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At-A-Glance School and District Profiles


The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) produces yearly At-A-Glance School and District Profiles for schools and districts. These reports, called for by the 1999 Oregon State legislature and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) which is the most recent reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), provide educators an opportunity to communicate directly with parents and community members about their schools and district.

The At-A-Glance School and District Profiles are published each year alongside the Accountability Detail Sheets. Together, the At-A-Glance School and District Profiles and the Accountability Detail Sheets comprise ODE’s larger reporting system as required by the Oregon State legislature and ESSA. The At-A-Glance School and District Profiles were designed by and for parents and community members to be an understandable and easy to read overview of how schools and districts serve their students. The Accountability Detail Sheets are more technical documents that provide information on school and district performance, improvement, and each school’s level of support under ESSA. The At-A-Glance School and District Profiles do not rate or grade schools and districts, and they are not used to determine levels of support under ESSA.

For more information, please contact Jon Wiens.

ODE redesigned the school and district profiles in 2018, with input from parents and families who represent students and student groups who are historically underserved.



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The Accountability Reporting Advisory Committee (ARAC) consists of at least eight members of the educational community, with no more than one voting member employed by the Oregon Department of Education.​

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

In 1999 the Oregon Legislature enacted ORS 329.105 requiring that the Oregon Department of Education produce and issue annual report cards for all schools and districts. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), signed by President Obama on December 10, 2015, encourages schools and educators to innovate and create systems that address local needs. As a part of this work, the Oregon Department of Education designed the At-A-Glance School and District Profiles to engage and inform families about their school’s approach to learning, academic and extracurricular offerings, and student performance. At-A-Glance School and District Profiles also serve as an important tool for continuous improvement planning by local and state policymakers, in conjunction with the communities they serve.

You can access a copy of any of the At-A-Glance School and District Profiles on the Oregon Department of Education website at: At-A-Glance School and District Profiles and Accountability Details​.

The At-A-Glance School Profile is one of several programs initiated to improve education throughout Oregon by providing an opportunity to communicate and celebrate the many good things that are happening in schools. The At-A-Glance School P​rofile may assist in initiating discussions about areas targeted for improvement. The At-A-Glance School and District Profiles​ display​ consistent and reliable information about each school and district directly to parents and community members.

All schools in Oregon that meet the definition of a public school and have resident students will be included in the Oregon At-A-Glance School Profile system. These At-A-Glance School P​rofiles are to be distributed to every parent with a child enrolled in a public school in the state.

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) will not assign summative ratings (i.e., overall and comparison school ratings) to schools on the At-A-Glance School Profiles; however, ODE will report ratings for each school by indicator as well as student group on the Accountability Details report.

While ESSA requires the use of multiple indicators (e.g., achievement, growth, English learner progress, graduation, and a measure of school quality/student success) as part of the school accountability system, it does not require the use of a composite index (analogous to Oregon's overall school rating) to identify schools for comprehensive/targeted support and improvement. Instead, per stakeholder feedback and the flexibility afforded by ESSA, ODE will assign a rating to each indicator and use a profile of indicator performance to identify schools. For more information concerning ESSA or Oregon's framework, please visit ​ODE's ESSA page​.

No, districts do not receive ratings in the Oregon accountability system. At-A-Glance District P​rofiles contain district-wide statistics and additional data elements.

The At-A-Glance School and District Profiles have been designed to reflect changes to Oregon's educational system so that parents and community members are provided with the most current, relevant, and important information about their school and districts. The new profiles allow schools and districts to better tell their unique stories in a more visual and user-friendly way.

Data for these reports come from a variety of sources. The achievement data come from state testing results. Graduation and outcome data is provided to the state by districts as part of annual data collections. Student demographic data is collected as part of the annual student enrollment collections. Some of the new elements of the report​s are submitted specifically for this report, including the school goals, safe & welcoming environment, and the about our school sections.

There are two main differences you might notice between data on the At-A-Glance School and District Profiles and previously published data. The test results published in September include data from all students enrolled on the first school day in May (regardless of how long they have been in the school). The At-A-Glance School Profiles only include test results for students who have been enrolled in the school for at least half of the school year, since these are the students for whom the school had the greatest opportunity to impact learning. Another difference is in the English Learner (EL) category. In the At-A-Glance School P​rofiles, we report on all students who were ever identified as English Learners rather than just those currently or recently receiving services. This gives schools credit for the learning and growth of their formerly EL students. This differs from other ODE reports.

Many sections of the At-A-Glance School and District Profiles are filled from data collected throughout the year as part of regular data collections. However, districts were required to submit some additional pieces of information for this report (school goals, about our school, etc.). This information was required to be submitted in both English and Spanish. If the information was not submitted, or was not submitted in both languages, those sections were left blank on the At-A-Glance School and District Profiles​.

Under OAR 581-022-2255​, by January 15 of the current school year, school districts must make a copy of the state provided At-A-Glance School and District Profiles available to the parent(s) or guardian(s) of each child enrolled in a public school in the school district by doing one or more of the following:

  • Mailing a copy;
  • Electronically sending a copy; or
  • Providing a link to a state or district web site containing the reports and also making copies available in local schools, libraries, parent centers, community centers, or other public locations easily accessible to parents and others.

English and Spanish versions of the At-A-Glance School and District Profiles are posted on the At-A-Glance School and District Profiles and Accountability Details​ page.

District staff are given an opportunity to review and to correct the information they submit describing their students and schools. Tests are scored by professionals outside the Oregon Department of Education skilled in this type of work, and the results are thoroughly validated.

The highest test score from a standard test administration at or above grade level (with or without accommodations) from students (except for first year English Learners (EL students)) enrolled in a district on the first school day in May for a full academic year are included in the At-A-Glance School Profile and Accountability Details student achievement data. Modified assessments are considered non-standard administrations and are not included in achievement calculations. Extended assessments are included in achievement data.

For state assessment reports, the Extended Assessment scores are counted as not meeting grade level standards.

For At-A-Glance School Profiles and Accountability Details, Extended assessment scores that meet the alternate standards are counted as meeting standard in the achievement ratings. Additional information about Extended Subject Area Assessments is on the Statewide Alternate (Extended) Assessment page.

Students enrolled on the first school day in May and during the testing window who do not participate in the state assessment are counted as non-participants. Students who are enrolled on the first school day in May and were not enrolled during the testing window or who arrived so late in the school’s test window that a test cannot be completed can be excused from participation at the district’s discretion.

All students are expected to participate in all required state tests that assess the content areas at their enrolled grade. This includes registered home schooled students, privately schooled students, tuitioned students, or any students who are exempted from compulsory school attendance, and who are attending public schools or programs part time during the current school year.

Students in Grade 12 who are taking the Grade 11 test will not be reported either in participation or achievement on accountability reports. Only the scores of students who are in benchmark grades are included in participation and student achievement.

Students in 10th grade may elect to take the grade 11 ELA, Math, or Science assessment. Scores meeting or exceeding the standard will be held until the student is in grade 11. If the student retests in grade 11, the highest of all scores the student earns will be reported.

Student scores will be associated with the resident school where students were enrolled on the first school day in May, as identified in the Third Period Cumulative ADM collection.

The Comparison Schools lists, along with explanatory documentation, are available on the Accountability Measures​ webpage.

More details about the Oregon Statewide Assessment System can be found on the Student Assessment webpage.

The Institution Validation in the spring is intended as a validation for institution information (e.g. Superintendent/Principal name) for the reports that are published the following fall. Please be sure you are checking this validation in the Achievement Data Insight for information that will appear on your At-A-Glance School and District Profiles.

To submit name changes, please use Appendix A of the Institution Request Form, which can be found on the Institution Identification - School Names webpage.​


The Institution Validation in the spring is intended as a validation for institution information (e.g. which institutions are in your district) for the At-A-Glance School and District Profiles that are published the following fall. Please be sure you are checking this validation in the Achievement Data Insight for information that will appear on your At-A-Glance School and District Profiles.

To submit name changes, please use the Institution Request Form, which can be found on the Institution Identification - School Names webpage. These changes are accepted throughout the school year but must be received by September 15 to be included in the At-A-Glance School and District Profiles.

ODE requests that changes to the Institution Validation be submitted during the Validation Window in the spring. For more information about the validation, please visit the Institution Validation website.
