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English Language Arts

English Language Arts Overview

In June 2019, the State Board of Education adopted the Oregon English Language Arts and Literacy Standards, which represent K-12 learning expectations for students in English Language Arts. The Standards are the foundation for English Language Arts classes that prepare students for the Oregon Diploma. They reflect the same high academic expectations for all students and have embedded in them the Essential Skills of reading, writing, language usage, and speaking and listening. Additional resources, such as learning progressions and crosswalks can be found in the Standards link below. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document has also been set up to capture common questions. Check back, as this document will be updated regularly over time.

​Access to Linguistic Inclusion, introduced as HB 2056, provides expanded opportunities and removes barriers for multilingual students in Orego​n.

For questions about Access to Linguistic Inclusion, please contact Tina Roberts and Ben Wolcott.

Oregon English Language Arts Update

The Oregon English Language Arts Teacher Update is an e-newsletter that provides information about promising practices, professional development opportunities, useful links and ELA assessment information.

Addressing Challenged Materials in K-12 Education: Guidance to School Districts

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) fosters excellence for every learner and recognizes that academic success depends on a safe school environment that protects the rights of all students. As an organization, we ​value the freedoms protected under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In a school setting, the freedom of speech and expression is applied to academic freedom, including the freedom to read a diverse set of materials that provide support and enrichment for the general educational and program goals.

Each year, teachers, librarians and schools across the country face challenges to books and other instructional materials for a variety of reasons: race, religion, sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental health, suicide, violence and others. It is important for districts to offer professional guidelines for the selection of reading materials.

This document provides guidance to school districts, administrators, educators, and parents when a challenge to instructional materials is presented.

For questions regarding the ODE English Language Arts program, email Tina Roberts.