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OSAS Interim Assessment System

Interim Tests

The Oregon Statewide Assessment System includes multiple, equity-centered resources that help address education and community partner questions: summative tests, designed for systems improvement and accountability purposes; interim tests, designed to support teaching and learning periodically throughout the year; and formative assessment practices, designed to support students in the moment-to-moment process of learning.

Click the image to watch a video on how Oregon’s interim assessments help the North Santiam School District meet the needs of all learners.


OSAS Interim Assessment Resources

To support Oregon educators, students, and families better understand the implementation and purpose of the OSAS Interim Assessment System, the Oregon Department of Education has developed numerous support resources.

  • OSAS Interim Assessment Overview: This document describes the interim assessments, including their purpose, type, and use. For each grade and subject, this document provides a list of interim assessments available for the academic school year.
  • Oregon Interim Assessment Fact Sheet: This document provides a quick reference to the Interim Assessment Systems and includes a brief FAQ.
  • Assessment Resources Use Chart: This document provides a side-by-side comparison of training tests, practice tests, and interim assessments to help teachers decide which tool best fits their needs.
  • Understanding the ELA and Math Interim Assessment Ecosystem (Video): This short video explores and explains different components of the ELA and Mathematics Interim Assessment System and about formative assessment and instructional resources within Tools for Teachers.

  • ELA and Math Interim Administration Guide (Updated 09/28/23):
    This Interim Assessment Guide for Administration is intended for staff who play a role in the administration of, and review of results for, the ELA and Mathematics interim assessments.

  • Science Quick Guide to Administering Interim Assessments (Updated 08/22/24): This document provides information for administering the OSAS Science Interim Assessment including: Assessment Viewing Application, Secure Browser, TA Interface, and Centralized Reporting System.

  • Remote Administration of Interim Assessments (Updated 1/16/24): This document describes how test administrators (TAs) can remotely administer the interim assessment and how students may access and participate in an interim assessment.

ELA and Math Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) focus on smaller sets of related concepts and provide more detailed information for instructional purposes.

ELA and Math Focused IABs that assess no more than three assessment targets to provide educators with a finer grained understanding of student learning.
Science Interim Assessment Tests contain the following item type designs: task (cluster), short (stand-alone) items, and short tests (testlets) aligned to the Oregon Science Standards (NGSS).

Oregon Statewide Summative Assessment: Interim Assessment Series​

The Oregon Department of Education has developed an Oregon Statewide Assessment System professional development series to further support district efforts in building a balanced assessment system and their efforts in the implementation of the Oregon Statewide Assessment System: Interim Asses​​sment System. This series includes six separate sessions with breakout sessions specific to English language arts, mathematics, and science.