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Requirements for Engineering Plans and Specifications and Long-term Planning

Wastewater Engineering Plans and Specifications

Is DEQ approval required for wastewater engineering plans and specifications?

Cities, counties, sewer authorities, and industries must submit engineering plans and specifications to DEQ for proposed construction, installation, or modification of wastewater disposal systems, treatment works, sewerage systems or common sewers. DEQ review and approval of plans is needed before construction begins, except when there are exemptions. DEQ review and approval is required by Oregon Revised Statute 468B.055 and Oregon Administrative Rule 340-052-0015, which details plan requirements. OAR 340-052 Appendix A and Appendix B contain requirements for gravity sewer systems and sewer pumping stations.

Is an exemption from DEQ review possible?

DEQ may exempt certain projects from DEQ plan review as follows. Please contact DEQ for answers to your questions about exemptions. 

  • Repairs and “in-kind" replacement projects.
    Replacement “in-kind" means replacing pipes, manholes, equipment or accessories with like pipes, manholes, equipment, or accessories that has the same capacity, including pumps, screens, aeration diffusers, blowers, valves, actuators, filter media, lamp bulbs, ballasts, switches, fittings, elements, electrical panels, control panels, and motors. This allows operators to make repairs without delay. 
  • On a case-by-case basis
    DEQ may exempt minor modifications to existing facilities when the change will not significantly affect the operation of the treatment or disposal system. A complete description of proposed minor modifications must be submitted for DEQ's consideration. 
  • On an owner-by-owner basis
    Exemptions are available on an owner-by-owner basis for gravity collection system projects, alternative collection system projects, wastewater pumping stations, and wastewater treatment plants. Different conditions apply to the different exemptions. For an exemption request to be considered, please complete and submit the form below to the region engineering contact. Contact the regional engineering contact with any questions.

What kind of sewer systems are regulated by DEQ?

DEQ regulations apply to all common sewer system owners and operators, regardless of the need for a DEQ water quality permit. DEQ does not regulate privately-owned sewage lines on private property. 

Guidance for developing and submitting plans

Long-term Wastewater Planning Documents

Wastewater Plan Fact Sheet

Wastewater planning documents commonly known as a facility plan or facilities plans only need to be developed if a community needs funding to construct needed projects. This wastewater plan fact sheet walks through when a wastewater plan is needed, what needs to be included, and what DEQ does with these plans. 

Submitting Wastewater Reports, Plans, and Specifications

What does DEQ need to complete the review of wastewater reports and plans and specifications?

DEQ needs the following before the review is started:

  1. Plans, specifications, and reports.
    •  Note: electronic versions are acceptable.
    • Can be emailed, sent through drop box or other file transfer protocol. Please include project name and community name in the subject line of the email.
  2. Land Use Compatibility Statement, or LUCS, signed by the local land use authority. 
    • Note: A LUCS which is part of a submittal for approval of plans and specifications should check the box for “Wastewater/Sewer Construction Plan/Specifications" in subsection 1D, and check “Other" in subsection 1E. Electronic versions are acceptable.  
  3. For sewer collection and treatment systems, payment of DEQ Technical Activities Fee in OAR 340-045 Table 70 F (please be sure you are using the correct fee table because these fees increase annually). 
    • DEQ can invoice the system owner if that is the owner's preference.
    • Include the name of the project on the check.
  4. Plans for a common sewer expansion must be accompanied by a statement from the treatment works owner per OAR 340-052-0015. The treatment works owner must agree to provide sewer service and have sewer system and treatment capacity to do so. Please complete, have the treatment works owner sign, and submit the capacity statement form with plan review submissions.
Where do I send documents and fees?

For documents, please email or send files via FTP to the DEQ contact who is assigned to the region where the project is located. A list of contacts is at the bottom of the page. 

For fees, please mail payments to the Department of Environmental Quality Eastern, Northwest or Western regions, depending on where your project is located. Addresses for the regional offices are listed at the bottom of this page. Include the DEQ assigned contact in the attention line.

  • Include the name of the project on the check.

Plan Review Guidelines

DEQ wastewater plan review contacts

Eastern Region
Baker, Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, and Wheeler counties

Blair Edwards, Environmental Engineer 3
700 NE Multnomah Ave. Suite 600,
Portland, OR 97232
503-229-5185 Office
503-875-5187 Mobile

Northwest Region

Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Multnomah, Tillamook, and Washington counties

Michael Pinney, PE
700 NE Multnomah Ave. Suite 600
Portland OR 97232

Western Region
Benton, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Polk and Yamhill counties
Julie Ulibarri
165 E. 7th Ave., Suite 100
Eugene, OR 97401