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Educator Effectiveness Toolkit - Student Learning and Growth

SLG goals are detailed, measurable goals for student learning and growth developed collaboratively by educators and their evaluators. They are based on student learning needs identified by a review of students’ baseline skills. SLG goals are aligned to standards and clearly describe specific learning targets students are expected to meet. Goals are rigorous, yet attainable.

Guidance for Setting Student Learning and Growth Goals(SLG)

This document includes the complete ODE guidance on setting Student Learning and Growth goals. Note: It is recommended that Chrome be used for viewing this document.

Sample Goals

The sample goals below include examples that were collected during the district Peer Review Process as well as those developed through ODE sponsored workgroups. These goals are provided as a sample of the diverse ways districts approach goal setting and are intended to be used as a reference.

Tools and Templates

  • SLG Goal Quality Review Checklist

    Before SLG goals are used in teacher and administrator evaluations, this checklist should be used in order to approve them. For an SLG goal to be approved, all criteria must be met.

  • SLG Goal Checklist with Guiding Questions

    NOTE: The questions included in this version of the checklist are provided for guidance only. They are not part of checklist that is required for use by districts.

  • Student Learning and Growth Goal Resource Library

    This bank of sample goals gathered from other states was developed by the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders and is searchable by grade level, subject and type of educator.

Module - Student Learning and Growth Goals Foundations
This PowerPoint focuses on the purpose and requirements of SLG goals, examines the difference between growth goals and achievement goals and provides sample goals for participants to practice with. NOTE: This PPT is part of a 1 1/2- 2 hour module and includes activities and facilitator notes for replication in districts.

For more information on this topic, please contact the Educator Effectiveness help desk.