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​ ​July 2024 Siting Project Update​s​​

The Latest Updates
​Approved Facilities Under Construction:​
Archway Solar Energy Facility​ pASC Completeness Review on hold 

The applicant indicated that the facility layout was being redesigned resulting from additional survey work at the proposed site. The Department's review is on hold until applicant provides revised information.

Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line – Amendment 2  Proposed Order 

Council reviewed the DPO, DPO comments received, and certificate holder responses at its June 14, 2024 EFSC meeting. The Department issued the Proposed Order and Notice of Proposed Order and Opportunity to Request Contested Case on June 28, 2024. The deadline to submit requests for contested case is July 29, 2024.   ​

Amendment 1 - Appeal

The Umatilla County Circuit Court will review an appeal by Ms. Irene Gilbert of the Council’s Final Order denying her request for contested case and approving Amendment 1.

Carty Generating Station​ – Preliminary Request for Amendment 4

​The Department will continue to coordinate with the certificate holder and reviewing agencies while drafting the Draft Proposed Order and awaiting responses to RAIs.

Cascade Renewable Transmission System – Notice of Intent

The applicant has indicated that it intends to submit the preliminary Application for Site Certificate in mid-2024.

Klamath Falls Energy Center – Notice of Intent (no ODOE webpage)

The applicant requested to suspend review of the Notice of Intent (NOI) because, based on consultation with Tribes and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the applicant intents to redesign the facility and modify the site boundary to avoid and reduce potential impacts to resources. Review and Notice of the NOI is on hold pending the submission of a new NOI.

Lone Pine to Whetsone 230 kV Transmission Line  Notice of Intent

The applicant has modified the proposed route based on comments received and assessments conducted and requested an EFSC jurisdictional determination based on revised route if under 10.0 miles and is no longer EFSC jurisdictional. However, the applicant notified the Department of its decision to leave the NOI active until it expires in April 2025.​

Madras Solar Energy Facility – Preliminary Request for Amendment 

The Department received pRFA #1 on June 25, 2024. The Department will begin evaluating pRFA #1 for completeness.

​Applicant seeks Type B amendment review. The Department received the ADR on June 25, 2024 along with preliminary request for amendment #1. The Department is reviewing the request and anticipates making a determination on whether Type B Review is justified in Quarter 3 of 2024. 

Mist Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility​ – Preliminary Request for Amendment ​ 

The Department received pRFA #13 on March 15, 2024. Based upon review, the Department issued Requests for Additional Information (RAI) on May 9, June 6, and June 28, 2024. Certificate holder submitted responses to RAI 1 and RAI 2 and is working on responses to RAI 3.

The Department will continue to coordinate with the certificate holder and reviewing agencies while drafting the Draft Proposed Order and awaiting responses to RAIs.

Muddy Creek Energy Park – Notice of Intent 

The applicant must submit its preliminary Application for Site Certificate by May 2025.

Summit Ridge Renewable Energy Facility​ Notice of Intent 

The applicant requested to suspend review of the Notice of Intent (NOI) because, based on consultation with Tribes and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the applicant intents to redesign the facility and modify the site boundary to avoid and reduce potential impacts to resources. Review and Notice of the NOI is on hold pending the submission of a new NOI. 

Sunstone Solar Project (formerly Echo Solar Project)  Application for Site Certificate 

The Department held a public informational meeting in Boardman on June 5, 2024. The Department is drafting the Draft Proposed Order and anticipates issuance in July.

Uatilla-Morrow County Connect Project – Notice of Intent 

Preliminary Application for Site Certificate must be submitted by March 2025.

Wagon Trail Solar Project Draft Proposed Order 

The public comment period on the Application for Site Certificate and the DPO closed on June 7, 2024. Council began review of the DPO, comments on the DPO, and the applicant responses to comments during the June 14, 2024 EFSC meeting.

Council will continue its review of the DPO, comments received on the record of the DPO, and the applicant's responses to DPO comments at the July 19, 2024 EFSC meeting.  

Yellow Rosebush Energy Center​  Notice of Intent 

The Department anticipates the applicant will submit a preliminary Application for Site Certificate in summer 2024.

Rulemaking –​ Site Certificate Amendment 

A RAC has been formed and held its first meeting on June 26, 2024. The meeting was primarily an overview of the amendment process and the intended scope of this rulemaking. Staff also identified a series of issues and concerns that the Department hopes to address with this rulemaking.

RAC members have been directed to identify all their concerns with the Council's amendment rules by July 9. RAC members will then have a chance to review all RAC comments before meeting to discuss these concerns later in July (exact date TBD).

Rulemaking – Contested Case Rulemaking

The public comment period ends on July 22, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. At the conclusion of the public comment period, the Department will review all public comments received during the public comment period and present recommendations at a future Council meeting.

​​​Rulemaking – Research Reactor Rulemaking

Staff has been coordinating with stakeholders, including the operators of the two research reactors affected by these rules (Reed College and Oregon State University), to finalize draft rule language.

The Department will present draft rules to Council at the July 19, 2024 meeting for consideration to be filed in a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.​

Rulemaking - ​Application Process Phase 2

The Department is in the process of selecting a RAC for this rulemaking. Once the RAC is formed, the Department intends to present draft language for the RAC to consider.​

​Rulemaking - 2024 Monetary Carbon Offset Rulemaking

The Department is reviewing the latest data regarding the market price for carbon dioxide and will use this data to determine if the offset rate needs to change to better match the market rate.

The Department is scheduled to present a recommended offset rate as part of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking at the July 19, 2024 Council meeting. 

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Upcoming Public Involvement
Next EFSC Meeting​: ​July 19, 2024

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