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STEM Education Investments


The Oregon Legislature, in collaboration with the Oregon STEM Investment Council, the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC), and the Oregon Department of Education, fund STEM-related grants primarily managed through the Oregon STEM Hubs. These projects spur innovation and build toward sustainability. Contact your regional STEM Hub for additional information.

STEM Teaching & Learning

​This project emphasizes integration with a focus on increasing time on science and math relevancy through localized and contextualized learning. Specific topics include:

  • Designing and developing 3-D learning using anchoring phenomena that engages students in real-world problem solving.
  • Designing, developing and using 3-D assessments.
  • Developing, incorporating, and supporting student discourse.
  • Incorporating real-life engineering projects connected to a phenomena that is placed based and culturally relevant.
  • Designing integrated projects across different departments in middle schools.

STEM Hubs: Portland Metro STEM Partnership, East Metro STEAM Partnership​

​This project includes the creation of “Magic STEM-CTE Bus” events based on a previous event, “Think It Make it”. The events students the opportunity to learn about how things are built and engage in creative student-friendly engineering projects.

STEM Hub: Mid-Valley STEM-CTE

​This project positions STEM Hubs as regional leaders in facilitating a solution to the challenge of ensuring all K-12 Oregon public school students receive aligned, meaningful, high-quality Computer Science learning experiences at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Activities include:

  1. Computer Science education strategic planning aligned to state and national goals in collaboration with school district teams and CSforAll;
  2. Computer Science educator recruitment and facilitation of Computer Science professional development in collaboration with professional development providers; and,
  3. Facilitation of C4C: Counselors for Computing professional development provided by the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT).

STEM Hubs: Central Oregon STEM, Frontier Oregon STEM, Oregon Coast STEM, Umpqua Valley STEAM, Lane County STEM, Columbia Gorge STEM, Northwest STEM


​This project developed Early Learning STEM and STEAM Champions who will work together to create a shared system of professional development and resources. Early learning professionals and parents across the state will use the resources promote quality STEM and STEAM education for young children.

STEM Hubs: Central Oregon STEM, Oregon Coast STEM, East Metro STEAM Partnership, Frontier STEM, Columbia Gorge STEM, Greater Oregon STEM, Northwest STEM, Portland Metro STEM Partnership, Southern Oregon STEM, Umpqua Valley STEAM

​This project brings three years of high quality NGSS-aligned and vertically articulated science curriculum to teachers and students. The “Patterns” curriculum is open-source and available to all educators. This professional development and capacity building project brings support to teachers and administrators implementing this innovative curriculum and approach.

STEM Hubs: Oregon Coast STEM, East Metro STEAM Partnership, Frontier STEM, Lane STEM, Portland Metro STEM Partnership, South Metro Salem STEM, Southern Oregon STEM, Umpqua Valley STEAM

​This project helps build capacity for teachers to incorporate context into middle school and high school math teaching. The areas of focus are:

  • Development of a cadre of regional math leaders that continue to improve their own practice in applied mathematics while serving as a resource for other math teachers in the region.
  • ​Development of teaching practices and resources that support the Oregon Department of Education Mathways Initiative by implementing lessons and/or courses that contextualize mathematics for students.
  • Dissemination of information about Math in Real Life through presentations at meetings and conferences.

STEM Hubs: Central Oregon STEM, Lane STEM, Portland Metro STEM Partnership, Southern Oregon STEM

STEM Hub Affiliates: Oregon State University, Region 18 ESD

​The Rural STEAM Leadership Network is an emerging STEAM Hub collaboration that establishes new centers of elementary STEAM education leadership within five of the predominantly rural STEAM Hubs in Oregon. The network recognizes and responds to the need for increased time on science in elementary, which then integrates and embeds transferable STEAM skills and knowledge across the curriculum. Those skills and knowledge ensure long-term student success in STEAM.

STEM Hubs: Central Oregon STEM, Frontier STEM, Northwest STEM, Oregon Coast STEM, Southern Oregon STEM

​In this project STEAM Leaders build on and extend the work initiated in the Increase Time on Science in Elementary Schools (TOS) previously implemented by Greater Oregon STEM and Oregon Coast STEM. Previous participants will mentor incoming educators and administrators and develop skills and confidence as STEAM leads in their schools.

STEM Hubs: Greater Oregon STEM, Umpqua Valley STEAM, Columbia Gorge STEM, Southern STEM, Oregon Coast STEM

​This project focuses is to increasing access to Outside-of-School-Time (OST) STEM professional development for OST educators who work with underserved students. Through a networked community of practice and professional development opportunities, the project aims to improve quality of OST STEM learning opportunities for underserved students by increasing educators’ use of the NGSS practices that promote:

  1. Students as doers and designers.
  2. Activities that are place and community based.
  3. Youth interests driving programming.
  4. Youth applying their learning to new situations.

STEM Hub: Portland Metro STEM Hub

Youth Leadership

​The Chief Science Officer (CSO) Program expands where and when people learn by building tomorrow’s global leaders through the empowerment of youth today. CSOs work directly with industry and community leaders to envision the future workforce and address the lack of qualified workers. The CSO program welcomes 6th through 12th graders elected by their student peers to represent their school in STEM and innovation initiatives.

STEM Hubs: Columbia Gorge STEM, Frontier STEM, Greater Oregon STEM, Northwest STEM, Southern STEM, Umpqua Valley STEAM

​ThinkUp! uses a crowdsourcing platform to collect student ideas and invite them to vote on ideas they think are most likely to increase their engagement and excitement in STEM. Once students generate and select top ideas, those ideas move into a design phase. In the design phase students, educators and entrepreneurs move through a design sprint and begin team prototyping the student ideas.

STEM Hub: Central Oregon STEM

Systems Change

​This project develops the capacity of two cohorts of principals and teachers to use Design Thinking as a process to drive a shift in the school culture of teaching and learning. Design Thinking is both an instructional strategy and a strategy for making change. This process of capacity building ultimately serves to help schools meaningfully adopt the new NGSS framework for teaching and learning science.

STEM Hubs: South Metro Salem STEM, Portland Metro STEM Partnership, Central Oregon STEM

​This project increases usage and impact of Oregon Connections in rural and high-need communities to expose and inspire students to pursue STEM careers as well as help teachers provide clear career-related context for classroom learning. Key activities include purchase of virtual licenses, staffing, and infrastructure to support meaningful teacher usage.

STEM Hub: South Metro Salem STEM

​This project increases the capacity of the Oregon STEM Hub Network to deliver high quality STEM leadership development. It creates a comprehensive and cohesive set of professional development that leveraged statewide and utilized annually. The project further develops administrators and teacher-leaders as facilitators and coaches.

STEM Hub: East Metro STEAM Partnership

​This project uses STEM education as the basis for lasting school-wide transformation at the elementary and middle school level. Many of Oregon’s administrators and classroom educators understand the power of STEM education and create pockets of STEM excellence in their classrooms and schools. To ensure that these efforts reach beyond one administrator or educator cultivating a school-wide STEM culture is necessary.

STEM Hub: Portland Metro STEM Hub