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School Nutrition Programs Renewal

School Nutrition Programs Annual Renewal

Sponsors participating in the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Seamless Summer Option, and Special Milk Program are required to complete the 2024-2025 Program Agreement Renewal with the Oregon Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs (ODE CNP).

The SY 2024-2025 renewal process will be a multi-step process. Systematic instructions have been provided to ensure completion of the following renewal areas:

  • CNPweb information update
  • Submission of applicable offline forms

Completed renewal packet materials must be submitted by:  June 3, 2024

School Nutrition Sponsor Specialist List 

School Nutrition Programs (SNP)

Sponsors of the School Breakfast and National School Lunch programs in public, private, and charter schools.

Seamless Summer Options (SSO)

Residential Child Care Institutions (RCCI)

Sponsors of the School Breakfast and National School Lunch programs in residential child care institutions, detention and treatment centers.

Special Milk Program (SMP)

Sponsors of the Special Milk Program Only.


Need Assistance?

Please take the time to review the detailed step-by-step instructions.  If you still have questions or need assistance, contact the assigned Child Nutrition Specialist..