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ESEA Federal Monitoring

Federal Monitoring

The Oregon Department of Education and Federal Systems Team strive to build collaborative partnerships with districts through the implementation of federal grant programs. The monitoring of federal grant programs allows the Oregon Department of Education and districts to collaborate while providing equitable education to all students and ensuring accountability.

Desk monitoring occurs twice each school year, in the winter and in the spring. Following desk monitoring, a small number of districts will be selected for on-site monitoring. Districts are selected using a risk based monitoring tool.

Districts to be Monitored

  • ESEA Monitoring Schedule - Coming soon!

Preparation for Monitoring

The self-assessment is aligned to programmatic requirements laid out in ESEA and is designed to help districts examine their practices around federal programs. Districts being monitored complete the self-assessment to develop shared understanding of the district's current practices relative to ESSA requirements, noting strengths and identifying where technical assistance/support may be needed from ODE. However, the self-assessment is available for use by any district at any time for the process of program reflection.

The ESEA Monitoring Organizational Tool includes information on all the requirements within ESEA for which districts are responsible. This tool serves as a reference for districts regarding what documentation should be maintained at the local level.

This list describes which materials a district must submit as evidence for each component of monitoring. These materials are uploaded by the district into OneDrive and are reviewed by the monitoring teams at ODE.

Monitoring Resources

Common Compliance


Time and Effort

Title I-A

School Plans

Family Engagement


Title II-A

Title IV-A

Private Schools

Foster Care



District Liaison and Training 


Free and Reduced Meals


Title I-C Monitoring

Title I-D Monitoring

Title IV-B 21st Century Monitoring 

Title III Monitoring