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Farm to CNP Grants - Education

freshly picked carrots

Oregon Farm to CNP Education Grant (Competitive)

The Oregon Farm to CNP Education Grant is a competitive grant which eligible participants can apply for to teach Oregon students about Oregon grown & processed food. Typical projects include activities such as tasting tables, classroom instruction, farm field trips, video lesson production, etc.

We are pleased to announce the awardees of the 2023-2025 Education Mini Grants (December 2023) and the awardees of the 2023-2025 Education Full Grants (March 2024).

Education Grant Details


9/22/2023- ED grant goes live!  

10/2/2023 - Pre-application training (application process/general overview) will be in the form of web-based training that you can navigate.  See Training Resources tab to access.

10/13/2023; 4 pm - Last day to ask questions

10/20/2023 - Answers to questions/requests for clarification issued (approximate)

UPDATE: 11/10/2023 - APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENDED - Completed Applications due by 4pm on this date

UPDATE: 02/26/2024 - Grant applications are in the final stages of review

2/26/2024 Mandatory training for grant awardees posted online​​

2/29/2024 - Issuance of notice of award ​​

3/14/2024 - Deadline to request for start-up funds. Requests for start-up funds must be submitted to Rick Sherman at for approval by 4PM PST on 3/14/2024.  Note: requries additional insurance.

6/30/2025 - All funds must be spent by this date.​

Mandatory Training for Awarded Grantees​​​ ​- The attestation form appears at the end of the training.

New grantees will need to complete the following steps to have an award set up in EGMS.

  • ​​Complete an Institution ID Reques​t Form - An Institution ID number is required to access grant funds. As a new grantee, we realize you may not know/have all the information requested on the form. Please fill it out as best you can and send it to You will be notified if there is additional information needed.
  • Complete an EGMS Access Request Form (English) (Spanish​​)​ - This is the platform in which you will enter your claim amounts in order to receive reimbursements. Please send the completed form to
  • Complete a W-9 ​Fo​rm​ - If your organization will be acting as its own fiscal agent, you must complete a W-9. Please send the completed form to
  • ​​Complete a Direct De​posit Form - The direct deposit form will need to be mailed to the address listed on the form.

All of these items can be found on the EGMS web​page​. On this page you will also find a useful resource titled "New ODE Grantee FAQ". This document is continuously updated as new questions are received and answered. ​


September 2024: Education Grant Progress Reporting

September 2025: Education Grant Final Reporting

Link to apply for ODE ED Grant  NOTE: Click on this link to apply for the grant​. When you do that, you will be directed to a form to attach required Items. Requred items are Attachments D or E, and Attachment F. ​

2023-2025 Farm to Child Nutrition Education Grant RFA

ADDENDUM 5: UPDATED 10/31/2023 Application deadline extended

ADDENDUM 4: UPDATED 10/23/2023 Important clarification regarding eligibility

ADDENDUM 3: UPDATED 10/16/2023 Important clarification of release date for the mandatory training for grant awardees

ADDENDUM 2: UPDATED 10/6/2023 Important clarification of eligibility​​

ADDENDUM 1: UPDATED 10/2/2023 Important update regarding Tribal Schools and First time Applicants

Attachment A: ​Sample Agre​emen​t ​ 

Attachment B: Capacity Building Mini Grant Evaluation Criteria & Points

Attachment C: Capacity Sustaining Full Grant Evaluation Criteria & Points

Attachment D: Capacity Building Mini Grant Sample Application

Attachment E: Capacity Sustaining Full Grant Sample Application

Attachment F: Budget Worksheet

Attachment G: Sample Budget​​​​​​

Q&A Document for application of the Education Grant