Zero Emission Vehicles, like electric vehicles or hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, drive without emitting harmful greenhouse gases.

The transportation sector accounts for about a third of Oregon's
greenhouse gas emissions. Moving to cleaner, alternative fuel transportation options, like zero emission vehicles, can reduce those harmful GHGs and help Oregon reach its climate goals.
Oregon's ZEV Adoption Targets: SB 1044
In 2019,
Senate Bill 1044 outlined new Zero Emission Vehicle adoption targets for Oregon:
- 50,000 registered ZEVs on Oregon roads by 2020
- 250,000 registered ZEVs on Oregon roads by 2025
- At least 25 percent of registered vehicles and at least half of the new vehicles sold annually are ZEVs by 2030
- At least 90 percent of new vehicles sold annually are ZEVs by 2035.
In September of each odd-numbered year, the Oregon Department of Energy issues a
Biennial Zero Emission Vehicle Report that provides updates on reaching the targets, along with other ZEV information, such as charging infrastructure and cost differences.
More About ZEVs
In Oregon, ZEVs are, for the most part, all-electric plug-in or plug-in hybrid models. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are also considered ZEVs, but Oregon does not yet have fueling infrastructure for those types of vehicles.
Go Electric Oregon
Go Electric Oregon is a website designed to share milestones toward our ZEV goals, education about electric vehicles and charging, and stories about Oregonians who have made the switch to electric.
Oregon Electric Vehicle Dashboard
ZEV Features in our 2020 Energy Report
ODOE's leadership and expertise has helped increase the availability of electric vehicle chargers in the state. Now, EV drivers can
access chargers down the entire length of the I-5 corridor.
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality offers rebates on purchases and leases of EVs that operate with zero emissions. More information is available on the
DEQ website.
Transit and School Bus Electrification
A collaboration between ODOE, ODOT, and DEQ created cost comparison tools and guidebooks to help Oregon organizations electrify their transit and school bus fleets.