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Assessment and Accountability Update

October 3, 2024


DTC Webinar, October 9

ODE presents the monthly District Test Coordinator (DTC) Webinar on Wednesday, October 9 from 10:00-11:00 AM.

To attend, please register for the webinar using this Zoom link. This will give you the option to add the appointment to your calendar.

If you have questions you’d like answered during the webinar’s Q&A session, please submit your questions through this Smartsheet form or contact Crys Plattner, Assessment Administrative Support.

ChromeOS Secure Browser for 2025

With the upcoming release of ChromeOS version 133 on the Stable channel in early 2025, a required setting for the secure browser will no longer be enabled by default. Beginning now, and no later than December, district technology staff must utilize one or both of the options below to continue using the secure browser for student testing on ChromeOS devices. Oregon’s test delivery vendor strongly recommends taking both of these actions.

  1. Ensure all devices are on the Long-Term Support (LTS) channel or the Long-Term Support Candidate (LTC) channel. For more information on these channels, visit Long-term Support (LTS) on ChromeOS
  2. Enable the NativeClientForceAllowed (NaCl) setting in the ChromeOS Management Console. For more information on enabling NaCl, visit Chrome Enterprise Policy List & Management | Documentation

Taking these actions now ensures that the ChromeOS Secure Browser will be usable for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year.

For questions or assistance, please contact the OSAS Helpdesk.

Registration Now Open for the 2024-25 New DTC Orientation Series (REPEAT)

Welcome to the nearly 40 new District Test Coordinators (DTCs) across Oregon in 2024-25! ODE staff, ESD Partners, and mentor DTCs are committed to supporting you in your role by offering a virtual New DTC Orientation Series this fall. These optional sessions, which follow the organization of the DTC Roadmap, will be co-facilitated by folks with a variety of experience and expertise.

  • Each of the four Zoom sessions will involve a time of connection, shared learning, and time for Q&A.
  • Sessions will range in length from 60 - 90 minutes every 3 - 4 weeks during October, November, and December.
  • This webinar series does not replace the required annual DTC training. Rather, each session tailors learning for DTCs new to their role. No prerequisite knowledge of the role of DTC or experience in statewide testing is needed.
  • Second year DTCs who would like a refresher are also invited to register.
  • Shorter, single-topic “just-in-time” learning sessions may be offered during the winter and spring as well, based on interest.

Interested? Take a few minutes to register now! We'll set the specific dates and times based on your availability, and you'll have a chance to provide specific topics and questions for us to dive more deeply into along the way.

Veteran DTCs interested in helping to plan and facilitate the series are invited to collaborate as a mentor DTC. Please contact the ODE Assessment Team with your interest, to nominate a colleague, or with questions.


SEED Survey 2024-25 Translations Update

ODE is offering two changes to the translated materials for the 2024-25 administration of the SEED Survey. First, a translation of the survey and the parent/guardian form will be offered in Ukrainian. This addition brings the total number of languages the SEED Survey is offered in to seven (English, Spanish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Ukrainian). Second, the introduction script that is read by the Test Administrator (TA) to students before they begin the SEED Survey is being offered in Spanish as well as in English.

For questions and/or feedback, please reach out to Audrey Lingley, Education Specialist.

Required 2024-25 District Test Coordinator (DTC) Training Dates (REPEAT)

The annual training is required of both new and returning DTCs. You can find more information on training requirements in the Test Administration Manual Section 1.5.

Register below for one of three dates:


Guidance Updated: EL Status from Other States

The guidance document EL Status from Other States has been updated and retitled to Resolving Unclear EL Status. This update increases the clarity and usability of the document, but does not make substantial changes to the policy. Changes include:

  • Retitled the document to better indicate when it should be consulted.
  • Added a decision tree for determining “unknown” English learner (EL) status, with increased detail to eliminate corner cases.
  • Added information about accessing the EL History Report.
  • Added Information about erroneous testing.

Resolving Unclear EL Status can be found in the Guidance accordion on the ELP Assessment page.

Please contact Kim Miller, Title III specialist, with questions regarding the EL data collection and Title III.

Please contact Ben Wolcott, ELPA Specialist, with questions regarding English Language Proficiency Assessment testing.


Answers to Common Questions from the Field


I have students who are not appearing in TIDE. Why?


In order for a student to appear in TIDE for this school year, the student’s SSID must have been updated after August 15, 2024 in ODE’s SSID system. If you have a student who is a resident student in your district and does not appear in TIDE, please update the SSID record in the SSID system, and the student should appear in TIDE within two days.

To see a list of all students in your institution that have been loaded into TIDE:

  • Log into TIDE and under “Preparing for Testing” select “Student Information” and then “View/Edit/Export Students”;
  • Enter in your search criteria and click Search;
  • Select the checkbox on the top left of the results;
  • Click the button to export the data into an Excel or CSV file (keep in mind that only the top 1000 records will appear in a search, and the students in TIDE include all students in grades K-12).

For school districts that typically update all SSIDs only one time at the beginning of the school year, submitters will need to update the SSIDs again if they were updated prior to August 15.

If you have any further questions, please contact your Regional ESD Partner.