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Oregon Farm to School External News

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  • Erin Maidlow, Nutrition Educator with the Oregon State University Extension Service, was interviewed on KQEN radio on May 18, 2020. She talks about the Farm to School program and recent Education Grants that have been awarded to school's in Douglas County.
  • Still Growing Podcast Join Rick Sherman as he was interviewed by Jennifer Ebeling in conjunction with his Minnesota School Garden Conference keynote presentation in March 2017. Interview is 45 minutes.
  • X-Ray-FM radio interview of "Grow PDX" radio show, interviewing Rick Sherman on Oregon Farm to School on September 7, 2016.
  • "In the Garden With Mike Darcy" Interview with Rick Sherman about Oregon School Gardens and the Makah Ozette potato Saturday, April 2, 2016 (Starts at 32:30)
  • "In the Garden With Mike Darcy" Interview with Rick Sherman about Oregon School Gardens Saturday, February 20, 2016
  • X-Ray-FM radio interview of "Grow PDX" radio show, interviewing Rick Sherman on Oregon Farm to School on December 2, 2015.
  • Heritage Radio Network - Inside School Food: Episode 11
  • School Garden to Cafeteria With Rick Sherman, Oregon Department of Education, and Andy Nowak, Slow Food USA.
  • School gardens are now being embraced nationwide, as is farm-to-school. But school garden-to-cafeteria? It's what's coming next--well-established in some districts, in fact, which offer valuable resources to beginners. Concerned about food safety? Funding? Whether or not to buy student-grown or accept it as a donation? Is it worth the trouble--does it interest children in eating more produce, trying new fruits and veggies? The nation's two leading experts, from Colorado and Oregon, discuss all this and more.

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