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AI/AN Resources

Welcome to our Native American / Alaska Native Resources page. Here you will find a growing variety of sources in the online space that promote authentic Indigenous information by all who choose to share their stories, messages, and spirit. This is a place and page for the exploration of new ideas and comfortably familiar concepts we each share, such as kindness, strength, passion, and hope. We ask that you visit this page often as we continue to embrace change and progress through new content. If there is something you want to see here on this page, please send us an email and we will consider your contributions. 

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

The Office of Indian Education Monthly Newsletter

Current Scholarship Deadlines

Coming Soon!

Internship Applications

The Undergraduate's Guide to Summer Research and Internship Opportunities -
Our guide showcases a range of summer research programs designed to enhance the educational experiences of graduate and master's students across various disciplines. It offers insights into how to find and apply for these opportunities, the benefits of participating in summer research, and tips for making the most out of these experiences. Tailored to support students in gaining practical skills and knowledge, this guide is a valuable resource for those looking to expand their academic and professional horizons.

Tribal Stewards Inclusion Crews - Northwest Youth Corp
Offers a challenging education and job-training experience that helps youth and young adults from diverse backgrounds develop the skills they need to lead full and productive lives. Crews follow our Youth Camping program structure and combine education and job skill training with outdoor adventure for 16 to 18 year olds. Crew members work on conservation, reforestation, and recreation projects, while developing leadership skills and team building. Other affinity programs also available. 

Upcoming Conferences and Events

Coming Soon!

External Website Resouce Links

The members of the ODE Office of Indian Education invite you look through the resources listed below, but we ask you to keep in mind the following disclaimer: The materials and information contained on this webpage are for general information purposes only and may not represent the policies of the Oregon Department of Education. These links are being provided as a convenience and do not constitute an endorsement or approval by the Oregon Department of Education for any product, service, or opinion represented by any supplied or suggested corportation, organization, or individual. The Oregon Department of Education bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or context of the external sites beyond this page. Every effort has been made to verify the validity and authenticity of the following provided links, specifically as they apply to Indigenous Owned/Authored or education-focused content. Please contact us if you have questions. Thank you!

Tribal News Sources

Educator Resources

Student and Parent Resources

Resource Material:

Resource Material:

Resource Material:

Community Resources

Contact the Office of Indian Education

April Campbell, Assistant Superintendent:

Renee Roman Nose, Native American Student Success Coordinator:

Brent Spencer, Indian Education Coordinator:

Brandon Culbertson, Indian Education Engagement Coordinator:

Stacy Parrish, Indian Education Specialist:

Nicole Barney, Early Literacy Education Specialist:

Raina Reece, Executive Support Specialist:

Jennifer Belle, Office Specialist:

Stephanie Gluck, Research & Data Analyst,