Well-Rounded Access Program (WRAP) Overview
Extending the promise of a well-rounded education is one of the commitments that serve as a pillar of Oregon’s Consolidated State Plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act. In October 2020, the U.S. Department of Education awarded the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) a 5-Year, $9.8 Million competitive grant known as the Expanding Access to Well-Rounded Courses (Course Access) grant.
Oregon’s proposal for the grant funding focused on expanding access to arts-specific and STEAM-related courses. To carry out the requirements of this grant, ODE formed the Well-Rounded Access Program (WRAP).
The Well-Rounded Access Program is thrilled to announce free professional development for our Arts, Care & Connection and Native Arts programs!
Arts, Care & Connection Opportunities:
Don't miss the latest Arts, Care & Connection lessons available through the
Oregon Arts Group. Lessons will be added throughout the fall. Share these valuable resources with your team and engage your elementary students with fun and meaningful arts learning!
Speak/Sing Native™ Opportunities: 
Speak/Sing Native™ is a multidisciplinary K-12 music education curriculum that aligns with Oregon state standards and the Tribal History/Shared History initiative. The professional development team offers in-person workshop opportunities, a professional learning community, and educator stipends to support your growth.
To learn more and schedule professional development for the Speak/Sing Native program, please email ODE.WRCoursesGrant@ode.oregon.gov.
Join us and share these opportunities widely with educators to infuse joy in your teaching and inspire your students in the new school year!
WRAP Courses & Partnerships
WRAP courses and professional learning opportunities offered in the 2023-24 school year:
- High School Science for All (Patterns Science) - A three year course pathway and curriculum aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The sequence consists of freshman physics, sophomore chemistry, and junior biology courses. Each course utilizes common instructional strategies, real world phenomena, and design challenges to engage students and support their learning.
Whether you are currently using the Patterns approach/curriculum or you are new to this method and content, virtual professional learning opportunities provide a great foundation for teachers interested in utilizing the open source curriculum and associated instructional strategies. Click here to register online or learn more about these paid professional learning offerings.
- Arts, Care & Connection - A free, high quality arts and social-emotional learning lessons for K-5 students for classroom teachers developed by Arts for Learning NW. Select school districts are currently piloting the Arts, Care & Connection content. A statewide rollout of the course content will be available for the 2024-25 school year including professional development opportunities for elementary classroom teachers and teaching artists (TBD)!
More information, including future opportunities for professional learning, can be found on the ODE Arts Education Resources webpage.
- Well-Rounded Computer Science - A
partnership with Oregon universities to deliver Exploring Computer Science, a research-based, well-rounded course in
Oregon high schools; support administrative and counselor capacity to provide
and sustain the offerings; and develop a data foundation to work towards
continuous and systemic improvement.
Course content in development for the 2024-25 school year:
More exciting WRAP courses and partnerships will be announced soon!
- WRAP & High School Science for All (Patterns Science) Partnership
The Oregon Department of Education is excited to partner with the Portland-Metro STEM Partnership (PMSP) and the Greater Oregon STEM Hub (GO STEM) to expand access to Patterns Science through the High School Science for All program. This program was designed to increase student access to science courses by providing an openly licensed, vertically articulated curriculum that has potential to align district pathways for students' science course taking. The goals of this partnership include updating the curriculum and its online capacity and expanding professional development and use of the curriculum, focusing modifications to the relevance and useability for rural areas of the state.
- WRAP & Arts, Care & Connection Partnership
The Oregon Department of Education is partnering with Arts for Learning Northwest to design an Arts, Care & Connection program, offering free K-5 arts integration lessons and professional learning for teachers. These lessons will create high quality arts and social emotional learning opportunities for elementary students during the school day, and will be available statewide in the 2024-2025 school year. This work is done in partnership with ODE’s Care and Connection campaign and will integrate ODE's recently adopted Oregon’s Transformative SEL Framework & Standards. For more information about this program, visit ODE Arts Education Resources.
- Exploring Computer Science
The Oregon Department of Education is partnering with Oregon universities to deliver this research-based, well-rounded course in Oregon high schools; support administrative and counselor capacity to provide and sustain the offerings; and develop a data foundation to work towards continuous and systemic improvement.
WRAP-Developed Resources for Educators
- Arts Access Toolkit - A collection of resources to assist educators, schools, and districts to offer and sustain high quality, standards-aligned arts programs.
- Guide: Funding Well-Rounded Learning - A guide for School Administrators providing an overview of federal funding sources including Title, Perkins, and IDEA funding that can be used to support well-rounded learning opportunities.
- The Well-Rounded Access Program hosted a How to Support Well-Rounded Opportunities with Federal Funds webinar in October 2022. Participants received an overview of federal funding sources including Title, Perkins, and IDEA funding. View the presentation as a PDF
Stay in Touch
For more information please contact the Well-Rounded Courses Grant Team. You can also sign up for the WRAP Newsletter to receive regular updates or check out our Newsletter Archive below:
Past Newsletters