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Immigrant/Refugee Student Success Plan Grants

The purpose of the Immigrant/Refugee Student Success Grant program is to provide funds to applicants that document an understanding of the unique needs of Immigrant/Refugee students, have potential to become exemplar programs and who create collaborative practices relating to the strategies outlined in the Immigrant/Refugee Student Success Plan. Grant program applicants must demonstrate the outcomes of the grant activities are to benefit and serve Immigrant/Refugee students and their families. 

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ODE works with grantees to evaluate sustainability, replicability, best practices and lessons learned from implemented projects, programs and services. The data collected and analyzed from grantees’ projects is utilized by ODE to further refine the Plan and inform effective internal agency implementation as well as external (i.e. district and community) implementation of the Immigrant/Refugee Student Success Plan.

How can we learn about future grant opportunities? 

To learn about upcoming Requests for Applications (RFA), informational sessions, and other relevant program announcements, subscribe now to the Immigrant/Refugee Student Success Listserv. For questions, contact the Immigrant/Refugee Student Success Coordinators at