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Reports Prepared for the Oregon Legislature


The following are documents that have been prepared by the Office of Research and Analysis for the Oregon Legislature.

Biennial EL Report to the Legislature (Dec. 2024)

Transferring High School Credits Earned Outside of the United States (2024)

SB 940 directed the Oregon Department of Education to conduct a study to identify improved processes for transferring high school credits earned by student outside United States. This report summarizes the study findings and recommendations. 

District-level Information supplementing 2022-2023 Oregon EL Report

  • Companion District Data Profiles information in the form of a Spreadsheet (please download an Excel copy). For further details on the Data profiles, we encourage the districts to review the Data Profiles Manual

2022-2023 Oregon English Language Learner Report

2019 Trauma Informed Pilot Report 

Report on Rulemaking (HB 4106) 2016

2017 - February - HB 4106 Rule Reporting for 2016.pdf


House Bill 4106 directed state agencies to report annually on their rulemaking actions, both permanent and temporary. This report includes rulemaking actions for 2016 taken by the State Board of Education, Fair Dismissal Appeals Board, Early Learning Council and Youth Development Council. The Department of Education provides administrative support to all of these boards and councils.

HB 3319 Report


House Bill 3319 from the 2015 Legislative Session directed the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) to produce a report that describes best practices school districts use to reduce dropout rates, including best practices to increase high school graduation rates and to reduce chronic absenteeism. The bill directed ODE to survey all school districts to collect this information. Under the provisions of HB 3319, responding to this survey was voluntary. ODE conducted the survey in December 2015. Eighty-eight of Oregon’s 197 school districts responded to the survey for an overall response rate of 45 percent. Not all of the 88 districts responded to each survey question, so the response rate varies by question. For each question we provide the number of respondents below the graph. The following pages present the results of the survey.

Chronic Absenteeism Report


House Bill 4002 directed the Department of Education and the Chief Education Office to jointly develop a statewide education plan to address chronic absences of students in Oregon schools and listed requirements of such a plan. This plan was submitted to all "interim legislative committees related to education" on December, 1 2016.

SB 1541 Final Report


Senate Bill 1541 from the 2016 Oregon Legislature directed the Oregon Department of Education to review district spending in multiple categories and identify the factors that may affect expenditure allocations. The bill also directed the Department to determine whether expenditure variations are related to student outcomes. This report provides information on how in district characteristics and circumstances may affect how they allocate resources to different activities and uses.