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Title VI Indian Education

Important Reminder - In compliance to Section 6119, LEAs and LEA-Cs must submit their certified EASIE Part II application to ODE prior to 11:59PM on May 10. Submissions are now Past Due.
Directions can be found in this GovDelivery memo to Superintendents May 3 titled "Action Required: EASIE Part II Submission to ODE Due May 10" or in the slidedeck below for the April Community of Practice meeting. 
Review column C of 23-24 Oregon Title VI Awardees District and Student Information document to see if your district is in compliance to Section 6119.

According to federal law SEC. 6102. [20 U.S.C. 7402] Purpose of Part A Indian Education -

It is the purpose of this part to support the efforts of local educational agencies, indian tribes and organizations, postsecondary institutions, and other entities --
  1. to meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of Indian students, so that such students can meet the challenging State academic standards; 
  2. to ensure that Indian students gain knowledge and understanding of Native communities, languages, tribal histories, traditions, and cultures; and
  3. to ensure that teachers, principals, other school leaders, and other staff who serve Indian students have the ability to provide culturally appropriate and effective instruction and supports to such students. 

Uplifting our AI/AN Student Success Plan Goals

One priority outlined in Oregon's AI/AN Student Success Plan (SSP) is to foster and support the capacity of the Title VI educators by creating intentional strategies to reduce professional isolation, embrace greater collaboration, and spread the expertise and insights of individual Title VI educators throughout the state. The plan states -

Objective 3: Foster and support the capacity of Title VI educators.

Overarching Strategy: Create intentional strategies designed to reduce professional isolation, foster greater collaboration and spread the expertise and insights of individual Title VI educators throughout the state.

Action Benchmarks
Support Title VI Indian educators with professional learning/exchange of best practices.
  • Quarterly meetings with Title VI Indian Educators
  • Identify and monitor AI/AN student learning needs
  • Title VI peer review/constructive feedback of their colleagues' program
  • Collaboratively develop and refine instructional techniques
  • Refine the support strategies used to help AI/AN students
Support a professional learning environment for Title VI Indian Educators.
  • Co-create protocols - a set of parameters and guidelines developed by Title VI Indian Educators - to structure group conversations and help keep the discussions focused and productive
  • Create a repository of research-based resoures for working with AI/AN students
Support strategies to improve AI/AN student outcomes.
  • Assist Title VI Indian Educators in developing materials to help schools increase Native culturally relevant and Trauma-Informed practices

Technical Support to Formula Grant Recipients

With Title VI being a federal program, all Title VI Indian Education Formula Grant applications are managed directly by the US Department of Education (USDOE). The Office of Formula Grants and the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Forumla Grants leads the implementation and development of effective and efficient policies, processes for Indian Education, and strategies related to the administration and management of the organization's formula grant programs. 

As a state educational agency, our scope of supporting Title VI efforts is outlined in SEC. 6119 of the Title VI legislation. In the 2023-2025 biennium, ODE will work to achieve compliance to SEC 6119. 

Before submitting an application to the Secretary under section 6114, a local educational agency shall submit the application to the State educational agency, which may comment on such application. If the State educational agency comments on the application, the agency shall comment on all applications submitted by local educational agencies in the State and shall provide those comments to the respective local educational agencies, with an opportunity to respond.

Important note: An SEA's comments on a Title VI Indian Education Formula Grant application have no impact on the Department of Education's approval of an application.

Links to Department of Education EASIE Site for Title VI Resources

The links below are provided as a courtesy to our Title VI awardees. For comprehensive professional learning support, guidance, and resources, please navigate directly and often to the DOE EASIE Website. 

Legislative Information 
Title VI Indian Education Legislation

Department of Education Official EASIE Website 
Indian Education Formula Grant Community

New to Title VI - Start Here 
Formula Grant Program Information Webinar FY 2023-2024
EASIE New Project Director Webinar
EASIE Part I Webinar FY 2023-2024

Student Count Information
506 Application

Parent Committee Resources
Templates for Title VI Parent Committee Bylaws
Indian Parent Committee - Title VI Application Process and Addressing Concerns Webinar SY 2021-2022

Public Meeting Law and Public Hearing information 

List of LEA's and LEA-C's 

EASIE FY 2023-2024 Grant Applications - DOE Website - This is a report of all approved EASIE FY 2023-2024 applicatons. This report includes: Demographic Information; Indian Student Count; Final Allocation; Objectives/Services; Budget Category Totals; and GEPA Statement for each grantee.

Oregon FY 2023-2024 Awardees - IMPORTANT NOTE: This spreadsheet will be updated as soon as the US Department of Education publishes their awardee list from SY24-25. This is a spreadsheet with all approved EASIE FY 2023-2024 applications. It includes key information from the DOE grant applications, in addition to the following pertinent information - A Title VI District Award Recipient's AI/AN+ Count, if Tribal Consultation or Meaningful and Ongoing Collaboration is required, if one or more schools in the district is designated Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) or Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), as well as a link to the school district's Integrated Application.

This document also includes all school districts who are part of the Columbia Gorge ESD Consortium and the Southern Oregon ESD Consortium. 

Monthly Community of Practice Meetings hosted by OIE

Please email Stacy Parrish at to receive the monthly invitation for these meetings if you have not previously been included in our contact outreach efforts. These meetings take place the third Wednesday of each month. 

Upcoming Meeting Schedule:
October 16, 2024
November 20, 2024
December 18, 2024
January 15, 2025
February 19, 2025
March 19, 2025
April 16, 2025
May 21, 2025 - Final meeting of the year

September 2024 Slidedeck - Oregon Title VI Community of Practice

May 2024 Slidedeck - Register for the Summer Learning Series and take the planning survey for SY2425!

April 2024 Slidedeck - Compliance to Section 6119

March 2024 Slidedeck

February 2024 Slidedeck

January 2024 Slidedeck

November 2023 Slidedeck

October 2023 Slidedeck

September 2023 Slidedeck

Resources from the Oregon OIE for Title VI 

Ensuring an Effective 506 Student Count

Reflection Tool for LEAs - Indian Parent Committee and Ensuring LEA Title VI Accountability

Title VI Tribal Consultation Toolkit Training - November 15th and 16th

Training Provided SeeChange - The Role of the Indian Parent Committee

For Our Newest ESD and School District Applicants
The window to register for a new Title VI program for SY25-26 OPENS November 4, 2024 and closes December 6, 2024. School Districts and ESD's interested in exploring the benefits of a Title VI Indian Education Formula grant are encouraged to register for an information session on October 3rd from 10-11AM. 
ODE - SY25-26 Title VI Indian Education Formula Grant - Potential Applicants Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet was provided to school districts and ESD's to show them their AI/AN and AI/AN+ student numbers. 
Please use the links below to help guide your first Title VI Indian Education application efforts and reach out to Stacy for any support you might need!

New Applicants - School Districts
New Applicants - ESD's for a Consortia Application

Contact Information

Department of Education
For all technical support and guidance for the EASIE application, as well as general compliance questions for Title VI Indian Education, please contact the Department of Education directly. 

Gregory Hindsey - or phone 202-987-1938

The DOE Partner Support Center
The Partner Support Center (PSC) is open from 8AM to 6PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Monday through Friday excluding Federal holidays
Toll Free: 877-457-3336 
Fax: 888-329-3336
Federal Relay Service: 800-877-0996 (

Oregon Department of Education (ODE)
For adaptive support and guidance, feel free to contact Stacy Parrish in the Office of Indian Education (OIE).

Phone: 971-208-0270