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Oregon's Adolescent Literacy Framework

Oregon is committed to improving literacy learning for every Oregon student.

Literacy Framework-corner icon.pngIn November of 2021, ODE, through a community engagement process, identified an update to Oregon’s 2009 Literacy Framework as a key investment of ESSER state set-aside dollars. The first part of this update was completed when Oregon’s Early Literacy Framework was published in May, 2023. Through revising Oregon’s Adolescent framework, the goal is to build statewide coherence, clarity, and common ground and to fuel action and improvements.

Oregon's Instructional Frameworks Adolescent Literacy

Coming end of February 2025!

Oregon’s Adolescent Literacy Framework aims to build momentum and capacity for strengthening literacy instruction across disciplines, ensuring that every adolescent in Oregon can harness their linguistic strengths and existing knowledge to achieve academic success.

Further Resources

English Language Arts and Literacy Standards

Oregon’s most recent English Language Arts and Literacy standards were adopted in 2019. These standards are grounded in research and align with the science of reading. They set the expectations for classroom teaching outcomes.

English Language Proficiency Standards

The State Board of Education approved the latest English Language Proficiency standards in October 2013. The English Language Proficiency Standards highlight and amplify the critical language, knowledge about language, and skills using language that are necessary for multilingual learners to be successful in schools.

Oregon’s Dyslexia-Related Requirements

Oregon’s dyslexia legislation outlines two main requirements for school districts: universal screening to identify students with risk factors of dyslexia and training at least one teacher in each K-5 school in content in the following three areas: 

  1. Using evidence‐based practices to systematically and explicitly teach the foundational skills in reading; 
  2. Understanding and recognizing dyslexia; and, 
  3.  Intensifying instruction to meet the needs of students with severe reading difficulties, including dyslexia

The Oregon Association of School Libraries’ School Library Standards

Oregon Association of School Libraries School Library Standards were updated in 2019, including strands for information literacy, reading engagement, and social responsibility. Additionally, the standards include grade-level learning goals for grades K through 14.

Approved Instructional Materials

The State Board of Education adopted the English Language Arts and English Language Proficiency approved Instructional Materials list in October of 2021. The list includes core basal materials for grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.

Early Literacy K-5 Framework

The framework is designed around eight sections that work in reciprocity with one another to help reinforce culturally responsive practice and reading science as fundamental to children’s literacy and biliteracy development.

Early Literacy Framework Resources

Deepen your understanding of Oregon's Early Literacy Framework by exploring the following ready-to-use resources and professional learning opportunities for educators.