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Mathematics Standards

On October 21, 2021, the State Board of Education adopted the Oregon Mathematics Standards, which represent K-12 learning expectations in mathematics for all students and are a foundational expectation of the Oregon Diploma.

Key revisions from the previously adopted mathematics standards include:

  • Addition of a K-12 Data Reasoning Domain
  • Merging of measurement content with Geometry content
  • Revision of K-12 domains to reflect the learning pathways of Algebraic Reasoning, Numeric Reasoning, Geometric Reasoning & Measurement, and Data Reasoning
  • Identification of a core two credit requirement in high school that aligns to the Oregon 2+1 course design

Additional resources such as standards level guidance documents, learning progressions, and crosswalks can be found on the Math Standards page. A frequently asked questions (FAQ) document has also been set up to capture common questions  

Transition from the 2010 standards to the 2021 standards will occur in the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years, with updated materials used by students in the fall of the 2023-24 school year. Links to the 2010 (OR CCSS) standards will remain on this webpage for reference until September 2023. 

For questions regarding the ODE Mathematics program, email ODE Math Project.