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Mathematics Overview

On October 21, 2021, the State Board of Education adopted the Oregon Mathematics Standards, which represent K-12 learning expectations in mathematics for all students and are a foundational expectation of the Oregon Diploma.

Key revisions from the previously adopted mathematics standards include:

  • Addition of a K-12 Data Reasoning Domain
  • Merging of measurement content with Geometry content
  • Revision of K-12 domains to reflect the learning pathways of Algebraic Reasoning, Numeric Reasoning, Geometric Reasoning & Measurement, and Data Reasoning
  • Identification of a core two credit requirement in high school that aligns to the Oregon 2+1 course design

Additional resources such as standards level guidance documents, learning progressions, and crosswalks can be found on the Math Standards page. A frequently asked questions (FAQ) document has also been set up to capture common questions. Check back as this document will be updated regularly over time. 

Transition from the 2010 standards to the 2021 standards will occur in the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years, with updated materials used by students in the fall of the 2023-24 school year. Links to the 2010 (OR CCSS) standards will remain on this webpage for reference until September 2023. 

What is mathematics and why is it important to learn?
Mathematics provides a framework for exploring and understanding the world around us. Math gives us the precision to design and transport rovers to Mars, to balance ledgers to the penny, and to manufacture vaccines with specific amounts of ingredients. Math is also open and creative, allowing us to explore sets of data to look for previously unknown relationships, to recognize patterns, to estimate the potential risk involved in a particular situation, and to find symmetry in nature and art. In its broadest sense, mathematics is about more than just a single right answer and a single pathway to that answer. A strong foundation in math - as with literacy - provides a way to make sense of the world around us, to communicate effectively, and to discover innovative solutions.  Every student deserves to experience math in this way, not just as a way of arriving at a single right answer, but as a way to make sense of their world.

What does a commitment to equity in math education mean?
It may seem counterintuitive to think about math as being inequitable. Yet math is taught and learned in a system. Systems are defined by policies, standards, and rules, and they are influenced by the practices, mindsets, and experiences of people. The historical system of math education was developed over 130 years ago as a way to sort students into those who are “math people” and those who aren’t. This system has worked well for relatively few students. An equitable mathematics system intentionally broadens participation and engagement of all students in light of the cultural, linguistic, and mathematical competencies they bring to the classroom while maintaining high expectations for mathematical reasoning, fluency, and application.

What does it mean to “dismantle racism in mathematics”?
Mathematics, in and of itself, is not racist. However, a system in which outcomes can be predicted by race is, by definition, a racist system. Dismantling the historical system requires careful and honest evaluation of graduation requirements, standards, instructional practices, course sequences, and assessments that have historically filtered or tracked students by race, ethnicity, gender identity, or socioeconomic status. The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) is committed to collaborating with education partners across the state -- particularly our Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities -- to analyze the system of mathematics education through an equity lens in order to disrupt policies and practices that lead to inequitable student outcomes in our state.

How are we committed to getting there?
Engineering an equitable system of math education requires a collective commitment by policymakers, leaders, educators, students and families. It requires replacing the historical system that filters students, to one that elevates and develops each student’s mathematical ability to use mathematics to make sense of the world.  Such a system develops all students' identities as a person who can use math to solve problems they are interested in and make the world a better place.  ODE is dedicated to building a math education system that propels students to their career and college goals through the following commitments:

  • Commitment 1: Provide a strong foundation of mathematical understanding and fluency for every student
  • Commitment 2: Apply mathematics through authentic problem solving opportunities for students
  • Commitment 3: Implement inclusive active learning strategies that engage students with content both inside and outside the classroom 
  • Commitment 4: Dismantle systemic barriers based on perceptions of student’s mathematical readiness rooted in racially-biased or otherwise invalid assumptions

​​American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC)

American Mathematical Society (AMS)

American Statistical Association (ASA)

Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL)

Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE)

Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics (ASSM)

Benjamin Banneker Association (BBA)

Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences (CBMS)

Mathematical Association of America (MAA)

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics and TODOS: Mathematics for ALL

TODOS: Mathematics for ALL

2024-25 OCTM/ODE Math Webinar Series

​Oregon educators are invited to join the 2024-25 Math Webinar series, which will include three fall, winter, and spring sessionsEach session will be hosted by the Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM) in partnership with ODE staff.    


Each session will occur on the third Thursday of the month at 4:00 PM PT unless noted otherwise. Save the dates below and look for registration links as speakers and topics are identified throughout the year.  


Session 1: September 19, 2024 @ 4:00 PM PT 

  • Speaker: Caitlyn Olson 
  • Topic: Strengthening Mathematical Communities 
  • Registration Link 


Session 2: October 17, 2024 

  • Speaker & Topic TBD ​


Session 3: November 21, 2024 

  • Speaker: Evalena Leitz 
  • Topic: Using Structured Language Routines to Build Community & Scaffold Discourse
  • Registration Link​ ​


Save the Date for future Sessions:  

  • January 16, 2025 

  • February 20, 2025 

  • March 20, 2025 

  • April 17, 2025 

  • May 15, 2025

  •  ​

The Oregon Math Leaders Network is a community of math practitioners who work together to implement and support math teaching and learning in Oregon. Participants include teacher leaders, TOSAs, program administrators, college faculty, and math community partners. If you identify as a math leader, you are! We support each other personally and professionally by asking critical questions, collaborating on problems of practice, and sharing our work.  

Because this network spans the state, the topics of our collaboration will generally be driven by district needs. Examples of such activities include: 

  • Professional learning opportunities, for both teachers and administrators. 
  • Curating and sharing promising resources and effective strategies. 
  • Support for evaluation and implementation of instructional materials. 
  • Support for building-level activities such as lesson study groups and one-on-one discussions. 
  • Networking with other math leaders across Oregon. 

For the 2024-25 school year, the network plans to meet virtually on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 8:30 AM PT.  

  • Additionally, you can register for the Oregon Math Educator Update, a periodic newsletter sent by the Oregon Department of Education, to get regular updates and links to math opportunities in our state.  

In addition to the monthly meetings, the Network will have the opportunity to participate in occasional “special events" such as professional learning opportunities and guest speakers. Opportunities to register for these special events will be advertised through the Oregon Math Leaders Network and the Oregon Math Educator Update newsletter.  ​

For questions regarding the ODE Mathematics program, email ODE Math Project.