The Risk Assessment provides the summary of findings on potential risks to the surrounding community from emissions of Toxic Air Contaminants from this facility. The assessment indicates the exposure location(s) in the community with the highest potential Cancer and Noncancer health risk, and DEQ uses this information to regulate TAC emissions from the facility. In some cases, the risk may be very low and no further action may be required, or the risk may exceed health-based standards where DEQ can require risk reductions. In most cases, permit conditions will be developed and included in a facility's air quality permit to regulate TAC emissions based on the results of the risk assessment.
Dec. 14, 2022: ENTEK submits Risk Assessment.
Jan. 10, 2023: DEQ meets with ENTEK to discuss minor revisions to the Risk Assessment.
Jan. 18, 2023: ENTEK submits a revised Risk Assessment.
Feb. 3, 2023: DEQ issues approval letter for ENTEK's Risk Assessment. The Acute (24-hour) Noncancer Risk requires community engagement under the CAO program rules. At this risk level state law prohibits DEQ from requiring any reduction in emissions. DEQ will convene a public meeting to discuss the results of the risk assessment with the community. To be notified about upcoming community engagement activities, sign up to receive emails under the 'How to get involved' link on this page.