ODE’s driving credentials are a tiered system, granting permissions up to and including the level of training provided. For example a type 20 certificate requires more training than a type 10, and allows the bearer to operate both type 10 and type 20 vehicles.
School Bus Driver Certificate
| School Bus, Type 21, Type 20, Type 10, SPAB
Type 21 Certificate
| Type 21, Type 20, Type 10, SPAB
Type 20 Certificate
| Type 20, Type 10
Note that a temporary school bus driver approval allows the driver to operate a school bus only.
Activity Vehicle Forms & Manuals
Request to Change Certificate Information
School Bus License Approval (ORS 801.460)/School Activity Vehicle License Approval (ORS 801.455)
Vehicle Accident Report
Type 10
Type 20
Type 21
A school activity vehicle that transports more than 20 passengers and meets school bus construction standards must be operated by a
certified school bus driver.
Special Pupil Activity Bus (SPAB) is the term used for a private charter bus used for pupil transportation, usually applied to a chartered motorcoach. Use of SPAB vehicles must be within the bounds of Oregon Adminitrative Rule, only by ODE-approved carriers providing ODE-certified drivers.
Contact buslicense@ode.oregon.gov with any questions.