by cause, single mention race, and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-12. Deaths by cause, race (any mention), and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-13. Years of potential life lost before age 75 from the leading causes of death, by year, Oregon residents, 2002-2016
  • Table 6-14. Years of potential life lost by cause and sex, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-15. Median age at death by year and cause, Oregon residents, 2002-2016
  • Table 6-16. Selected causes of death among infants, children, and adolescents, by age, Oregon residents less than 20 years old, 2016
  • Table 6-17. Deaths due to alcohol or drugs by sex, age, race/ethnicity, and educational attainment, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-18. Deaths due to alcohol or drugs by county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked deaths by sex, age, and education, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-20. Tobacco-linked deaths by cause of death, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-21. Tobacco-linked deaths by county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 6-22. Selected causes of death among adult males by veteran status and age, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-23. Selected causes of death among adult males by veteran and combat status and age, Oregon occurrence, 2014-2016
  • Table 6-24. Injury deaths by intent, mechanism of injury, and age, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-25. Injury death rates by intent, mechanism of injury, and age, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-26. Injury deaths and crude death rates by mechanism and intent, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-27. Unintentional deaths by type or source of injury, age, and sex, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-28. Unintentional fatal falls by type or source, age, and sex, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-29. Decedent's mode of travel by collision type for land transport-related deaths, Oregon occurrence injuries, 2016
  • Table 6-30. Fatal motor vehicle injuries by age, sex, and occupant and traffic status, Oregon occurrence injuries, 2016
  • Table 6-31. Traffic accidents by decedent's mode of transport, sex, and age, Oregon occurrence injuries, 2016
  • Table 6-32. Unintentional deaths due to drownings by sex, age, county of injury, and circumstances of drowning, Oregon occurrence injuries, 2016
  • Table 6-33. Deaths from suicide, homicide, legal intervention, and undetermined intent external causes by age, sex, and method, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-34. Deaths due to firearms by manner, sex, age, race/ethnicity, county of residence, and weapon type, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-35. Fatal overdoses and poisonings by manner, type, sex, and age, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-36. Leading causes of death by county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 6-37. Deaths by age, sex, and county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 6-38. Years of potential life lost before age 75 by cause and county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 6-39. Median age at death by sex and county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 6-40. Deaths by race, ethnicity, and county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 6-41. Selected causes of death for Portland, Salem, and Eugene, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-42. Selected causes of death by county, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-43. All deaths and medical examiner's cases by county of occurrence, autopsy status, and manner of death, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 6-44. Oregon occurrence deaths by disposal of remains and county of residence, 2016
  • Table 6-45. Unintentional injury deaths for selected causes by county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 6-46. Unintentional injury deaths for selected causes by county of injury, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 6-47. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes, Oregon residents, 2012-2016
  • Table 6-48. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes by county/geographic region, Oregon residents, 2014-2016
  • Table 6-49. Selected causes of death for the residents of Oregon's largest cities, 2016
  • Table 6-50. Oregon deaths resulting from injuries occurring while at work by sex, age, manner, place, weekday, and time, 2016
  • Table 6-51. Causes mentioned on the death certificate but which were not the underlying cause of death, by county of residence, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-52. Causes mentioned on the death certificate but which were not the underlying cause of death, by sex and age, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-53. Place of death by sex, age, and selected causes of death, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 6-54. Crude death rates for selected leading causes of mortality, United States, 2001-2015
  • Table 6-55. Age-adjusted death rates for residents of Oregon and the United States for leading causes of death, 2015
  • Table 6-56. Highest and lowest age-adjusted death rates by state, 2015
  • Table 6-57. Life expectancy at birth and remaining years at selected ages by county and sex, Oregon residents, 2012-2016
  • Table 6-58. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes of death, Oregon and United States residents, 2001-2015


Chapter 7. Infant and fetal mortality (All tables)

  • Table 7-1. Infant deaths by age and county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 7-2. Infant deaths by cause and age, Oregon residents, death cohort 2016
  • Table 7-3. Fetal deaths by age of mother and county of residence, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 7-4. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and cause of death, Oregon, 2016
  • Table 7-5. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and age of mother, Oregon residents, 2016
  • Table 7-6. Births by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 7-7. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 7-8. Early neonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2015
  • Table 7-9. Late neonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2015
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2015
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal deaths by birthweight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2015
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal deaths by birthweight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2013-2015
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal death rates by county of residence, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2015
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal death rates by county of residence, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2013-2015
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal death rates by maternal characteristics, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2015
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal death rates by maternal characteristics, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2013-2015
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, postneonatal, and infant death rates by maternal characteristics, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2015
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, postneonatal, and infant death rates by maternal characteristics, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2013-2015
  • Table 7-19. Term fetal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2016
  • Table ​7-20. Term early neonatal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, preliminary 2016 birth cohort
  • Table 7-21. Fetal deaths by maternal characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2014-2016
  • Table 7-22. Early neonatal deaths by maternal characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, preliminary 2014-2016 birth cohort


Appendix A. Population
Appendix B. Technical notes
Appendix C. List of figures and tables
Appendix D. Sample forms


NOTE: All items are in PDF format.


Quick Reference: Summary of Oregon vital events, 2015

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, maternal deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, U.S., 1945-2014
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, maternal deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, Oregon, 1910-2015
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, by county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 5-4. Population and deaths by city of residence, Oregon, 2015

Chapter 6. MORTALITY

Narrative: Chapter 6: Mortality

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific death rates by sex, Oregon residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2009-2015
  • Table 6-2. Leading causes of death for males and females by rank order, number, rate, percent, and median age at death, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-3. Selected leading causes of death with rates, Oregon residents, 1996-2015
  • Table 6-4. Leading causes of death by age group and sex, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-5. Deaths by marital status, sex, and age, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-6. Number of deaths from selected causes by age and sex, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-7. Death rates for selected causes by age (total, male, and female), Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-8. Number of deaths by cause and month of death, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by age, single mention race, and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by age, race (any mention), and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-11. Deaths by cause, single mention race and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-12. Deaths by cause, race (any mention) and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-13. Years of potential life lost before age 75 from the leading causes of death, by year, Oregon residents, 2001-2015
  • Table 6-14. Years of potential life lost by cause and sex, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-15. Median age at death by year and cause, Oregon residents, 2001-2015
  • Table 6-16. Selected causes of death among infants, children, and adolescents, by age, Oregon residents less than 20 years old, 2015
  • Table 6-17. Deaths due to alcohol or drugs by sex, age, race/ethnicity, and educational attainment, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-18. Deaths due to alcohol or drugs by county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked deaths by sex, age, and education, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-20. Tobacco-linked deaths by cause of death, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-21. Tobacco-linked deaths by county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 6-22. Selected causes of death among males by veteran status and age, Oregon residents age 18 years and older, 2015
  • Table 6-23. Selected causes of death among adult males by veteran and combat status, and age, Oregon occurrence, 2013-2015
  • Table 6-24. Number of injury deaths by intent, mechanism of injury, and age, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-25. Injury death rates by intent, mechanism of injury, and age, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-26. Number of injury deaths and crude death rate by mechanism and intent, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-27. Unintentional deaths by type or source of injury, age, and sex, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-28. Unintentional fatal falls by type or source, age, and sex, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-29. Decedent's mode of travel by collision type for land transport-related deaths occurring in Oregon, 2015
  • Table 6-30. Fatal motor vehicle injuries occurring in Oregon by age, sex, and occupant and traffic status, 2015
  • Table 6-31. Traffic accidents by victim's mode of transport, sex, and age, Oregon occurrence deaths, 2015
  • Table 6-32. Unintentional deaths due to drowning occurring in Oregon, by sex, age, county of injury, and circumstances of drowning, 2015
  • Table 6-33. Deaths from suicide, homicide, legal intervention, and external causes undetermined whether unintentionally or purposely inflicted, by age, sex, and method, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-34. Deaths due to firearms by manner, sex, age, race/ethnicity, county of residence, and weapon type, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-35. Fatal overdoses and poisonings by manner, type, sex, and age, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-36. Leading causes of death by county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 6-37. Deaths by age, sex, and county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 6-38. Years of potential life lost before age 75 by cause and county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 6-39. Median age at death by sex and county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 6-40. Deaths by race, ethnicity, and county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 6-41. Selected causes of death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-42. Selected causes of death by county, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-43. All deaths and medical examiner's cases by county of occurrence, autopsy status, and manner of death, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 6-44. Deaths occurring in Oregon by disposal of remains and county of residence, 2015
  • Table 6-45. Unintentional injury deaths for selected causes by county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 6-46. Unintentional injury deaths for selected causes by county of occurrence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 6-47. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes, Oregon residents, 2011-2015
  • Table 6-48. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes by county/geographic region, Oregon residents, 2013-2015
  • Table 6-49. Selected causes of death for the residents of Oregon's largest cities, 2015
  • Table 6-50. Oregon deaths resulting from injuries occurring while at work by sex, age, manner, place, weekday, and time, 2015
  • Table 6-51. Causes mentioned on the death certificate but which were not the underlying cause of death, by county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 6-52. Causes mentioned on the death certificate but which were not the underlying cause of death, by sex and age, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 6-53. Place of death by sex, age, and selected causes of death, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 6-54. Crude death rates for selected leading causes of mortality, United States, 2000-2014
  • Table 6-55. Age-adjusted death rates for residents of Oregon and the United States for the leading causes of death, 2014
  • Table 6-56. Highest and lowest age-adjusted death rates by state, 2014
  • Table 6-57. Life expectancy at birth and remaining years at selected ages by county and sex, Oregon residents, 2011-2015
  • Table 6-58. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes of death, by year, Oregon residents and the US, 2000-2014


Narrative: Chapter 7: Infant and fetal mortality
  • Table 7-1. Infant deaths by age and county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 7-2. Infant deaths by cause and age, Oregon residents, death cohort 2015
  • Table 7-3. Fetal deaths by age of mother and county of residence, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 7-4. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and cause of death, Oregon, 2015
  • Table 7-5. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and age of mother, Oregon residents, 2015
  • Table 7-6. Births by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 7-7. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 7-8. Early neonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2014
  • Table 7-9. Late neonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2014
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2014
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal deaths by birthweight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2014
  • Tab​le 7-12. Neonatal deaths by birthweight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2012-2014
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal death rates by county of residence, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2014
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal death rates by county of residence, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2012-2014
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal death rates by maternal characteristics, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2014
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal death rates by maternal characteristics, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2012-2014
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, postneonatal and infant death rates by maternal characteristics, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2014
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, postneonatal and infant death rates by maternal characteristics, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2012-2014
  • Table 7-19. Term fetal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2015
  • Table 7-20. Term early neonatal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, preliminary 2015 birth cohort
  • Table 7-21. Fetal deaths by maternal characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2013-2015
  • Table 7-22. Early neonatal deaths by maternal characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, preliminary 2013-2015 birth cohort



Appendix A. Population
Appendix B. Technical notes
Appendix C. List of figures and tables
Appendix D. Sample forms

All files are PDF format

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference: Summary of Oregon vital events, 2014

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, maternal deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, U.S., 1945-2012
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, maternal deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, Oregon, 1910-2014
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, by county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 5-4. Population and deaths by city of residence, Oregon, 2014

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative: Chapter 6: Mortality

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific death Rates by sex, Oregon residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2008-2014
  • Table 6-2. Leading causes of death by rank order for resident males and females, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-3. Selected leading causes of death with rates, Oregon residents, 1995-2014
  • Table 6-4. The five leading causes of death by age, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-5. Deaths by marital status, sex, and age, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-6. Number of deaths from selected causes by age and sex, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-7. Death rates for selected causes by age (total, male, and female), Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-8. Number of deaths by cause and month of death, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by age, singleton race, and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by age, multiple race, and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-11. Deaths by cause, singleton race/ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-12. Deaths by cause, multiple race/ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-13. Years of potential life lost before age 75 from the leading causes of death, by year, Oregon residents, 2000-2014
  • Table 6-14. Years of potential life lost by cause and sex, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-15.Median age at death by year and cause, Oregon residents, 2000-2014
  • Table 6-16. Selected causes of death among infants, children, and adolescents, by age, Oregon residents less than 20 years old, 2014
  • Table 6-17.Deaths due to alcohol or drugs by sex, age, race/ethnicity, and educational attainment, Oregon residents, 2014
    Table 6-18. Deaths due to alcohol or drugs by county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked deaths by sex, age, and education, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-20. Tobacco-linked deaths by cause of death, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-21. Tobacco-linked deaths by county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-22. Selected cause of death among males, by veterans status and age, Oregon resident greater than 17 years old, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-23. Selected causes of death among adult males, by veterans and combat status, and age Oregon occurrence, 2012-14
  • Table 6-24. Number of injury deaths by intent, mechanism of injury, and age, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-25. Injury death rates by intent, mechanism of injury, and age, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-26. Number of injury deaths and crude death rate by mechanism and intent, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-27. Unintentional deaths by type or source of injury, age groups, and sex, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-28. Unintentional fatal falls by type or source, age groups, and sex, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-29. Decedent's mode of travel by collision type for land transport-related deaths occurring in Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-30. Fatal motor vehicle injuries occurring in Oregon by age, sex, and occupant and traffic status, 2014
  • Table 6-31. Traffic accidents by victim's mode of transport, sex, and age, Oregon occurrence deaths, 2014
  • Table 6-32. Unintentional deaths due to drowning occurring in Oregon, by sex, age, county of injury, and circumstances of drowning, 2014
  • Table 6-33. Deaths from suicide, homicide, legal intervention, and external causes undetermined whether unintentionally or purposely inflicted, by age, sex, and method, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-34. Deaths due to firearms by manner, sex, age, race/ethnicity, county of residence, and weapon type, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-35. Fatal overdoses and poisonings by manner, type, sex, age groups, race/ethnicity, and selected counties of residence, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-36. Leading causes of death by county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-37. Deaths by age, sex, and county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-38. Years of potential life lost before age 75 by cause and county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-39. Median age at death by sex and county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-40. Deaths by race, ethnicity, and county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-41. Selected causes of death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-42. Selected causes of death by county, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-43. All deaths and medical examiner's cases by county of occurrence, autopsy status, and manner of death, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-44. Deaths occurring in Oregon by disposal of remains and county of residence, 2014
  • Table 6-45. Unintentional injury deaths for selected causes by county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-46. Unintentional injury deaths for selected causes by county of occurrence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-47. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes, Oregon residents, 2010-2014
  • Table 6-48. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes by county/geographic region, Oregon residents, 2012-2014
  • Table 6-49. Selected causes of death for the residents of Oregon's largest cities, 2014
  • Table 6-50. Oregon deaths resulting from injuries occurring while at work by sex, age, manner, place, weekday, and Time, 2014
  • Table 6-51. Causes mentioned on the death certificate but which were not the underlying cause of death, by county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-52. Causes mentioned on the death certificate but which were not the underlying cause of death, by sex and age, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 6-53. Place of death by sex, age, and selected causes of death, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 6-54. Crude death rates for selected leading causes of mortality, United States, 1999-2013
  • Table 6-55. Age-adjusted death rates for residents of Oregon and the United States for the leading causes of death, 2013
  • Table 6-56. Highest and lowest age-adjusted death rates by state, 2013
  • Table 6-57. Life expectancy at birth and remaining years at selected ages by county and sex, Oregon residents, 2010-2014
  • Table 6-58. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes of death, by year, Oregon residents and the US, 1999-2013

Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

PDF DocumentNarrative: Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality

  • Table 7-1. Infant deaths by age and county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 7-2. Infant deaths by cause and age, Oregon residents, death cohort 2014
  • Table 7-3. Fetal deaths by age of mother and county of residence, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 7-4. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and cause of death, Oregon, 2014
  • Table 7-5. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and age of mother, Oregon residents, 2014
  • Table 7-6. Births by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 7-7. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 7-8. Early neonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2013
  • Table 7-9. Late neonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents,birth cohort 2013
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2013
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal deaths by birthweight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2013
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal deaths by birthweight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2011-2013
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal death rates by county of residence, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2013
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal death rates by county of residence, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2011-2013
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal death rates by mother's risk factors, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2013
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal death rates by mother's risk factors, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2011-2013
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, postneonatal and infant death rates by mother's risk factors, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2013
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, postneonatal and infant death rates by mother's risk factors, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2011-2013
  • Table 7-19. Term fetal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2014
  • Table 7-20. Term early neonatal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, preliminary 2014 birth cohort
  • Table 7-21. Fetal deaths by maternal characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2012-2014
  • Table 7-22. Early neonatal deaths by maternal characteristics by planned place of birth, Oregon Occurrence, preliminary 2012-2014 birth cohort


Appendix A. Population

Appendix B. Technical notes

Appendix C. List of figures and tables

Appendix D. Sample forms

All files are PDF format

NOTE: Chapter 8: YOUTH SUICIDE ATTEMPTS of the Annual Report is now reported in the Suicide, Suicide Attempts, and Ideation among Adolescents in Oregon report, published by the Injury Prevention Program. See the Adolescent Suicide Attempt Data System for the most recent report.

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference: Summary of Oregon vital events, 2013.

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, maternal deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, U.S., 1945-2011
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, maternal deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, Oregon, 1910-2013
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, infant deaths, neonatal deaths, and fetal deaths, by county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 5-4. Population and deaths by city of residence, Oregon, 2013

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality.

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific death Rates by sex, Oregon residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2007-2013
  • Table 6-2.Leading causes of death by rank order for resident males and females, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-3. Selected leading causes of death with rates, Oregon residents, 1994-2013
  • Table 6-4. The five leading causes of death by age, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-5. Deaths by marital status, sex, and age, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-6. Number of deaths from selected causes by age and sex, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-7. Death rates for selected causes by age (total, male, and female), Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-8. Number of deaths by cause and month of death, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by age, singleton race, and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by age, multiple race, and ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-11. Deaths by cause, singleton race/ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-12. Deaths by cause, multiple race/ethnicity, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-13. Years of potential life lost before age 75 from the leading causes of death, by year, Oregon residents, 1999-2013
  • Table 6-14. Years of potential life lost by cause and sex, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-15. Median age at death by year and cause, Oregon residents, 1999-2013
  • Table 6-16.Selected causes of death among infants, children, and adolescents, by age, Oregon residents less than 20 years old, 2013
  • Table 6-17. Deaths due to alcohol or drugs by sex, age, race/ethnicity, and educational attainment, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-18. Deaths due to alcohol or drugs by county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked deaths by sex, age, and education, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-20.Tobacco-linked deaths by cause of death, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-21. Tobacco-linked deaths by county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-22. Selected cause of death among males, by veterans status and age, Oregon resident greater than 17 years old, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-23. Number of injury deaths by intent, mechanism of injury, and age, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-24. Injury death rates by intent, mechanism of injury, and age, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-25. Number of injury deaths and crude death rate by mechanism and intent, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-26. Unintentional deaths by type or source of injury, age groups, and sex, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-27. Unintentional fatal falls by type or source, age groups, and sex, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-28. Decedent's mode of travel by collision type for land transport-related deaths occurring in Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-29. Fatal motor vehicle injuries occurring in Oregon by age, sex, and occupant and traffic status, 2013
  • Table 6-30. Traffic accidents by victim's mode of transport, sex, and age, Oregon occurrence deaths, 2013
  • Table 6-31. Unintentional deaths due to drowning occurring in Oregon, by sex, age, county of injury, and circumstances of drowning, 2013
  • Table 6-32.Deaths from suicide, homicide, legal intervention, and external causes undetermined whether unintentionally or purposely inflicted, by age, sex, and method, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-33. Deaths due to firearms by manner, sex, age, race/ethnicity, county of residence, and weapon type, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-34. Fatal overdoses and poisonings by manner, type, sex, age groups, race/ethnicity, and selected counties of residence, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-35. Leading causes of death by county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by age, sex, and county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-37. Years of potential life lost before age 75 by cause and county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-38. Median age at death by sex and county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-39. Deaths by race, ethnicity, and county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-40. Selected causes of death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-41. Selected causes of death by county, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-42. All deaths and medical examiner's cases by county of occurrence, autopsy status, and manner of death, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-43. Deaths occurring in Oregon by disposal of remains and county of residence, 2013
  • Table 6-44. Unintentional injury deaths for selected causes by county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-45. Unintentional injury deaths for selected causes by county of occurrence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-46. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes, Oregon residents, 2009-2013
  • Table 6-47. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes by county/geographic region, Oregon residents, 2011-2013
  • Table 6-48. Selected causes of death for the residents of Oregon's largest cities, 2013
  • Table 6-49. Oregon deaths resulting from injuries occurring while at work by sex, age, manner, place, weekday, and Time, 2013
  • Table 6-50. Causes mentioned on the death certificate but which were not the underlying cause of death, by county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-51. Causes mentioned on the death certificate but which were not the underlying cause of death, by sex and age, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 6-52. Place of death by sex, age, and selected causes of death, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 6-53. Crude death rates for selected leading causes of mortality, United States, 1997-2011
  • Table 6-54. Age-adjusted death rates for residents of Oregon and the United States for the leading causes of death, 2011
  • Table 6-55. Highest and lowest age-adjusted death rates by state, 2011
  • Table 6-56. Life expectancy at birth and remaining years at selected ages by county and sex, Oregon residents, 2009-2013
  • Table 6-57. Age-adjusted death rates for selected causes of death, by year, Oregon residents and the US, 1997-2011

Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality.

  • Table 7-1.Infant deaths by age and county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 7-2. Infant deaths by cause and age, Oregon residents, death Cohort 2013
  • Table 7-3. Fetal deaths by age of mother and county of residence, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 7-4. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and cause of death, Oregon, 2013
  • Table 7-5. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and age of mother, Oregon residents, 2013
  • Table 7-6. Births by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, 2012
  • Table 7-7. Fetal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, 2012
  • Table 7-8. Early neonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2012
  • Table 7-9.Late neonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents,birth cohort 2012
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal deaths by weeks of gestation and weight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2012
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal deaths by birthweight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2012
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal deaths by birthweight, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2010 - 2012
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal death rates by county of residence, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2012
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal death rates by county of residence, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2010 - 2012
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal death rates by mother's risk factors, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2012
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal death rates by mother's risk factors, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2010- 2012
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, postneonatal and infant death rates by mother's risk factors, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2012
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, postneonatal and infant death rates by mother's risk factors, Oregon residents, birth cohort 2010- 2012
  • Table 7-19.Term fetal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, 2013
  • Table 7-20.Term early neonatal deaths by planned attendant and planned place of birth, Oregon occurrence, preliminary 2013 birth cohort


Appendix A. Population

Appendix B. Technical notes

Appendix C. List of figures and tables

Appendix D. Sample forms

All files are PDF format

NOTE: Chapter 8: YOUTH SUICIDE ATTEMPTS of the Annual Report is now reported in the Suicide, Suicide Attempts, and Ideation among Adolescents in Oregon report, published by the Injury Prevention Program. See the Adolescent Suicide Attempt Data System for the most recent report.

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Narrative - Chapter 5

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-2010
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1910-2012
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, by County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 5-4. Population and Deaths by City of Residence, Oregon, 2012

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality.

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2006-2012
  • Table 6-2.Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1993-2012
  • Table 6-4. The Five Leading Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-7. Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age (Total, Male, and Female), Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Singleton Race, and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Age, Multiple Race, and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-11. Deaths by Cause, Singleton Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-12. Deaths by Cause, Multiple Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-13. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 75 from the Leading Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents, 1998-2012
  • Table 6-14. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-15. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1998-2012
  • Table 6-16.  Selected Causes of Death among Infants, Children, and Adolescents, by Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 2012
  • Table 6-17. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-18. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-20.Tobacco-linked Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-21. Tobacco-linked Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-22. Selected Cause of Death among Males, by Veterans Status and Age, Oregon Resident Greater Than 17 Years Old, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-23. Number of Injury Deaths by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-24. Injury Death Rates by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-25. Number of Injury Deaths and Crude Death Rate by Mechanism and Intent, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-26. Unintentional Deaths by Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-27. Unintentional Fatal Falls by Type or Source, Age groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-28. Decedent's Mode of Travel by Collision Type for Land Transport-related Deaths Occurring in Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-29. Fatal Motor Vehicle Injuries Occurring in Oregon by Age, Sex, and Occupant and Traffic Status, 2012
  • Table 6-30. Traffic Accidents by Victim's Mode of Transport, Sex, and Age, Oregon Occurrence Deaths, 2012
  • Table 6-31. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drowning Occurring in Oregon, by Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Circumstances of Drowning, 2012
  • Table 6-32.  Deaths from Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and external Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionally or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-33. Deaths Due to Firearms by Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-34. Fatal Overdoses and Poisonings by Manner, Type, Sex, Age Groups, Race/ethnicity, and Selected Counties of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-35. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-37. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 75 by Cause and County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-38. Median Age at Death by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-39. Deaths by Race, Ethnicity, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-40. Selected Causes of Death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-41. Selected Causes of Death by County, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-42. All Deaths and Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status, and Manner of Death, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-43. Deaths Occurring in Oregon by Disposal of Remains and County of Residence, 2012
  • Table 6-44. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-45. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-46. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, 2008-2012
  • Table 6-47. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes by County/Geographic Region, Oregon Residents, 2010-2012
  • Table 6-48. Selected Causes of Death for the Residents of Oregon's Largest Cities, 2012
  • Table 6-49. Oregon Deaths Resulting from Injuries Occurring While at Work by Sex, Age, Manner, Place, Weekday, and Time, 2012
  • Table 6-50. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-51. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by Sex and Age, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 6-52. Place of Death by Sex, Age, and Selected Causes of Death, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 6-53. Crude Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1996-2010
  • Table 6-54. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Residents of Oregon and the United States for the Leading Causes of Death, 2010
  • Table 6-55. Highest and Lowest Age-adjusted Death Rates by State, 2010
  • Table 6-56. Life Expectancy at Birth and Remaining Years at Selected Ages by County and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2008-2012
  • Table 6-57. Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents and the US, 1996-2010

Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality.

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths by Cause and Age, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 2012
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 2012
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2012
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents,   Birth Cohort 2011
  • Table 7-9.  Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2011
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents,   Birth Cohort 2011
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2011
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2009 - 2011
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2011
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2009 2011
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2011
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2009- 2011
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2011
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2009- 2011
  • Table 7-19. Term Fetal Deaths by Planned Attendant and Planned Place of Birth, Oregon Occurrence, 2012
  • Table 7-20. Term Early Neonatal Deaths by Planned Attendant and Planned Place of Birth, Oregon Occurrence, Preliminary 2012 Birth Cohort


Appendix A. Population

Appendix B. Technical Notes

Appendix C. List of Figures and Tables

All files are PDF format

NOTE: Chapter 8: YOUTH SUICIDE ATTEMPTS of the Annual Report is now reported in the Suicide, Suicide Attempts, and Ideation among Adolescents in Oregon report, published by the Injury Prevention Program. See the Adolescent Suicide Attempt Data System for the most recent report.

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference: Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2011.

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-2010
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1945-2011
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, by County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 5-4. Population and Deaths by City of Residence, Oregon, 2011

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality.

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2005-2011
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1992-2011
  • Table 6-4. The Five Leading Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-7. Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age (Total, Male, and Female), Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Singleton Race, and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Age, Multiple Race, and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-11. Deaths by Cause, Singleton Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-12. Deaths by Cause, Multiple Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-13. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 75 from the Leading Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents, 1997-2011
  • Table 6-14. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-15. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1997-2011
  • Table 6-16. Selected Causes of Death among Infants, Children, and Adolescents, by Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 2011
  • Table 6-17. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-18. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-20. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-21?. Tobacco-linked Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-22. Selected Cause of Death among Males, by Veterans Status and Age, Oregon Resident Greater Than 17 Years Old, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-23. Number of Injury Deaths by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-24. Injury Death Rates by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-25. Number of Injury Deaths and Crude Death Rate by Mechanism and Intent, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-26. Unintentional Deaths by Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-27. Unintentional Fatal Falls by Type or Source, Age groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-28. Decedent's Mode of Travel by Collision Type for Land Transport-related Deaths Occurring in Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-29. Fatal Motor Vehicle Injuries Occurring in Oregon by Age, Sex, and Occupant and Traffic Status, 2011
  • Table 6-30. Traffic Accidents by Victim's Mode of Transport, Sex, and Age, Oregon Occurrence Deaths, 2011
  • Table 6-31. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drowning Occurring in Oregon, by Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Circumstances of Drowning, 2011
  • Table 6-32. Deaths from Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and external Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionally or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-33. Deaths Due to Firearms by Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-34. Fatal Overdoses and Poisonings by Manner, Type, Sex, Age Groups, Race/ethnicity, and Selected Counties of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-35. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-37. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 75 by Cause and County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-38. Median Age at Death by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-39. Deaths by Race, Ethnicity, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-40. Selected Causes of Death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-41. Selected Causes of Death by County, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-42. All Deaths and Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status, and Manner of Death, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-43. Deaths Occurring in Oregon by Disposal of Remains and County of Residence, 2011
  • Table 6-44. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-45. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-46. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, 2007-2011
  • Table 6-47. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes by County/Geographic Region, Oregon Residents, 2009-2011
  • Table 6-48. Selected Causes of Death for the Residents of Oregon's Largest Cities, 2011
  • Table 6-49. Oregon Deaths Resulting from Injuries Occurring While at Work by Sex, Age, Manner, Place, Weekday, and Time, 2011
  • Table 6-50. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-51. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by Sex and Age, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 6-52. Place of Death by Sex, Age, and Selected Causes of Death, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 6-53. Crude Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1996-2011
  • Table 6-54. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Residents of Oregon and the United States for the Leading Causes of Death, 2010
  • Table 6-55. Highest and Lowest Age-adjusted Death Rates by State, 2010
  • Table 6-56. Life Expectancy at Birth and Remaining Years at Selected Ages by County and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2007-2011
  • Table 6-57. Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents and the US, 1982-2010

Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality.

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths by Cause and Age, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 2011
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 2011
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2011
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2010
  • Table 7-9.Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2010
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2010
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2010
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2008 - 2010
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2010
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2008 - 2010
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2010
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2008 - 2010
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2010
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2008 - 2010



Appendix A. Population

  • Table A-1 Population Distribution By Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2011
  • Table A-2 Population Estimates for Oregon and its Counties By Age and Sex: July 1, 2011
  • Table A-3. Oregon Veteran Population by Age and Sex: September 30, 2011.

Appendix B. Technical Notes

Appendix C. List of Figures and Tables

Appendix D. Sample Forms

All files are PDF format

NOTE: Chapter 8: YOUTH SUICIDE ATTEMPTS of the Annual Report is now reported in the Suicide, Suicide Attempts, and Ideation among Adolescents in Oregon report, published by the Injury Prevention Program. See the Adolescent Suicide Attempt Data System for the most recent report.

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference: Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2010

  • Table 5-1 . Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-2010
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960-2010
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 5-4. Population and Deaths By City of Residence, Oregon, 2010

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2005-2010
  • Table 6-2.Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1990-2010
  • Table 6-4.The Five Leading Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-5.Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-7.Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age (Total, Male, and Female), Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-8.Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-9.Deaths by Age, Singleton Race, and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-10.Deaths by Age, Multiple Race, and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-11.Deaths by Cause, Singleton Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-12.Deaths by Cause, Multiple Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-13. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 75 from the Leading Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents, 1993-2010
  • Table 6-14.Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-15.Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1993-2010
  • Table 6-16. Selected Causes of Death among Infants, Children, and Adolescents, by Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 2010
  • Table 6-17.Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-18.Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-20. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-21. Tobacco-linked Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-22. Selected Cause of Death among Males, by Veterans Status and Age, Oregon Resident Greater Than 17 Years Old, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-23. Number of Injury Deaths by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-24. Injury Death Rates by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-25. Number of Injury Deaths and Crude Death Rate by Mechanism and Intent, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-26. Unintentional Deaths by Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-27. Unintentional Fatal Falls by Type or Source, Age groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-28. Decedent's Mode of Travel by Collision Type for Land Transport-related Deaths Occurring in Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-29. Fatal Motor Vehicle Injuries Occurring in Oregon by Age, Sex, and Occupant and Traffic Status, 2010
  • Table 6-30. Traffic Accidents by Victim's Mode of Transport, Sex, and Age, Oregon Occurrence Deaths, 2010
  • Table 6-31. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drowning Occurring in Oregon, by Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Circumstances of Drowning, 2010
  • Table 6-32. Deaths from Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and external Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionally or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-33.Deaths Due to Firearms by Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-34. Fatal Overdoses and Poisonings by Manner, Type, Sex, Age Groups, Race/ethnicity, and Selected Counties of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-35. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-37. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 75 by Cause and County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-38. Median Age at Death by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-39.Deaths by Race, Ethnicity, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-40. Selected Causes of Death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-41. Selected Causes of Death by County, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-42. All Deaths and Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status, and Manner of Death, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-43. Deaths Occurring in Oregon by Disposal of Remains and County of Residence, 2010
  • Table 6-44. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-45. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-46. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, 2006-2010
  • Table 6-47. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes by County/Geographic Region, Oregon Residents, 2008-2010
  • Table 6-48. Selected Causes of Death for the Residents of Oregon's Largest Cities, 2010
  • Table 6-49. Oregon Deaths Resulting from Injuries Occurring While at Work by Sex, Age, Manner, Place, Weekday, and Time, 2010
  • Table 6-50. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-51. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by Sex and Age, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 6-52. Place of Death by Sex, Age, and Selected Causes of Death, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 6-53. Crude Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1996-2010
  • Table 6-54. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Residents of Oregon and the United States for the Leading Causes of Death, 2009
  • Table 6-55. Highest and Lowest Age-adjusted Death Rates by State, 2009
  • Table 6-56. Life Expectancy at Birth and Remaining Years at Selected Ages by County and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2006-2010
  • Table 6-57. Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents and the US, 1982-2010

Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality.

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths by Cause and Age, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 2010
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 2010
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2010
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2009
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2009
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2009
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2009
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2007 - 2009
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2009
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2007 - 2009
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2009
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2007 - 2009
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2009
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2007 - 2009


Appendix A. Population

  • Table A-1. Population Distribution By Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2010
  • Table A-2. Population Estimates for Oregon and its Counties By Age and Sex: July 1, 2010
  • Table A-3. Oregon Veteran Population by Age and Sex: September 30, 2010.

Appendix B. Technical Notes

Appendix C. List of Figures and Tables

Appendix D. Sample Forms

All files are PDF format

NOTE: Chapter 8: YOUTH SUICIDE ATTEMPTS of the Annual Report is now reported in the Suicide, Suicide Attempts, and Ideation among Adolescents in Oregon report, published by the Injury Prevention Program. See the Adolescent Suicide Attempt Data System for the most recent report.

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference: Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2009

  • Table 5-1 . Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-2009
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960-2009
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 5-4. Population and Deaths by City of Residence, Oregon, 2009

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality.

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2005-2009
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1990-2009
  • Table 6-4. The Five Leading Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-7t. Total Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-7m. Male Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-7f. Female Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Singleton Race, and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Age, Multiple Race, and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-11. Deaths by Cause, Singleton Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-12. Deaths by Cause, Multiple Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-13. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 from the Leading Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents, 1993-2009
  • Table 6-14. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-15. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1993-2009
  • Table 6-16. Selected Causes of Death among Infants, Children, and Adolescents, by Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 2009
  • Table 6-17. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-18. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-20. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-21. Tobacco-linked Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-22. Selected Cause of Death among Males, by Veterans Status and Age, Oregon Resident Greater Than 17 Years Old, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-23. Number of Injury Deaths by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-24. Injury Death Rates by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-25. Number of Injury Deaths and Crude Death Rate by Mechanism and Intent, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-26. Unintentional Deaths by Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-27. Unintentional Fatal Falls by Type or Source, Age groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-28. Decedent's Mode of Travel by Collision Type for Land Transport-related Deaths Occurring in Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-29. Fatal Motor Vehicle Injuries Occurring in Oregon by Age, Sex, and Occupant and Traffic Status, 2009
  • Table 6-30. Traffic Accidents by Victim's Mode of Transport, Sex, and Age, Oregon Occurrence Deaths, 2009
  • Table 6-31.Unintentional Deaths Due to Drowning Occurring in Oregon, by Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Circumstances of Drowning, 2009
  • Table 6-32. Deaths from Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and external Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionally or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-33. Deaths Due to Firearms by Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-34. Fatal Overdoses and Poisonings by Manner, Type, Sex, Age Groups, Race/ethnicity, and Selected Counties of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-35. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-37. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Cause and County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-38. Median Age at Death by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-39. Deaths by Race, Ethnicity, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-40. Selected Causes of Death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-41. Selected Causes of Death by County, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-42. All Deaths and Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status, and Manner of Death, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-43. Deaths Occurring in Oregon by Disposal of Remains and County of Residence, 2009
  • Table 6-44. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-45. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-46. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, 2005-2009
  • Table 6-47. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes by County/Geographic Region, Oregon Residents, 2005-2009
  • Table 6-48. Selected Causes of Death for the Residents of Oregon's Largest Cities, 2009
  • Table 6-49. Oregon Deaths Resulting from Injuries Occurring While at Work by Sex, Age, Manner, Place, Weekday, and Time, 2009
  • Table 6-50. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-51. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by Sex and Age, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 6-52. Place of Death by Sex, Age, and Selected Causes of Death, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 6-53. Crude Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1995-2009
  • Table 6-54. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Residents of Oregon and the United States for the Leading Causes of Death, 2007
  • Table 6-55. Highest and Lowest Age-adjusted Death Rates by State, 2007
  • Table 6-56. Life Expectancy at Birth and Remaining Years at Selected Ages by County and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2005-2009
  • Table 6-57. Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents and the US, 1981-2009


Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality.

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths by Cause and Age, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 2009
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 2009
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2009
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2008
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2008
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2008
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2008
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2006 - 2008
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2008
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2006 - 2008
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2008
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2006 - 2008
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2008
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2006 - 2008


Appendix A. Population

Appendix B. Technical notes

Appendix C. List of figures and tables

Appendix D. Sample forms

All files are PDF format

NOTE: Chapter 8: YOUTH SUICIDE ATTEMPTS of the Annual Report is now reported in the Suicide, Suicide Attempts, and Ideation among Adolescents in Oregon report, published by the Injury Prevention Program. See the Adolescent Suicide Attempt Data System for the most recent report.

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference: Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2008

  • Table 5-1 . Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-2008
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960-2008
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 5-4. Population and Deaths By City of Residence, Oregon, 2008

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality.

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2005-2008
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1990-2008
  • Table 6-4. The Five Leading Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-7t. Total Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-7m. Male Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-7f. Female Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Singleton Race, and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Age, Multiple Race, and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-11. Deaths by Cause, Singleton Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-12. Deaths by Cause, Multiple Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-13. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 from the Leading Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents, 1993-2008
  • Table 6-14. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-15. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1993-2008
  • Table 6-16. Selected Causes of Death among Infants, Children, and Adolescents, by Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 2008
  • Table 6-17. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-18. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-20. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-21. Tobacco-linked Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-22. Selected Cause of Death among Males, by Veterans Status and Age, Oregon Resident Greater Than 17 Years Old, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-23. Number of Injury Deaths by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-24. Injury Death Rates by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-25. Number of Injury Deaths and Crude Death Rate by Mechanism and Intent, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-26. Unintentional Deaths by Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-27. Unintentional Fatal Falls by Type or Source, Age groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-28. Decedent's Mode of Travel by Collision Type for Land Transport-related Deaths Occurring in Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-29. Fatal Motor Vehicle Injuries Occurring in Oregon by Age, Sex, and Occupant and Traffic Status, 2008
  • Table 6-30. Traffic Accidents by Victim's Mode of Transport, Sex, and Age, Oregon Occurrence Deaths, 2008
  • Table 6-31. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drowning Occurring in Oregon, by Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Circumstances of Drowning, 2008
  • Table 6-32. Deaths from Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and external Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionally or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-33. Deaths Due to Firearms by Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-34. Fatal Overdoses and Poisonings by Manner, Type, Sex, Age Groups, Race/ethnicity, and Selected Counties of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-35. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-37. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Cause and County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-38. Median Age at Death by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-39. Deaths by Race, Ethnicity, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-40. Selected Causes of Death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-41. Selected Causes of Death by County, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-42. All Deaths and Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status, and Manner of Death, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-43. Deaths Occurring in Oregon by Disposal of Remains and County of Residence, 2008
  • Table 6-44. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-45. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-46. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, 2004-2008
  • Table 6-47. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes by County/Geographic Region, Oregon Residents, 2006-2008
  • Table 6-48. Selected Causes of Death for the Residents of Oregon's Largest Cities, 2008
  • Table 6-49. Oregon Deaths Resulting from Injuries Occurring While at Work by Sex, Age, Manner, Place, Weekday, and Time, 2008
  • Table 6-50. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-51. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by Sex and Age, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 6-52. Place of Death by Sex, Age, and Selected Causes of Death, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 6-53. Crude Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1994-2008
  • Table 6-54. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Residents of Oregon and the United States for the Leading Causes of Death, 2007
  • Table 6-55. Highest and Lowest Age-adjusted Death Rates by State, 2007
  • Table 6-56. Life Expectancy at Birth and Remaining Years at Selected Ages by County and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2004-2008
  • Table 6-57. Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents and the US, 1985-2008


Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality.

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths by Cause and Age, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 2008
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 2008
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2008
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2007
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2007
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2007
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2007
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2005 - 2007
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2007
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2005 - 2007
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2007
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2005 - 2007
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2007
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2005 - 2007


Appendix A. Population

Appendix B. Technical notes

Appendix C. List of figures and tables

Appendix D. Sample forms

All files are PDF format

NOTE: Chapter 8: YOUTH SUICIDE ATTEMPTS of the Annual Report is now reported in the Suicide, Suicide Attempts, and Ideation among Adolescents in Oregon report, published by the Injury Prevention Program. See the Adolescent Suicide Attempt Data System for the most recent report.

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference. Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2007.

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-2007
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960-2007
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 2007

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality.

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000-2007
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1988-2007
  • Table 6-4. The Five Leading Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-7t. Total Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-7m. Male Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-7f. Female Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Singleton Race, and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Age, Multiple Race, and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-11. Deaths by Cause, Singleton Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-12. Deaths by Cause, Multiple Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-13. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 from the Leading Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents, 1993-2007
  • Table 6-14. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-15. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1993-2007
  • Table 6-16. Selected Causes of Death among Infants, Children, and Adolescents, by Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 2007
  • Table 6-17. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-18. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-20. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-21. Tobacco-linked Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-22. Selected Cause of Death among Males, by Veterans Status and Age, Oregon Resident Greater Than 17 Years Old, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-23. Number of Injury Deaths by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-24. Injury Death Rates by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-25. Number of Injury Deaths and Crude Death Rate by Mechanism and Intent, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-26. Unintentional Deaths by Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-27. Unintentional Fatal Falls by Type or Source, Age groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-28. Decedent's Mode of Travel by Collision Type for Land Transport-related Deaths Occurring in Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-29. Fatal Motor Vehicle Injuries Occurring in Oregon by Age, Sex, and Occupant and Traffic Status, 2007
  • Table 6-30. Traffic Accidents by Victim's Mode of Transport, Sex, and Age, Oregon Occurrence Deaths, 2007
  • Table 6-31. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drowning Occurring in Oregon, by Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Circumstances of Drowning, 2007
  • Table 6-32. Deaths from Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and external Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionally or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-33. Deaths Due to Firearms by Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-34. Fatal Overdoses and Poisonings by Manner, Type, Sex, Age Groups, Race/ethnicity, and Selected Counties of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-35. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-37. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Cause and County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-38. Median Age at Death by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-39. Deaths by Race, Ethnicity, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-40. Selected Causes of Death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-41. Selected Causes of Death by County, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-42. All Deaths and Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status, and Manner of Death, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-43. Deaths Occurring in Oregon by Disposal of Remains and County of Residence, 2007
  • Table 6-44. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-45. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-46. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, 2003-2007
  • Table 6-47. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes by County/Geographic Region, Oregon Residents, 2005-2007
  • Table 6-48. Selected Causes of Death for the Residents of Oregon's Largest Cities, 2007
  • Table 6-49. Oregon Deaths Resulting from Injuries Occurring While at Work by Sex, Age, Manner, Place, Weekday, and Time, 2007
  • Table 6-50. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-51. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by Sex and Age, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 6-52. Place of Death by Sex, Age, and Selected Causes of Death, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 6-53. Crude Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1993-2007
  • Table 6-54. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Residents of Oregon and the United States for the Leading Causes of Death, 2006
  • Table 6-55. Highest and Lowest Age-adjusted Death Rates by State, 2006
  • Table 6-56. Life Expectancy at Birth and Remaining Years at Selected Ages by County and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2003-2007
  • Table 6-57. Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents and the US, 1980-2007

Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality.

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths by Cause and Age, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 2007
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 2007
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2007
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2006
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2006
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2006
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2006
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2004 - 2006
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2006
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2004 - 2006
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2006
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2004 - 2006
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2006
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2004 - 2006


Appendix A - Population

  • Table A-1. Population Distribution By Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2007
  • Table A-2. Population Estimates for Oregon and its Counties By Age and Sex: July 1, 2007
  • Table A-3. Deaths by Multiple Race Selections and Race Bridge Single Race Assignment, Oregon Residents, 2007

Appendix B - Technical Notes

Appendix C Figures and Tables

Appendix D - Sample Forms

All files are PDF format

NOTE: Chapter 8: YOUTH SUICIDE ATTEMPTS of the Annual Report is now reported in the Suicide, Suicide Attempts, and Ideation among Adolescents in Oregon report, published by the Injury Prevention Program. See the Adolescent Suicide Attempt Data System for the most recent report.

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference: Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2006

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-2006
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960-2006
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 2006

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality.

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 1995, 2000-2006
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1987-2006
  • Table 6-4. The Five Leading Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-7t.Total Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-7m.Male Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-7f.Female Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-8.Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-9.Deaths by Age, Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Cause by Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-11.Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 from the Leading Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents, 1992-2006
  • Table 6-12. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-13. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1992-2006
  • Table 6-14. Selected Causes of Death among Infants, Children, and Adolescents, by Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 2006
  • Table 6-15. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-16. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 6-17. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-18. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-19.Tobacco-linked Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 6-20. Number of Injury Deaths by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-21. Injury Death Rates by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-22. Number of Injury Deaths and Crude Death Rate by Mechanism and Intent, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-23. Unintentional Deaths by Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-24. Unintentional Fatal Falls by Type or Source, Age groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-25 .Decedent's Mode of Travel by Collision Type for Land Transport-related Deaths Occurring in Oregon, 2006
  • Table 6-26 .Fatal Motor Vehicle Injuries Occurring in Oregon by Age, Sex, and Occupant and Traffic Status, 2006
  • Table 6-27 . Traffic Accidents by Victim's Mode of Transport, Sex, and Age, Oregon Occurrence Deaths, 2006
  • Table 6-28 . Unintentional Deaths Due to Drowning Occurring in Oregon, by Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Circumstances of Drowning, 2006
  • Table 6-29. Deaths from Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and external Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionally or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-30. Deaths Due to Firearms by Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-31. Fatal Overdoses and Poisonings by Manner, Type, Sex, Age Groups, Race/ethnicity, and Selected Counties of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-32. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 6-33. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 6-34. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Cause and County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 6-35. Median Age at Death by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by Race, Ethnicity, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 6-37. Selected Causes of Death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-38. Selected Causes of Death by County, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-39. All Deaths and Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status, and Manner of Death, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 6-40. Deaths Occurring in Oregon by Disposal of Remains and County of Residence, 2006
  • Table 6-41. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 6-42. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 6-43. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, 2002-2006
  • Table 6-44. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes by County/Geographic Region, Oregon Residents, 2004-2006
  • Table 6-45. Selected Causes of Death for the Residents of Oregon's Largest Cities, 2006
  • Table 6-46. Oregon Deaths Resulting from Injuries Occurring While at Work by Sex, Age, Manner, Place, Weekday, and Time, 2006
  • Table 6-47. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 6-48. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by Sex and Age, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 6-49. Place of Death by Sex, Age, and Selected Causes of Death, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 6-50. Crude Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1992-2006
  • Table 6-51. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Residents of Oregon and the United States for the Leading Causes of Death, 2005
  • Table 6-52. Highest and Lowest Age-adjusted Death Rates by State, 2005
  • Table 6-53. Life Expectancy at Birth and Remaining Years at Selected Ages by County and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2002-2006
  • Table 6-54. Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents and the US, 1980-2006


Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality.

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths by Cause and Age, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 2006
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 2006
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2006
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2005
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2005
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2005
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2005
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2003 - 2005
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2005
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2003 - 2005
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2005
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2003 - 2005
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2005
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2003 - 2005


Appendix A - Population

  • Table A-1. Population Distribution By Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2006
  • Table A-2. Population Estimates for Oregon and its Counties By Age and Sex: July 1, 2006

Appendix B - Technical Notes

Appendix C - Figures and Tables

Appendix D - Sample Forms

All files are PDF format

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference. Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2005

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-2005
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930-2005
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 2005

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality.


  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 1995, 2000-2005
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1981-2005
  • Table 6-4. The Five Leading Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-7t. Total Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-7m. Male Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-7f. Female Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Cause by Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-11. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 from the Leading Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents, 1991-2005
  • Table 6-12. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-13. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1991-2005
  • Table 6-14. Selected Causes of Death among Infants, Children, and Adolescents, by Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 2005
  • Table 6-15. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-16. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 6-17. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-18. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 6-20. Number of Injury Deaths by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-21. Injury Death Rates by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-22. Number of Injury Deaths and Crude Death Rate by Mechanism and Intent, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-23. Unintentional Deaths by Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-24. Unintentional Fatal Falls by Type or Source, Age groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-25. Decedent's Mode of Travel by Collision Type for Land Transport-related Deaths Occurring in Oregon, 2005
  • Table 6-26. Fatal Motor Vehicle Injuries Occurring in Oregon by Age, Sex, and Occupant and Traffic Status, 2005
  • Table 6-27. Traffic Accidents by Victim's Mode of Transport, Sex, and Age, Oregon Occurrence Deaths, 2005
  • Table 6-28. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drowning Occurring in Oregon, by Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Circumstances of Drowning, 2005
  • Table 6-29. Deaths from Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and external Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionally or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-30. Deaths Due to Firearms by Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-31. Fatal Overdoses and Poisonings by Manner, Type, Sex, Age Groups, Race/ethnicity, and Selected Counties of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-32. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 6-33. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 6-34. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Cause and County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 6-35. Median Age at Death by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by Race, Ethnicity, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 6-37. Selected Causes of Death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-38. Selected Causes of Death by County, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-39. All Deaths and Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status, and Manner of Death, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 6-40. Deaths Occurring in Oregon by Disposal of Remains and County of Residence, 2005
  • Table 6-41. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 6-42. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 6-43. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, 2001-2005
  • Table 6-44. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes by County/Geographic Region, Oregon Residents, 2003-2005
  • Table 6-45. Selected Causes of Death for the Residents of Oregon's Largest Cities, 2005
  • Table 6-46. Deaths Resulting from Injuries Occurring While at Work in Oregon by Sex, Age, Manner, Place, Weekday, and Time, 2005
  • Table 6-47. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 6-48. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by Sex and Age, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 6-49. Place of Death by Sex, Age, and Selected Causes of Death, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 6-50. Crude Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1991-2005
  • Table 6-51. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Residents of Oregon and the United States for the Leading Causes of Death, 2004
  • Table 6-52. Highest and Lowest Age-adjusted Death Rates by State, 2004
  • Table 6-53. Life Expectancy at Birth and Remaining Years at Selected Ages by County and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2001-2005
  • Table 6-54. Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents and the US, 1980-2005 


Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality.

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths by Cause and Age, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 2005 (Revised August 2009)
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 2005
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2005
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2004
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2004
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2004
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2004
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2002 - 2004
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2004
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2002 - 2004
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2004
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2002 - 2004
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2004
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2002 - 2004

Chapter 8. Youth Suicide Attempts

Narrative Chapter 8: Youth Suicide Attempts.

  • Table 8-1. Number of Suicides among Oregon Youth by Age and Sex, 1990-2005
  • Table 8-2. Number of Suicides among Oregon Youth by County of Residence and Age, 1998-2005
  • Table 8-3. Suicide Attempts by Sex and Age, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-4. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age, and Living Situation, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-5. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age, and County of Residence, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-6. Suicide Attempts by Sex and Place of Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-7. Prior Suicide Attempts during the Previous Five Years by Sex and Number of Attempts, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-8. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age, and Whether Another Person Was Told of the Planned Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-9. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age and Method, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-10. Suicide Attempts by Presence of Previous Attempts and Method, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-11. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age and Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-12. Suicide Attempts by Method and Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-13. Reported Psychological Conditions among Youth Attempting Suicide by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-14. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-15. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by History of Previous Attempts, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-16. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-17. Suicide Attempts by City of Residence, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-18. Suicide Ideators by Sex, Age, Medical History and Reasons, for Threatening an Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2005
  • Table 8-19. Reported Youth Suicide Attempts by Hospital and County, Oregon, 1995-2005


Appendix A - Population

  • Table A-1. Population Distribution By Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2005
  • Table A-2. Population Estimates for Oregon and its Counties By Age and Sex: July 1, 2005
  • Table A-3. Forecasts of Oregon's County Populations and Components of Change, 2005 - 2040

Appendix B - Technical Notes

Appendix D - Sample Forms

All files are PDF format

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference. Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2004

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-2004
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930-2004
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 2004 

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality.

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 1995, 2000-2004
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, by Number, Rate, Percent, and Median Age at Death, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1985-2004
  • Table 6-4. Leading Causes of Death by Age Group and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-7t. Total Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-7m. Male Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-7f. Female Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Cause by Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-11. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 from the Leading Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents, 1990-2004
  • Table 6-12.  Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-13. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1990-2004
  • Table 6-14. Selected Causes of Death among Infants, Children, and Adolescents, by Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 2004
  • Table 6-15. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-16. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 6-17. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-18. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 6-20. Number of Injury Deaths by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-21. Injury Death Rates by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-22. Number of Injury Deaths and Crude Death Rate by Mechanism and Intent, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-23. Unintentional Deaths by Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-24. Unintentional Fatal Falls by Type or Source, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-25. Decedent's Mode of Travel by Collision Type for Land Transport-related Deaths Occurring in Oregon, 2004
  • Table 6-26. Fatal Motor Vehicle Injuries Occurring in Oregon by Age, Sex, and Occupant and Traffic Status, 2004
  • Table 6-27. Traffic Accidents In Which the Injury Occurred in Oregon by Victim's Mode of Transport, Sex, and Age, Oregon Occurrence Deaths, 2004
  • Table 6-28. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drowning Occurring in Oregon, by Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Circumstances of Drowning, 2004
  • Table 6-29. Deaths from Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and External Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionally or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-30. Deaths Due to Firearms by Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-31. Fatal Overdoses and Poisonings by Manner, Type, Sex, Age Groups, Race/ethnicity, and Selected Counties of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-32. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 6-33. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 6-34. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Cause and County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 6-35. Median Age at Death by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by Race, Ethnicity, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 6-37. Selected Causes of Death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-38. Selected Causes of Death by County, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-39. All Deaths and Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status, and Manner of Death, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 6-40. Deaths Occurring in Oregon by Disposal of Remains and County of Residence, 2004
  • Table 6-41. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 6-42. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 6-43. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes by Sex, Oregon Residents, 2000-2004
  • Table 6-44. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes by Sex and County/Geographic Region, Oregon Residents, 2002-2004
  • Table 6-45. Selected Causes of Death for the Residents of Oregon's Largest Cities, 2004
  • Table 6-46. Deaths Resulting from Injuries Occurring While at Work in Oregon by Sex, Age, Manner, Place, Weekday, and Time, 2004
  • Table 6-47. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 6-48. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by Sex and Age, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 6-49. Place of Death by Sex, Age, and Selected Causes of Death, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 6-50. Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1990-2004
  • Table 6-51. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Residents of Oregon and the United States for the Leading Causes of Death, 2003
  • Table 6-52. Highest and Lowest Age-adjusted Death Rates by State, 2003


Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality


  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths by Cause and Age, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 2004
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 2004
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2004
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2003
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2003
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2003
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2003
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2001 - 2003
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2003
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2001 - 2003
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2003
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2001 - 2003
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2003
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2001 - 2003

Chapter 8. Youth Suicide Attempts

Narrative - Chapter 8: Youth Suicide Attempts.

  • Table 8-1. Number of Suicides among Oregon Youth by Age and Sex, 1990-2004
  • Table 8-2 . Number of Suicides among Oregon Youth by County of Residence and Age, 1998-2004
  • Table 8-3. Suicide Attempts by Sex and Age, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-4 . Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age, and Living Situation, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-5. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age, and County of Residence, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-6. Suicide Attempts by Sex and Place of Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-7. Prior Suicide Attempts during the Previous Five Years by Sex and Number of Attempts, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-8. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age, and Whether Another Person Was Told of the Planned Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-9. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age and Method, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-10. Suicide Attempts by Presence of Previous Attempts and Method, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-11. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age and Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-12. Suicide Attempts by Method and Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-13 . Reported Psychological Conditions among Youth Attempting Suicide by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-14. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-15. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by History of Previous Attempts, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-16. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-17. Suicide Attempts by City of Residence, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-18 . Suicide Ideators by Sex, Age, Medical History and Reasons, for Threatening an Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2004
  • Table 8-19. Reported Youth Suicide Attempts by Hospital and County, Oregon, 1994-2004


Appendix A - Population

  • Table A-1. Population Distribution By Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2004
  • Table A-2. Population Estimates for Oregon and its Counties By Age and Sex: July 1, 2004
  • Table A-3. Forecasts of Oregon's County Populations and Components of Change, 2005 - 2040

Appendix B - Technical Notes

Appendix C. List of Figures and Tables

Appendix D - Sample Forms

All files are PDF format

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Summary. Oregon Vital Events, 2003

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-2003
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930-2003
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 2003 

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality.

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 1995, 1997-2003
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1981-2003
  • Table 6-4. The Five Leading Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-7t. Total Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-7m. Male Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-7f. Female Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Cause by Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-11. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 from the Leading Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents, 1986-2003
  • Table 6-12. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-13. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1988-2003
  • Table 6-14. Selected Causes of Death among Infants, Children, and Adolescents, by Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 2003
  • Table 6-15. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-16. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 6-17. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-18. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 6-20. Number of Injury Deaths by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-21. Injury Death Rates by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-22. Number of Injury Deaths and Crude Death Rate by Mechanism and Intent, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-23. Unintentional Deaths by Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-24. Unintentional Fatal Falls by Type or Source, Age groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-25. Decedent's Mode of Travel by Collision Type for Land Transport-related Deaths Occurring in Oregon, 2003
  • Table 6-26. Fatal Motor Vehicle Injuries Occurring in Oregon by Age, Sex, and Occupant and Traffic Status, 2003
  • Table 6-27. Traffic Accidents by Victim's Mode of Transport, Sex, and Age, Oregon Occurrence Deaths, 2003
  • Table 6-28. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drowning Occurring in Oregon, by Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Circumstances of Drowning, 2003
  • Table 6-29. Deaths from Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and external Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentioanlly or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-30. Death Due to Firearms by Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-31. Fatal Overdoses and Poisonings by Manner, Type, Sex, Age Groups, Race/ethnicity, and Selected Counties of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-32. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 6-33. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 6-34. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Cause and County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 6-35. Median Age at Death by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by Race, Ethnicity, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 6-37. Selected Causes of Death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-38. Selected Causes of Death by County, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-39. All Deaths and Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status, and Manner of Death, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 6-40. Deaths Occurring in Oregon by Disposal of Remains and County of Residence, 2003
  • Table 6-41. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 6-42. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 6-43. Selected Causes of Death for the Residents of Oregon's Largest Cities, 2003
  • Table 6-44t. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, Both Genders, 1999-2003
  • Table 6-44m. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, Males, 1999-2003
  • Table 6-44f. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, Females, 1999-2003
  • Table 6-45t. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes by County/Geographic Area, Oregon Residents, 2001-2003
  • Table 6-45m. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes by County/Geographic Area, Oregon Resident Males, 2001-2003
  • Table 6-45f. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes by County/Geographic Area, Oregon Resident Females, 2001-2003
  • Table 6-46. Deaths Resulting from Injuries Occurring While at Work in Oregon by Sex, Age, Manner, Place, Weekday, and Time, 2003
  • Table 6-47. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 6-48. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by Sex and Age, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 6-49. Place of Death by Sex, Age, and Selected Causes of Death, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 6-50. Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1989-2003
  • Table 6-51. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Residents of Oregon and the United States for the Leading Causes of Death, 2002
  • Table 6-52. Highest and Lowest Age-adjusted Death Rates by State, 2002


Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality.

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths By Cause and Age, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 2003
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 2003
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2003
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2002
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2002 
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2002
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2002
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997 - 2002
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2002
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997 - 2002
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2002
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997 - 2002
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2002
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997-2002

Chapter 8. Youth Suicide Attempts

Narrative - Chapter 8: Youth Suicide Attempts.

  • Table 8-1. Number of Suicides among Oregon Youth by Age and Sex, 1991-2003
  • Table 8-2. Number of Suicides among Oregon Youth by County of Residence and Age, 1999-2003
  • Table 8-3. Suicide Attempts by Sex and Age, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-4. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age, and Living Situation, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-5. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age, and County of Residence, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-6. Suicide Attempts by Sex and Place of Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-7. Prior Suicide Attempts during the Previous Five Years by Sex and Number of Attempts, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-8. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age, and Whether Another Person Was Told of the Planned Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-9. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age and Method, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-10. Suicide Attempts by Presence of Previous Attempts and Method, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-11. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age and Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-12. Suicide Attempts by Method and Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-13. Reported Psychological Conditions among Youth Attempting Suicide by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-14. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-15. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by History of Previous Attempts, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-16. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-17. Suicide Attempts by City of Residence, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-18. Suicide Ideators by Sex, Age, Medical History and Reasons, for Threatening an Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2003
  • Table 8-19. Reported Youth Suicide Attempts by Hospital and County, Oregon, 1993-2003


Appendix A - Population

  • Table A-1. Population Distribution By Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2005
  • Table A-2. Population Estimates for Oregon and its Counties By Age and Sex: July 1, 2005
  • Table A-3. Forecasts of Oregon's County Populations and Components of Change, 2005 - 2040

Appendix B - Technical Notes

Appendix C. List of Figures and Tables

Appendix D - Sample Forms

All files are PDF format

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

PDF DocumentQuick Reference: Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2002

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-2002
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930-2002
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence,   Oregon, 2002

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality.

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 1995-2002
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1981-2002
  • Table 6-4. The Five Leading Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-7t. Total Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-7m. Male Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-7f. Female Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Cause by Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-11. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 from the Leading Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents, 1986-2002
  • Table 6-12. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-13. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1988-2002
  • Table 6-14. Selected Causes of Death among Infants, Children, and Adolescents, by Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 2002
  • Table 6-15. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-16. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 6-17. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-18. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 6-20. Number of Injury Deaths by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-21. Injury Death Rates by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-22. Number of Injury Deaths and Crude Death Rate by Mechanism and Intent, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-23. Unintentional Deaths by Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-24. Unintentional Fatal Falls by Type or Source, Age groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-25. Decedent's Mode of Travel by Collision Type for Land Transport-related Deaths Occurring in Oregon, 2002
  • Table 6-26. Fatal Motor Vehicle Injuries Occurring in Oregon by Age, Sex, and Occupant and Traffic Status, 2002
  • Table 6-27. Traffic Accidents by Victim's Mode of Transport, Sex, and Age, Oregon Occurrence Deaths, 2002
  • Table 6-28. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drowning Occurring in Oregon, by Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Circumstances of Drowning, 2002
  • Table 6-29. Deaths from Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and external Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentioanlly or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-30. Death Due to Firearms by Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-31. Fatal Overdoses and Poisonings by Manner, Type, Sex, Age Groups, Race/ethnicity, and Selected Counties of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-32. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 6-33. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 6-34. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Cause and County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 6-35. Median Age at Death by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by Race, Ethnicity, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 6-37. Selected Causes of Death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-38. Selected Causes of Death by County, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 6-39. All Deaths and Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status, and Manner of Death, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 6-40. Deaths Occurring in Oregon by Disposal of Remains and County of Residence, 2002
  • Table 6-41. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 6-42. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 6-43. Selected Causes of Death for the Residents of Oregon's Largest Cities, 2002
  • Table 6-44. Annual Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, Both Genders, 1999-2002
  • Table 6-45. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes by County/Geographic Area, Oregon Residents, 2000-2002
  • Table 6-46. Deaths Resulting from Injuries Occurring While at Work in Oregon by Sex, Age, Manner, Place, Weekday, and Time, 2002
  • Table 6-47. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 6-48. Causes Mentioned on the Death Certificate but Which Were Not the Underlying Cause of Death, by Sex and Age, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 6-49. Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1985-2001
  • Table 6-50. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Residents of Oregon and the United States for the Leading Causes of Death, 2000
  • Table 6-51. Highest and Lowest Age-adjusted Death Rates by State, 2000


Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality.

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths By Cause and Age, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 2002
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 2002
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2002
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2001
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2001
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2000
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2001
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1999 - 2001
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2001
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1999 - 2001
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2001
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1999 - 2001
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2001
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1999-2001

  • Table 8-1. Number of Suicides among Oregon Youth by Age and Sex, 1990-2002
  • Table 8-2. Number of Suicides among Oregon Youth by County of Residence and Age, 1998-2002
  • Table 8-3. Suicide Attempts by Sex and Age, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-4. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age, and Living Situation, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-5. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age, and County of Residence, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-6. Suicide Attempts by Sex and Place of Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-7. Prior Suicide Attempts during the Previous Five Years by Sex and Number of Attempts, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-8. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age, and Whether Another Person Was Told of the Planned Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-9. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age and Method, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-10. Suicide Attempts by Presence of Previous Attempts and Method, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-11. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age and Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-12. Suicide Attempts by Method and Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-13. Reported Psychological Conditions among Youth Attempting Suicide by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-14. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-15. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by History of Previous Attempts, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-16. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-17. Suicide Attempts by City of Residence, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-18. Suicide Ideators by Sex, Age, Medical History and Reasons, for Threatening an Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2002
  • Table 8-19. Reported Youth Suicide Attempts by Hospital and County, Oregon, 1992-2002


Appendix A. Population

Appendix B. Technical notes

Appendix C. List of Figures and Tables

Appendix D - Sample Forms

All files are PDF format

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference. Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2001

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-2001
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930-2001
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 2001

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 1995-2001
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females by Number, Rate, and Percent, Oregon, 2001
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1981-2001
  • Table 6-4. The Five Leading Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-7t. Total Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-7m. Male Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-7f. Female Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Cause by Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-11. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 from the Leading Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents, 1986-2001
  • Table 6-12. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-13. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1986-2001
  • Table 6-14. Selected Causes of Death among Infants, Children, and Adolescents, by Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 2001
  • Table 6-15. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-16. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 2001
  • Table 6-17. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-18. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 2001
  • Table 6-20. Number of Injury Deaths and Crude Death Rate by Mechanism and Intent, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-21. Number of Injury Deaths According to Intent and Mechanism of Injury, by Age, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-22. Injury Death Rates by Intent and Mechanism, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-23. Unintentional Deaths by Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-24. Fatal Falls by Type or Source, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-25. Decedent's Mode of Travel by Collision Type for Land Transport-related Deaths in which the Injury Occurred in Oregon, 2001
  • Table 6-26. Fatal Motor Vehicle Injuries Occurring in Oregon by Age, Sex, and Occupant and Traffic Status, 2001
  • Table 6-27. Traffic Accidents in which the Injury Occurred in Oregon by Victim's Mode of Transport, Sex, and Age, 2001
  • Table 6-28. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drowning Occurring in Oregon, by Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Circumstances of Drowning, 2001
  • Table 6-29. Deaths from Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and External Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionally or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-30. Death Due to Firearms by Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-31. Fatal Overdoses and Poisonings by Manner, Type, Sex, Age Groups, Race/ethnicity, and Selected Counties of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-32. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon, 2001/
  • Table 6-33. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2001
  • Table 6-34. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Cause and County of Residence, Oregon, 2001
  • Table 6-35. Median Age at Death by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon, 2001
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by Race, Ethnicity, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2001/
  • Table 6-37. Selected Causes of Death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 6-38. Selected Causes of Death by County, Oregon Residents, 2001/
  • Table 6-39. All Deaths and Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status, and Manner of Death, Oregon, 2001
  • Table 6-40. Deaths Occurring in Oregon by Disposal of Remains and County of Residence, 2001
  • Table 6-41. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Residence, Oregon, 2001
  • Table 6-42. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes, by County of Injury, Oregon, 2001
  • Table 6-43. Selected Causes of Death for the Residents of Oregon's Largest Cities, 2001
  • Table 6-44t. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, Both Genders, 1999-2001
  • Table 6-44m. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, Males, 1999-2001
  • Table 6-44f. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Selected Causes, Oregon Residents, Females, 1999-2001
  • Table 6-45. Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1985-2000
  • Table 6-46. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Residents of Oregon and the United States for the Leading Causes of Death, 1999
  • Table 6-47. Highest and Lowest Age-adjusted Death Rates by State, 1999 Oregon Residents, Females, 1999-200

Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 2001
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths By Cause and Age, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 2001
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 2001
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 2001
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2001
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2000
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2000
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2000
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2000
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997 - 2000
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2000
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997 - 2000
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2000
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997 - 2000
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 2000
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997-2000

Chapter 8. Youth Suicide Attempts

Narrative - Chapter 8: Youth Suicide Attempts

  • Table 8-1. Number of Suicides Among Oregon Teens and Preteens By Age and Sex, 1989-2001
  • Table 8-2. Suicide Attempts By Sex and Age, Oregon Minors, 2001
  • Table 8-3. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age, and Living Situation, Oregon Minors, 2001
  • Table 8-4. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age, and County of Residence, Oregon Minors, 2001
  • Table 8-5. Suicide Attempts By Sex and Place of Attempt Oregon Minors, 2001
  • Table 8-6. Prior Suicide Attempts During the Previous Five Years by Sex and Number of Attempts, Oregon Minors, 2001
  • Table 8-7. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age, and Method, Oregon Minors, 2001
  • Table 8-8. Suicide Attempts By Presence of Previous Attempts, and Method, Oregon Minors, 2001
  • Table 8-9. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age and Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2001
  • Table 8-10. Suicide Attempts By Method and Hospital Admission Patient Status, Oregon Minors, 2001
  • Table 8-11. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts, by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 2001
  • Table 8-12. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts, by History of Previous Attempts, Oregon Minors, 2001
  • Table 8-13. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts, by Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2001
  • Table 8-14. Suicide Ideators by Sex, Age, Medical History and Reasons for Threatening an Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2001
  • Table 8-15. Reported Youth Suicide Attempts by Hospital and County, Oregon, 1991-2001
  • Table 8-16. Suicides by Oregonians under Age 20, by Year and County of Residence, 1991-2001





Appendix D. SAMPLE FORMS: Certificate of Death, Report of Fetal Death, Adolescent Suicide Attempt (ASAD) Report, Zero Attempts ASAD Report

All files are PDF format

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference: Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 2000

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-2000
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1908-2000
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 5-4. Oregon Benchmarks Measured by the Center for Health Statistics

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality.

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 1995, 1990-2000
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, by Number, Rate, Percent, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1981-2000
  • Table 6-4. Leading Causes of Death by Age Group and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-7t. Total Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-7m. Male Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-7f. Female Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Cause by Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-11. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 from the Leading Causes of Death, by Year, Oregon Residents, 1985-2000
  • Table 6-12.  Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-13. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1985-2000
  • Table 6-14. Selected Causes of Death among Infants, Children, and Adolescents, by Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 2000
  • Table 6-15. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-16. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 6-17. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-18. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 6-20. Number of Injury Deaths and Crude Death Rate by Mechanism and Intent, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-21. Number of Injury Deaths by Intent, Mechanism of Injury, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-22. Injury Death Rates by Intent, Mechanism, and Age, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-23. Unintentional Deaths by Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-24. Fatal Falls by Type or Source, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-25. Decedent's Mode of Travel by Collision Type for Land Transport-related Deaths Occurring in Oregon, 2000
  • Table 6-26. Occupant and Traffic Status by Age and Sex for Fatalities Resulting from Motorcyle, Automobile, and Pickup Truck/Van Accidents, Oregon Occurrence, 2000
  • Table 6-27. Traffic Accidents by Victim's Mode of Transport, Sex, and Age, Oregon Occurrence Deaths, 2000
  • Table 6-28. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drowning which Occurred in Oregon, by Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Circumstances of Drowning, 2000
  • Table 6-29. Deaths Due to Firearms by Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-30. Deaths from Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and External Causes undetermined Whether Unintentionally or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-31. Fatal Overdoses and Poisonings by Manner, Type, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-32. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 6-33. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 6-34. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Cause and County of Residence, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 6-35. Median Age at Death by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by Race, Ethnicity, and County of Residence, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 6-37. Selected Causes of Death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-38. Selected Causes of Death by County, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-39. All Deaths and Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status, and Manner of Death, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 6-40. Deaths Occurring in Oregon by Disposal of Remains and County of Residence, 2000
  • Table 6-41. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Residence, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 6-42. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes by County of Injury, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 6-43. Deaths Due to Firearms by Manner, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 6-44. Selected Causes of Death for the Residents of Oregon's Largest Cities, 2000
  • Table 6-45. Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1985-2000
  • Table 6-46. Age-adjusted Death Rates for Residents of Oregon and the United States for the Leading Causes of Death, 1999


Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths By Cause and Age at Death, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 2000
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 2000
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 2000
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1999
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1999
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1999
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1999
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997 - 1999
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1999
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997 - 1999
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1999
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997 - 1999
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1999
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997 - 1999

Chapter 8. Youth Suicide Attempts

Narrative - Chapter 8: Youth Suicide Attempts.

  • Table 8-1. Number of Suicides Among Oregon Teens and Preteens By Age and Sex, 1990-2000
  • Table 8-2. Suicide Attempts By Sex and Age, Oregon Minors, 2000
  • Table 8-3. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age and Living Situation, Oregon Minors, 2000
  • Table 8-4. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age, and County of Residence, Oregon Minors, 2000
  • Table 8-5. Suicide Attempts By Sex and Place of Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2000
  • Table 8-6. Prior Suicide Attempts During the Previous Five Years by Sex and Number of Attempts, Oregon Minors, 2000
  • Table 8-7. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age, and Method, Oregon Minors, 2000
  • Table 8-8. Suicide Attempts By Presence of Previous Attempts, and Method, Oregon Minors, 2000
  • Table 8-09. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age and Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2000
  • Table 8-10. Suicide Attempts By Method and Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2000
  • Table 8-11. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts, by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 2000
  • Table 8-12. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts, by History of Previous Attempts, Oregon Minors, 2000
  • Table 8-13. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts, by Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 2000
  • Table 8-14. Suicide Ideators by Sex, Age, Medical History and Reasons for Threatening an Attempt, Oregon Minors, 2000
  • Table 8-15. Reported Adolescent Suicide Attempts by Hospital and County, Oregon, 1990-2000
  • Table 8-16. Suicides by Oregonians under Age 20, by Year and County of Residence, 1990-2000


Appendix A - Population

  • Table A-1. Population Distribution By Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-2000
  • Table A-2. Population Estimates for Oregon and its Counties By Age and Sex: July 1, 2000
  • Table A-3. Population Projection for Oregon, 2000 - 2025

Appendix B - Technical Notes

Appendix C - Figures and Tables

Appendix D - Sample Forms

All files are PDF format

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference: Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 1999

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-1999
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1908-1999
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 1999
  • Table 5-4. New Oregon Benchmarks Measured By Health Division Databases

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality

  • Table 6-01. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1985, 1990-1999
  • Table 6-02. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 1999
  • Table 6-03. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1979-1999
  • Table 6-04. The Five Principal Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-05. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-06. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-07t. Total Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age And Sex, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-07m. Male Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age And Sex, Oregon Residents, 1999 56
  • Table 6-07f. Female Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age And Sex, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-08. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-09. Deaths by Age, Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Selected Causes by Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-11. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Year And Cause, Oregon Residents, 1985-1999
  • Table 6-12. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-13. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1985-1999
  • Table 6-14. Selected Causes of Death among Infants, Children and Adolescents, by Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 1999
  • Table 6-15. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-16. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 1999
  • Table 6-17. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-18. Tobacco-linked Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-linked Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 1999
  • Table 6-20. Number of Injury Deaths and Crude Death Rate by Mechanism and Intent, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-21. Number of Injury Deaths According to Intent and Mechanism of Injury by Age, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-22. Injury Death Rates by Intent and Machanism, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-23. Unintentional Deaths by Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents,1999
  • Table 6-24. Fatal Falls by Type or Source, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-25. Decedent's Mode of Travel by Collusion Type for Land Transport-related Deaths Occurring in Oregon, 1999
  • Table 6-26. Occupant and Traffic Status by Age and Sex for Fatalities Resulting from Motorcycle, Automobile, and Pickup Truck/Van Accidents, Oregon Occurrence Deaths, 1999
  • Table 6-27. Traffic Accidents by Victim's Mode of Transport, Sex, and Age, Oregon Occurrence Deaths, 1999
  • Table 6-28. 6-28. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drowning Occurring in Oregon, by Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Circumstances of Drowning, 1999
  • Table 6-29. Deaths Due ti Firearms by Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-30. Deaths from SUicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and External Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionally or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-31. Fatal Overdoses and Poisonings by Manner, Type, Age Groups, and Sex, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 6-32. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon, 1999
  • Table 6-33. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 1999
  • Table 6-34. Years of Potential Life Lost Before Age 65 by Cause and County of Residence, Oregon, 1999
  • Table 6-35. Median Age at Death by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon, 1999
  • Table 6-36. Deaths by Race, Ethnicity, and County of Residence, Oregon, 1999
  • Table 6-37. Selected Causes of Death for Portland, Eugene, and Salem, Oregon Reisents, 1999
  • Table 6-38. Selected Causes of Death by County, Oregon Reisents, 1999
  • Table 6-39. All Deaths and Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status, and Manner of Death, Oregon, 1999
  • Table 6-40. Deaths Occurring in Oregon by Disposalof Remains and County of Residence, 1999
  • Table 6-41. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes, by County of Residence, Oregon, 1999
  • Table 6-42. Unintentional Injury Deaths for Selected Causes, by County of Occurrence, Oregon, 1999[13
  • Table 6-43. Selected Causes of Death for Residents of Oregon's Largest Cities, 1999

Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 1999
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths By Cause and Age at Death, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 1999
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 1999
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 1999
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 1999
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1998
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1998
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1998
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1998
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1996 - 1998
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1998
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1996 - 1998
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1998
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1996 - 1998
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1998
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1996 - 1998

Chapter 8. Youth Suicide Attempts

Narrative - Chapter 8: Youth Suicide Attempts

  • Table 8-1. Number of Suicides Among Oregon Teens and Preteens By Age and Sex, 1989-1999
  • Table 8-2. Suicide Attempts By Sex and Age, Oregon Minors, 1999
  • Table 8-3. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age and Living Situation, Oregon Minors, 1999
  • Table 8-4. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age, and County of Residence, Oregon Minors, 1999
  • Table 8-5. Suicide Attempts By Sex and Place of Attempt, Oregon Minors, 1999
  • Table 8-6. Prior Suicide Attempts During the Previous Five Years by Sex and Number of Attempts, Oregon Minors, 1999
  • Table 8-7. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age, and Method, Oregon Minors, 1999
  • Table 8-8. Suicide Attempts By Presence of Previous Attempts, and Method, Oregon Minors, 1999
  • Table 8-9. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age and Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 1999
  • Table 8-10. Suicide Attempts By Method and Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 1999
  • Table 8-11. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts, by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 1999
  • Table 8-12. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts, by History of Previous Attempts, Oregon Minors, 1999
  • Table 8-13. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts, by Hospital Admission Status, Oregon Minors, 1999
  • Table 8-14. Suicide Ideators by Sex, Age, Medical History and Reasons for Threatening an Attempt, Oregon Minors, 1999
  • Table 8-15. Reported Adolescent Suicide Attempts by Hospital and County, Oregon, 1988-1999
  • Table 8-16. Suicides by Oregonians under Age 20, by Year and County of Residence, 1990-1999


Appendix A - Population

  • Table A-1. Population Distribution By Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990-1999
  • Table A-2. Population Estimates for Oregon and its Counties By Age and Sex: July 1, 1999
  • Table A-3. Population Projection for Oregon, 2000 - 2025

Appendix B - Technical Notes

Appendix C - Figures and Tables

Appendix D - Sample Forms

All files are PDF format

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference: Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 1998

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-1998
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1908-1998
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 1998
  • Table 5-4. New Oregon Benchmarks Measured By Health Division Databases

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1985, 1990-1998
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 1998
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1979-1998
  • Table 6-4. The Five Principal Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-7. Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age And Sex, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Selected Causes by Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-11. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Year And Cause, Oregon Residents, 1984-1998
  • Table 6-12. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-13. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1984-1998
  • Table 6-14. Deaths Due To External Causes And Fatalities Resulting From Injuries At Work, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-15. Unintentional Injury Deaths Occurring In Oregon by Type of Injury And Age Groups, 1998
  • Table 6-16. Unintentional Injury Deaths By Type Or Source of Injury, Age Groups, And Sex, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-17. Deaths From Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, And External Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionelly or Purposely Inflicted,by Age, Sex, And Method, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-18. Tobacco-Related Deaths by Sex, Age, And Education, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-Related Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-20. Tobacco-Related Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 1998
  • Table 6-21. Deaths Due to Alcohol Or Drugs By Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity And Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-22. Deaths Due to Alcohol Or Drugs By County of Residence, Oregon, 1998
  • Table 6-23. Leading Causes of Death By County of Residence, Oregon , 1998
  • Table 6-24. Deaths By Age, Sex, And County of Residence, Oregon, 1998
  • Table 6-25. Years of Potential Life Lost Before Age 65 For Selected Causes of Death And County Of Residence, Oregon, 1998
  • Table 6-26. Median Age At Death, By Sex And County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-27. Deaths By County of Residence by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-28. All Deaths And Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status And Manner of Death, Oregon, 1998
  • Table 6-29. Deaths Occurring in Oregon By Disposal of Remains And County of Residence, 1998
  • Table 6-30. Death Due to Unintended Injury By Principal Classes And County of Residence, Oregon, 1998
  • Table 6-31. Unintentional Injury Deaths fo Selected Causes, By County of Injury, Oregon, 1998
  • Table 6-32. Deaths by Selected Causes by City, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-33. Deaths by Selected Causes By County, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-34. Causes Mentioned on The Death Certificate but Which Were Not The Underlying Cause of Death, By County of Residence, Oregon, 1998
  • Table 6-35. Causes Mentioned on The Death Certificate but Which Were Not The Underlying Cause of Death, By Age And Sex, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-36. Deaths Due to Firearms By Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, And Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-37. Selected Causes of Death by City of Residence, Oregon, 1998
  • Table 6-38. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drownings Occurring In Oregon, By Sex, Age, County of Injury, And Manner of Drowning, 1998
  • Table 6-39. Selected Causes of Deaths Among Infants, Children And Adolescents, By Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years old, 1998
  • Table 6-40. Place of Death by Sex, Age, And Selected Causes of Death, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 6-41. Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1984-1998
  • Table 6-42. Age-Adjusted Death Rates For Residents of Oregon And THe United States For The 20 Leading Causes of Death, 1998
  • Table 6-43. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order For Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 1998

Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 1998
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths By Cause and Age at Death, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 1998
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 1998
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 1998
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 1998
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1995 - 1997
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1995 - 1997
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1995 - 1997
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1997
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1995 - 1997

Chapter 8. Youth Suicide Attempts

Narrative - Chapter 8: Youth Suicide Attempts

  • Table 8-1. Number of Suicides Among Oregon Teens and Preteens By Age and Sex, 1988-1998
  • Table 8-2. Suicide Attempts By Sex and Age, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-3. Suicide Attempts By Age and Living Situation, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-4. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age, and County of Residence, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-5. Suicide Attempts By Sex and Place of Attempt, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-6. Prior Suicide Attempts By Current Attempters During the Previous Five Years by Sex and Number of Attempts, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-7. Suicide Attempts By Method and Sex, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-8. Suicide Attempts By Method and Age, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-9. Suicide Attempts By Method and Region of Attempt, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-10. Suicide Attempts By Method and Attempts During The Previous Five Years, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-11. Suicide Attempts by Sex and Subsequent Patient Status, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-12. Suicide Attempts by Method and Subsequent Patient Status, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-13. Suicide Attempts by Attempter's Age, Sex and Severity of Injuries, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-14. Suicide Attempts by Method and Severity of Injuries, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-15. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age and Intent of Attempter, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-16. Suicide Attempts by Method and Intent of Attempter, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-17. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 1998
  • Table 8-18. Reasons Given Suicide Attempts by Severity of Injuries, Oregon Minors, 1998[20k]
  • Table 8-19. Reasons Given Suicide Attempts by Intent of Attempter, Oregon Minors, 1998[20k]
  • Table 8-20. Reported Adolescent Suicide Attempts by Hospital (and County), Oregon , 1988-1998


Appendix A - Population

  • Table A-1. Population Distribution By Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980-1998
  • Table A-2. Population Estimates for Oregon and its Counties By Age and Sex: July 1, 1998
  • Table A-3. Population Projection for Oregon, 2000 - 2025

Appendix B - Technical Notes

Appendix C - Figures and Tables

All files are PDF format

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference: Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 1997

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-1997
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1908-1997
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 1997
  • Table 5-4. New Oregon Benchmarks Measured By Health Division Databases

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative Chapter 6: Mortality

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1985, 1990-1997
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 1997
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1979-1997
  • Table 6-4. The Five Principal Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-7. Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age And Sex, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Selected Causes by Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-11. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Year And Cause, Oregon Residents, 1983-1997
  • Table 6-12. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-13. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1983-1997
  • Table 6-14. Deaths Due To External Causes And Fatalities Resulting From Injuries At Work, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-15. Unintentional Injury Deaths Occurring In Oregon by Type of Injury And Age Groups, 1997
  • Table 6-16. Unintentional Injury Deaths By Type Or Source of Injury, Age Groups, And Sex, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-17. Deaths From Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, And External Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionelly or Purposely Inflicted,by Age, Sex, And Method, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-18. Tobacco-Related Deaths by Sex, Age, And Education, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-Related Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-20. Tobacco-Related Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 1997
  • Table 6-21. Deaths Due to Alcohol Or Drugs By Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity And Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-22. Deaths Due to Alcohol Or Drugs By County of Residence, Oregon, 1997
  • Table 6-23. Leading Causes of Death By County of Residence, Oregon , 1997
  • Table 6-24. Deaths By Age, Sex, And County of Residence, Oregon, 1997
  • Table 6-25. Years of Potential Life Lost Before Age 65 For Selected Causes of Death And County Of Residence, Oregon, 1997
  • Table 6-26. Median Age At Death, By Sex And County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-27. Deaths By County of Residence by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-28. All Deaths And Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status And Manner of Death, Oregon, 1997
  • Table 6-29. Deaths Occurring in Oregon By Disposal of Remains And County of Residence, 1997
  • Table 6-30. Death Due to Unintended Injury By Principal Classes And County of Residence, Oregon, 1997
  • Table 6-31. Unintentional Injury Deaths fo Selected Causes, By County of Injury, Oregon, 1997
  • Table 6-32. Deaths by Selected Causes by City, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-33. Deaths by Selected Causes By County, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-34. Causes Mentioned on The Death Certificate but Which Were Not The Underlying Cause of Death, By County of Residence, Oregon, 1997
  • Table 6-35. Causes Mentioned on The Death Certificate but Which Were Not The Underlying Cause of Death, By Age And Sex, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-36. Deaths Due to Firearms By Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, And Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-37. Selected Causes of Death by City of Residence, Oregon, 1997
  • Table 6-38. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drownings Occurring In Oregon, By Sex, Age, County of Injury, And Manner of Drowning, 1997
  • Table 6-39. Selected Causes of Deaths Among Infants, Children And Adolescents, By Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years old, 1997
  • Table 6-40. Place of Death by Sex, Age, And Selected Causes of Death, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 6-41. Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1983-1997
  • Table 6-42. Age-Adjusted Death Rates For Residents of Oregon And THe United States For The 20 Leading Causes of Death, 1997
  • Table 6-43. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order For Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 1997

Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 1997
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths By Cause and Age at Death, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 1997
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 1997
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 1997
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 1997
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1996
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1996
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1996
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1996
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1994 - 1996
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1996
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1994 - 1996
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1996
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1994 - 1996
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1996
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1994 - 1996

Chapter 8. Youth Suicide Attempts

Narrative - Chapter 8: Youth Suicide Attempts

  • Table 8-1. Number of Suicides Among Oregon Teens and Preteens By Age and Sex, 1987-1997
  • Table 8-2. Suicide Attempts By Sex and Age, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-3. Suicide Attempts By Age and Living Situation, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-4. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age, and County of Residence, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-5. Suicide Attempts By Sex and Place of Attempt, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-6. Prior Suicide Attempts By Current Attempters During the Previous Five Years by Sex and Number of Attempts, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-7. Suicide Attempts By Method and Sex, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-8. Suicide Attempts By Method and Age, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-9. Suicide Attempts By Method and Region of Attempt, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-10. Suicide Attempts By Method and Attempts During The Previous Five Years, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-11. Suicide Attempts by Sex and Subsequent Patient Status, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-12. Suicide Attempts by Method and Subsequent Patient Status, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-13. Suicide Attempts by Attempter's Age, Sex and Severity of Injuries, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-14. Suicide Attempts by Method and Severity of Injuries, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-15. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age and Intent of Attempter, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-16. Suicide Attempts by Method and Intent of Attempter, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-17. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-18. Reasons Given Suicide Attempts by Severity of Injuries, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-19. Reasons Given Suicide Attempts by Intent of Attempter, Oregon Minors, 1997
  • Table 8-20. Reported Adolescent Suicide Attempts by Hospital (and County), Oregon , 1988-1997


Appendix A - Population

  • Table A-1. Population Distribution By Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975-1997
  • Table A-2. Population Estimates for Oregon and its Counties By Age and Sex: July 1, 1997
  • Table A-3. Population Projection for Oregon, 2000 - 2025


Appendix B - Technical Notes

Appendix C - Figures and Tables

All files are PDf format

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

PDF DocumentQuick Reference:
Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 1996

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-1996
  • Table 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1908-1996
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 1996
  • Table 5-4. New Oregon Benchmarks Measured By Health Division Databases

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1986-1996
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 1996
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1979-1996
  • Table 6-4. The Five Principal Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-7. Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age And Sex, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Selected Cause by Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-11. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Year And Cause, Oregon Residents, 1985-1996
  • Table 6-12. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-13. Median Age at Death by Year and Cause, Oregon Residents, 1981-1996
  • Table 6-14. Deaths Due To External Causes And Fatalities Resulting From Injuries At Work, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-15. Unintentional Injury Deaths Occurring In Oregon by Type of Injury And Age Groups, 1996
  • Table 6-16. Unintentional Injury Deaths By Type Or Source of Injury, Age Groups, And Sex, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-17. Deaths From Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, And External Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionelly or Purposely Inflicted,by Age, Sex, And Method, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-18. Tobacco-Related Deaths by Sex, Age, And Education, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-Related Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-20. Tobacco-Related Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 1996
  • Table 6-21. Deaths Due to Alcohol Or Drugs By Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity And Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-22. Deaths Due to Alcohol Or Drugs By County of Residence, Oregon, 1996
  • Table 6-23. Leading Causes of Death By County of Residence, Oregon , 1996
  • Table 6-24. Deaths By Age, Sex, And County of Residence, Oregon, 1996
  • Table 6-25. Years of Potential Life Lost Before Age 65 For Selected Causes of Death And County Of Residence, Oregon, 1996
  • Table 6-26. Median Age At Death, By Sex And County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-27. Deaths By County of Residence by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-28. All Deaths And Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status And Manner of Death, Oregon, 1996
  • Table 6-29. Deaths Occurring in Oregon By Disposal of Remains And County of Residence, 1996
  • Table 6-30. Death Due to Unintended Injury By Principal Classes And County of Residence, Oregon, 1996
  • Table 6-31. Unintentional Injury Deaths fo Selected Causes, By County of Injury, Oregon, 1996
  • Table 6-32. Deaths by Selected Causes by City, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-33. Deaths by Selected Causes By County, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-34. Causes Mentioned on The Death Certificate but Which Were Not The Underlying Cause of Death, By County of Residence, Oregon, 1996
  • Table 6-35. Causes Mentioned on The Death Certificate but Which Were Not The Underlying Cause of Death, By Age And Sex, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-36. Deaths Due to Firearms By Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, And Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-37. Selected Causes of Death by City of Residence, Oregon, 1996
  • Table 6-38. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drownings Occurring In Oregon, By Sex, Age, County of Injury, And Manner of Drowning, 1996
  • Table 6-39. Selected Causes of Deaths Among Infants, Children And Adolescents, By Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years old, 1996
  • Table 6-40. Place of Death by Sex, Age, And Selected Causes of Death, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 6-41. Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1981-1996
  • Table 6-42. Age-Adjusted Death Rates For Residents of Oregon And THe United States For The 20 Leading Causes of Death, 1995


Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Oregon, 1996
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths By Cause and Age at Death, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 1996
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 1996 26k
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 1996
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 1996
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1995
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1995
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1995
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1995
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1993 - 1995
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1995
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1993 - 1995
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1995
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1993 - 1995
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1995
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1993 - 1995

Chapter 8. Youth Suicide Attempts

Narrative - Chapter 8: Youth Suicide Attempts

  • Table 8-1. Number of Suicides Among Oregon Teens and Preteens By Age and Sex, 1986-1996
  • Table 8-2. Suicide Attempts By Sex and Age, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-3. Suicide Attempts By Age and Living Situation, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-4. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age, and County of Residence, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-5. Suicide Attempts By Sex and Place of Attempt, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-6. Prior Suicide Attempts By Current Attempters During the Previous Five Years by Sex and Number of Attempts, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-7. Suicide Attempts By Method and Sex, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-8. Suicide Attempts By Method and Age, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-9. Suicide Attempts By Method and Region of Attempt, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-10. Suicide Attempts By Method and Attempts During The Previous Five Years, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-11. Suicide Attempts by Sex and Subsequent Patient Status, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-12. Suicide Attempts by Method and Subsequent Patient Status, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-13. Suicide Attempts by Attempter's Age, Sex and Severity of Injuries, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-14. Suicide Attempts by Method and Severity of Injuries, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-15. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age and Intent of Attempter, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-16. Suicide Attempts by Method and Intent of Attempter, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-17. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-18. Reasons Given Suicide Attempts by Severity of Injuries, Oregon Minors, 1996
  • Table 8-19. Reasons Given Suicide Attempts by Intent of Attempter, Oregon Minors, 1996


Appendix A - Population

  • Table A-1. Population Distribution By Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975-1996
  • Table A-2. Population Estimates for Oregon and its Counties By Age and Sex: July 1, 1996
  • Table A-3. Population Projection for Oregon, 1995 - 2025

Appendix B - Technical Notes

Appendix C - Figures and Tables

All files are PDF format

Chapter 5. Quick Reference

Quick Reference: Summary of Oregon Vital Events, 1995

  • Table 5-1. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, U.S., 1945-1995
  • PDF DocumentTable 5-2. Deaths, Maternal Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, Oregon, 1908-1995
  • Table 5-3. Deaths, Infant Deaths, Neonatal Deaths, and Fetal Deaths, By County of Residence, Oregon, 1995
  • Table 5-4. New Oregon Benchmarks Measured By Health Division Databases

Chapter 6. Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 6: Mortality

  • Table 6-1. Age-specific Death Rates by Sex, Oregon Residents, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1985-1995
  • Table 6-2. Leading Causes of Death by Rank Order for Resident Males and Females, Oregon, 1995
  • Table 6-3. Selected Leading Causes of Death with Rates, Oregon Residents, 1979-1995
  • Table 6-4. The Five Principal Causes of Death by Age, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-5. Deaths By Marital Status, Sex, and Age, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-6. Number of Deaths from Selected Causes by Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-7. Death Rates for Selected Causes by Age And Sex, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-8. Number of Deaths by Cause and Month of Death, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-9. Deaths by Age, Race and Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-10. Deaths by Selected Cause by Race/Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-11. Years of Potential Life Lost before Age 65 by Year And Cause, Oregon Residents, 1985-1995
  • Table 6-12. Years of Potential Life Lost by Cause, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-13. Median Age at Death by Year And Cause, Oregon Residents, 1981-1995
  • Table 6-14. Deaths Due To External Causes And Fatalities Resulting From Injuries At Work, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-15. Unintentional Injury Deaths Occurring In Oregon by Type of Injury And Age Groups, 1995
  • Table 6-16. Unintentional Injury Deaths By Type or Source of Injury, Age Groups, And Sex, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-17. Deaths from Suicide, Homicide, Legal Intervention, and External Causes Undetermined Whether Unintentionelly or Purposely Inflicted, by Age, Sex, and Method, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-18. Tobacco-Related Deaths by Sex, Age, and Education, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-19. Tobacco-Related Deaths by Cause of Death, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-20. Tobacco-Related Deaths by County of Residence, Oregon, 1995
  • Table 6-21. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity and Educational Attainment, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-22. Deaths Due to Alcohol or Drugs by County of Residence, Oregon, 1995
  • Table 6-23. Leading Causes of Death by County of Residence, Oregon , 1995
  • Table 6-24. Deaths by Age, Sex, and County of Residence, Oregon, 1995
  • Table 6-25. Years of Potential Life Lost Before Age 65 For Selected Causes of Death And County Of Residence, Oregon, 1995
  • Table 6-26. Median Age At Death, by Sex and County of Residence, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-27. Deaths by County of Residence by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-28. All Deaths And Medical Examiner's Cases by County of Occurrence, Autopsy Status and Manner of Death, Oregon, 1995
  • Table 6-29. Deaths Occurring in Oregon By Disposal of Remains and County of Residence, 1995
  • Table 6-30. Death Due to Unintended Injury By Principal Classes and County of Residence, Oregon, 1995
  • Table 6-31. Unintentional Injury Deaths fo Selected Causes, By County of Injury, Oregon, 1995
  • Table 6-32. Deaths by Selected Causes by City, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-33. Deaths by Selected Causes By County, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-34. Causes Mentioned on The Death Certificate but Which Were Not The Underlying Cause of Death, by County of Residence, Oregon, 1995
  • Table 6-35. Causes Mentioned on The Death Certificate but Which Were Not The Underlying Cause of Death, By Age and Sex, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-36. Deaths Due to Firearms By Manner, Sex, Age, Race/Ethnicity, County of Residence, and Weapon Type, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-37. Selected Causes of Death by City of Residence, Oregon, 1995
  • Table 6-38. Unintentional Deaths Due to Drownings Occurring In Oregon, By Sex, Age, County of Injury, and Manner of Drowning, 1995
  • Table 6-39. Selected Causes of Deaths Among Infants, Children and Adolescents, By Age, Oregon Residents Less Than 20 Years Old, 1995
  • Table 6-40. Place of Death by Sex, Age, and Selected Causes of Death, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 6-41. Death Rates for Selected Leading Causes of Mortality, United States, 1981-1995
  • Table 6-42. Age-Adjusted Death Rates For Residents of Oregon and The United States for The 20 Leading Causes of Death, 1994

Chapter 7. Fetal and Infant Mortality

Narrative - Chapter 7: Fetal and Infant Mortality

  • Table 7-1. Infant Deaths By Age and County of Residence, Death Cohort, Oregon, 1995
  • Table 7-2. Infant Deaths By Cause and Age, Oregon Residents, Death Cohort 1995
  • Table 7-3. Fetal Deaths By Age of Mother and County of Residence, Oregon, 1995
  • Table 7-4. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Cause of Death, Oregon, 1995
  • Table 7-5. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Age of Mother, Oregon Residents, 1995
  • Table 7-6. Births By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 1994
  • Table 7-7. Fetal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, 1994
  • Table 7-8. Early Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1994
  • Table 7-9. Late Neonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1994
  • Table 7-10. Postneonatal Deaths By Weeks of Gestation and Weight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1994
  • Table 7-11. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1994
  • Table 7-12. Neonatal Deaths By Birthweight, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1992 - 1994
  • Table 7-13. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1994
  • Table 7-14. Perinatal Death Rates By County of Residence, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1992 - 1994
  • Table 7-15. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1994
  • Table 7-16. Perinatal Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1992 - 1994
  • Table 7-17. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates By Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1994
  • Table 7-18. Neonatal, Postneonatal and Infant Death Rates by Mother's Risk Factors, Oregon Residents, Birth Cohort 1992 - 1994

Chapter 8. Youth Suicide Attempts

Narrative - Chapter 8: Youth Suicide Attempts

  • Table 8-1. Number of Suicides Among Oregon Teens and Preteens By Age and Sex, 1982-1995
  • Table 8-2. Suicide Attempts By Sex and Age, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-3. Suicide Attempts By Age and Living Situation, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-4. Suicide Attempts By Sex, Age, and Residence County, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-5. Suicide Attempts By Sex and Place of Attempt, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-6. Prior Suicide Attempts By Current Attempters During the Previous Five Years by Sex and Number of Attempts, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-7. Suicide Attempts By Method and Sex, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-8. Suicide Attempts By Method and Age, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-9. Suicide Attempts By Method and Region of Attempt, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-10. Suicide Attempts By Method and Attempts During The Previous Five Years, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-11. Suicide Attempts by Sex and Subsequent Patient Status, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-12. Suicide Attempts by Method and Subsequent Patient Status, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-13. Suicide Attempts by Attempter's Age, Sex and Severity of Injuries, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-14. Suicide Attempts by Method and Severity of Injuries, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-15. Suicide Attempts by Sex, Age and Intent of Attempter, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-16. Suicide Attempts by Method and Intent of Attempter, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-17. Reasons Given for Suicide Attempts by Age and Sex, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-18. Reasons Given Suicide Attempts by Severity of Injuries, Oregon Minors, 1995
  • Table 8-19. Reasons Given Suicide Attempts by Intent of Attempter, Oregon Minors, 1995


Appendix A - Population

  • Table A-1. Population Distribution By Age and Sex, Oregon, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1975-1995
  • Table A-2. Population Estimates for Oregon and its Counties By Age and Sex: July 1, 1995
  • Table A-3. Population Projection for Oregon, 1995 - 2025

Appendix B - Technical Notes