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Every Day Matters - Chronic Absenteeism Frequently Asked Questions

Student/Family FAQ

Where can I find out about attendance laws in Oregon?

Schools and districts design attendance policies that support student learning and align with these rules and statutes.

What if my student misses school due to chronic medical issues?

Schools and districts have processes to help address absences missed due to medical issues. Be sure to talk with your student’s school counselor or principal to access the supports your student will need. 

My student’s absences are all excused. Why is the school still concerned about these absences?

Research tells us that when students miss school for any reason, excused or unexcused, this creates a gap in their learning. This learning gap becomes significant when a student misses 10% or more of school. Though these absences may be excused, the student would still be considered chronically absent, and the school would likely be concerned for your student’s academic success. 

What attendance level is required for graduation?

Oregon law does not specify a specific attendance rate for receiving a diploma. Diploma requirements include credit in specific areas, as well as meeting personalized learning requirements. However, participation in graduation ceremonies is a school activities, and districts may set forth guidelines for participation in school activities.

Can an 18 year old student excuse their absences?

A student who reaches the age of 18 is considered to be an “eligible student”. Oregon law transfers educational rights as outlined in OAR 581-021-0240 and ORS 326.565. 

If you have questions or are looking for specific information related to attendance, please contact us at: EveryDayMatters.