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Guidance On Conducting Employee Commute Options Survey

The Employee Commute Options rules (OAR 340-242-0010-0290) require that businesses and organizations survey their employees to demonstrate progress toward a 10% commute trip reduction goal.

The ECO Survey provides the employer and DEQ with the following:

  • An auto trip rate, which is the number of commuter vehicles arriving at a work site divided by the number of employees that report to the work site;
  • Ideas for incentives to encourage employees who drive alone to choose another commute method and;
  • Follow-up surveys to measure progress toward meeting the commute trip reduction target.

Steps for Conducting Your ECO Survey

1. Determine which survey option you are going to use

  • DEQ provides instructions and materials to conduct the survey and collect results. Download forms from DEQ's ECO website. Print and distribute survey, compile results and submit the ECO Survey worksheet to DEQ. For technical assistance, call 503-229-6154 or email.
  • Get There Oregon offers tools, resources and support for conducting the ECO Survey and commute planning. To get started, call 971-202-9758 or email.
  • TriMet processes surveys at no cost to employers affected by the ECO rules, who are also working to develop and/or maintain transportation plans. The agency offers an online survey for companies and organizations which have employees with access to computers and a paper survey for ones that do not provide employee access to computers. TriMet organizes the results and sends a report to the employer to submit to DEQ. For more details, email or call TriMet's Employer Services at 503-962-7670.
  • Go Lloyd performs surveys for its members. For more details, call 503-236-6441 or email Go Lloyd.
  • Westside Transportation Alliance performs surveys for employers in Washington County. For more details, email or call 503-489-8520.
  • South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART) performs surveys for employers in Wilsonville. For more details, email or call 503-570-0332.
  • Develop your own survey using expertise within your company.
  • Contract with a private firm. 
Regardless of which option you choose, DEQ requires an approved survey form be used. For questions and more information on the ECO Survey, email or call DEQ at 503-229-6154.

2. Set a date for your survey

Do not survey during a time when many employees are likely to be on vacation or the week before or after a holiday.

3. Determine which employees to survey

See OAR 34-424-0060: Should All Employees at a Work site be Counted?

4. Plan distribution method

How the survey is distributed will depend on which survey option you choose. Many employers now prefer to use an online survey.

75% Response Rate

  • The ECO compliance rules require at least a 75% employee response rate. The goal is to measure actual trips with a high degree of accuracy. Inaccurate survey results can produce incorrect trip reduction targets, which may be more or less stringent than necessary. Also, incorrect trip reduction targets may lead to smaller emissions reductions than expected and needed for the Ozone Air Quality Maintenance Plan.
  • If an employer does not achieve the 75% response rate, the shortfall is assigned as "drive alone" trips.
  • If an employer has more than 400 workers at a site, then it can use a random sample survey method. For guidance on this method, email or call 503-229-6154.

When the Surveys are Completed

  • Determine that you have achieved at least a 75% response rate (number of returned surveys divided by total number of surveys distributed).
  • If the response rate is less than 75%, first try to collect more surveys.
  • If you are unable to achieve the 75% response rate, DEQ will assign the shortfall as “drive alone" trips.
  • If you are organizing the surveys yourself, do so on the ECO Survey Worksheet and submit it to DEQ by email.

Tips for a Great Survey

1. Let employees know that the survey is happening and why

  • ECO is a required program designed to help reduce air pollution and keep Portland's air clean and healthy for everyone to breathe. Also, it can help reduce traffic congestion and enhance employee well-being. By putting the ECO survey in context, it becomes more than “just one more thing to do."

2. Distribute Wisely

  • Use an electronic survey if possible. It is easy, uses fewer resources and usually results in better response rates.
  • Give employees a short window of time to complete and return the survey. One week is ideal.
  • Be sure to include managers. They commute too!

3. Using Paper Survey

  • Ask employees to complete surveys at staff meetings.
  • Include surveys with paychecks or have employees fill out surveys while picking up their paychecks. Inform them in advance that picking up their paychecks will take a few extra minutes. Make sure plenty of pencils are available, and that the person distributing the surveys can answer common questions.

Encourage Participation

  • Include a memo or cover letter explaining how the survey will benefit employees by identifying preferred transportation options to management.
  • Demonstrate a strong, positive attitude from top management supporting the survey.
  • Make employees' direct managers responsible for their participation.
  • Follow-up with employees who do not return the survey.
  • Encourage competition between departments for survey participation.
  • Offer a reward, such as a coffee gift card, to the winning department or for the first five people who return their surveys.

Sample Memo