Partnering with communities to better serve our participants
On this page:
In Oregon, the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Nutrition and Health Screening Program is part of the Oregon Health Authority. WIC is a premier public health nutrition program that provides nutrition and health education, healthy foods and other services for women, infants and children in Oregon.
Community partners are important in connecting families to WIC. Through referrals and consistent messaging, partners are an integral part in building healthy communities. This page is intended to be a resource for our community partners. For more information, contact your local
WIC clinic, or call the state WIC office at 971-673-0040.
Outreach materials
For all non-WIC programs and organizations: to order Oregon WIC outreach materials, please fill out and submit our
WIC Outreach Order form. (You'll need to download the form to use the 'Submit Form' button.)
You Do A Lot - WIC Is Here to Help! (rack card) 57-400
WIC Outreach Posters 57-401 - 3 versions, 11x17, available in both English and Spanish
WIC Foster Parent Flyer 57-425 - Letter size, ready for printing
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Online courses for partners
We are excited to share our eLearning training resources with you. The topics emphasize nutrition, breastfeeding, and participant-centered services. These courses were originally designed for WIC staff, but are applicable to those in the field of maternal and child nutrition, breastfeeding, early childhood education, and dietetics.
Getting started:
Read this introduction letter to partners (PDF)
- Visit our
Training Module and Online Courses page to get started in iLearnOregon.
Examples of WIC partner collaborations