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Farm to CNP Grants - Education

freshly picked carrots

Oregon Farm to CNP Education Grant (Competitive)

The Oregon Farm to CNP Education Grant is a competitive grant which eligible participants can apply for to teach Oregon students about Oregon grown & processed food. Typical projects include activities such as tasting tables, classroom instruction, farm field trips, video lesson production, etc.

We are pleased to announce the awardees of the 2023-2025 Education Mini Grants (December 2023) and the awardees of the 2023-2025 Education Full Grants (March 2024).

Education Grant Details


9/22/2023- ED grant goes live!  

10/2/2023 - Pre-application training (application process/general overview) will be in the form of web-based training that you can navigate.  See Training Resources tab to access.

10/13/2023; 4 pm - Last day to ask questions

10/20/2023 - Answers to questions/requests for clarification issued (approximate)

UPDATE: 11/10/2023 - APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENDED - Completed Applications due by 4pm on this date

UPDATE: 02/26/2024 - Grant applications are in the final stages of review

2/26/2024 Mandatory training for grant awardees posted online​​

2/29/2024 - Issuance of notice of award ​​

3/14/2024 - Deadline to request for start-up funds. Requests for start-up funds must be submitted to Rick Sherman at for approval by 4PM PST on 3/14/2024.  Note: requries additional insurance.

6/30/2025 - All funds must be spent by this date.​

Mandatory Training for Awarded Grantees​​​ ​- The attestation form appears at the end of the training.

New grantees will need to complete the following steps to have an award set up in EGMS.

  • ​​Complete an Institution ID Reques​t Form - An Institution ID number is required to access grant funds. As a new grantee, we realize you may not know/have all the information requested on the form. Please fill it out as best you can and send it to You will be notified if there is additional information needed.
  • Complete an EGMS Access Request Form (English) (Spanish​​)​ - This is the platform in which you will enter your claim amounts in order to receive reimbursements. Please send the completed form to
  • Complete a W-9 ​Fo​rm​ - If your organization will be acting as its own fiscal agent, you must complete a W-9. Please send the completed form to
  • ​​Complete a Direct De​posit Form - The direct deposit form will need to be mailed to the address listed on the form.

All of these items can be found on the EGMS web​page​. On this page you will also find a useful resource titled "New ODE Grantee FAQ". This document is continuously updated as new questions are received and answered. ​


​No Progress Report required for the 23-25 Farm to CNP Education Grant. In years past we have required progress reports at the halfway point of the grant period. However, this biennium we are not. Instead we are tracking purchases through your reimbursement claims. Instead of the hour you may have spent filling out a progress report, we encourage you to make the time to find new connections with Oregon producers, and source new food to expand youths' palates. 

September 2025: Education Grant Final Reporting

Link to apply for ODE ED Grant  NOTE: Click on this link to apply for the grant​. When you do that, you will be directed to a form to attach required Items. Requred items are Attachments D or E, and Attachment F. ​

2023-2025 Farm to Child Nutrition Education Grant RFA

ADDENDUM 5: UPDATED 10/31/2023 Application deadline extended

ADDENDUM 4: UPDATED 10/23/2023 Important clarification regarding eligibility

ADDENDUM 3: UPDATED 10/16/2023 Important clarification of release date for the mandatory training for grant awardees

ADDENDUM 2: UPDATED 10/6/2023 Important clarification of eligibility​​

ADDENDUM 1: UPDATED 10/2/2023 Important update regarding Tribal Schools and First time Applicants

Attachment A: ​Sample Agre​emen​t ​ 

Attachment B: Capacity Building Mini Grant Evaluation Criteria & Points

Attachment C: Capacity Sustaining Full Grant Evaluation Criteria & Points

Attachment D: Capacity Building Mini Grant Sample Application

Attachment E: Capacity Sustaining Full Grant Sample Application

Attachment F: Budget Worksheet

Attachment G: Sample Budget​​​​​​

Q&A Document for application of the Education Grant