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Accountability Measures

Archived Reports


Below are links to additional information related to school and district accountability. They include additional assessment results, detailed information on highly qualified teachers, state results for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, school attendance, and more. These data supplement the data appearing on school and district profiles and accountability details, which are available at the At-A-Glance School and District Profiles web page.

For more information, please contact Jon Wiens.

​​Accountability Details Media File​

This file contains all the indicator data that is included in the school-level Accountability Detail reports.​

Report Card Rating Details Media Files​

These files contain the achievement, growth, and graduation data that is included in the school-level Rating Detail Sheet reports.


Oregon Statewide Assessment

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

NAEP Results
This page reports the most recent​ National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) results for Oregon and the Nation.


Attendance and Absenteeism

Attendance AMO and Regular Attenders (Not Chronically Absent) reports

Chronic Absenteeism

The 2015 Oregon Legislature enacted House Bill (HB) 4002 which directed the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and the Chief Education Office (CEdO) to develop a joint statewide education plan to address chronic absences of students.


The CRDC is a biennial survey (conducted every other school year). Data were collected for the 2017-18 school year, with data collection beginning in January 2019 and ending in June 2019.


Class Size Report

In 2014-15, the Oregon Department of Education began producing and reporting class size data for all core subjects.

Cohort Graduation Rate

The cohort graduation rate is the percentage of students in a cohort who graduate within a particular time frame, such as four or five years. A cohort is defined as the set of students that enter high school for the first time in a given school year.

As required by ESEA section 1111(g)(2)(N), provided below is a file cross-tabulated for each major racial and ethnic group, gender, English Learners, students with disabilities, homeless students, and economically disadvantaged students, on Four-Year Graduation Rates. Coming soon: cross-tabulated files on student achievement, growth, and participation rates.

Cross-Tabulated 2016-17 Four-year Cohort Graduation Rates (posted 12/31/2018)


This report presents dropout rates for students who dropped out of grades 9-12 between July 1 and June 30 by school, district, and county, along with rates for student subgroups.​​

College Going ​Definition:​

The percentage of four-year graduates who enroll in a postsecondary institution after graduating and before the end of the first academic year that follows the cohort’s graduation.

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) annually receives postsecondary enrollment data from the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). The NSC is a non-profit organization that collects student-level enrollment and degree attainment data from colleges and universities, and securely provides student-level, aggregate, and other data to educational organizations (e.g., state departments of education), corporations, and non-profit organizations. The data ODE receives from the NSC include an enrollment history and degree attainment status for students who graduated from Oregon public high schools. The data also contain information about each postsecondary institution, such as name, state, 2 or 4 year, and private or public. While the data are informative and relevant, it is important to note that it has limitations. Thus, we urge caution when making inferences, generalizations, or comparisons across schools, districts, and student groups. For more information about the strengths and weaknesses of the NSC post-secondary enrollment data, please see Dynarski, Hemelt, and Hyman (2015).


The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) reports two sets of data to assist schools with identifying comparable institutions: (1) SES Ranks and (2) Comparison Schools. The ‘Comparison Groups by SES Rank’ is a list of schools by tested grade and socioeconomic (SES) rank as well as the percentage of students meeting the achievement standard by subject (i.e., English language arts, mathematics, and science) for the school and the comparison group. The SES rank is a composite picture of a school’s socioeconomic status and is based on a weighted combination of the percent of students eligible for free or reduced price lunch, percent of students in an English Learner program, student mobility rate, and the student attendance rate. The comparison group consists of the cluster of schools ranked immediately above and below that school’s location on the SES index (10 percent above and 10 percent below the particular school). For schools ranked in the upper or lower 10 percent on the SES index, their comparison group consists of the upper or lower 20 percent of schools. Schools should only use the SES Ranks for identifying similar schools in the context of achievement data (and by tested grade and subject).

The ‘Comparison Schools’ is a list of focal and comparison schools by type (i.e., elementary, middle, high, and combined). ODE uses an iterative process to identify schools that are similar according to student demographics (i.e., access to free or reduced price meals, ever-English Learners, underserved race/ethnicity, and student mobility) and enrollment sizes. Schools should only use the Comparison Schools for identifying similar schools based on the four demographics and student enrollment; however, it is important note that the Comparison Schools are applicable to most outcomes (e.g., achievement, regular attendance, graduation, etc.). For technical details, please see the “Documentation about Comparison Schools” link that follows.​​

These files contain data pertaining to English Learners and specific outcomes.​​

The first set of files display the percentage of English Learners who were proficient in English by grade, school, district, and the state of Oregon for the 2015-16 through 2020-21 school years.

The second set of files display the number of recently arrived English Learners exempt from the English language arts (ELA) statewide summative assessment by grade, school, district, and the state of Oregon for the 2015-16 through 2020-21 school years. (Please note that 100% of recently arrived English Learners are exempt from taking the ELA assessment.)

The third set of files display the percentage of English Learners who were on track to English language proficiency (ELP) by grade band, student group, school, district, and the state of Oregon for the 2016-17 through 2020-21 school years.

Please note the following:

  • The results for the 2019-20 school year are not available.
  • ​The results from the 2020-21 school year are not representative of English learners in Oregon due to low assessment participation. Use caution when interpreting this data.

English Proficiency by School, District, and State

Recently Arrived English Learners by School, District, and State

Current English Learners On Track to English Language Proficiency

These files contain counts of languages of origin spoken by students by their attending district (with suppression of counts below 10 students).​

Ninth Grade On-Track To Graduate

These files contain the rates of students on-track to graduate by student group. Students are considered on-track if they earned at least one quarter of their required credits for graduation in their first year of high school. Please note that there are two different ways of reporting this data.

Ninth Grade On-Track, Full Academic Year

These files include students enrolled on the first school day in May and for a full academic year. This calculation is included on the At-A-Glance School and District Profiles and the Accountability Detail Sheets.

Ninth Grade On-Track, ​All Students

These files include all students enrolled on the first school day in May regardless of their full academic year status. Section 1111(c)(4)F(i)(II) of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires the Oregon Department of E​ducation to publicly report Ninth Grade On-Track rates using these reporting rules.

​​Per Pupil Expenditures

As required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) section 1111(h)(1)(C)(x), per pupil expenditure data is calculated and published for Oregon’s schools and districts. Per pupil expenditure data are included in the School Level Expenditure Reporting documents.

​The files below provide the adjusted FTE aggregations for all staff working in a public schools by position group. The aggregations are shown for the state, district, and school levels.

These files contain median growth percentiles by student group, grade, subject, school, district, and the state. Please note that there are two different ways of reporting this data.

Growth Percentiles, Full Academic Year

These files use ‘report card’ rules (i.e., include students enrolled on the first school day in May and for a full academic year).

Growth Percentiles, ​All Students

This file uses ‘group report’ rules (i.e., all students enrolled on the first school day in May regardless of attendance). Beginning in 2017-18, Sec. 1111 (c)(4)(F)(i)(II) of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires the Oregon Department of Education to publicly report student growth using the ‘group report’ rules.

Teacher Qualification under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

As required by ESEA 1111(h)(1)(C), the files below provide the number and percentages of inexperienced teachers; teachers teaching with emergency or provisional credentials; and teachers who are not teaching in the subject or field for which the teacher is certified or licensed.

Note:​ the 2017-18 school year was the first year of the Teacher Qualification data was collected in its current format under ESSA. Please interpret the data with caution.

Teacher Qualification and Experience by Poverty Quartile

​Teacher Qualification and Experience by Title 1 Status

Teacher Qualification and Experience by Minority Quartile

Educator Evaluation Report

Percentage of Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT)

See NCLB Non-Regulatory Guidance for the federal definition and requirements.