Immigrant/Refugee Student Success Grant Program Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs)
Immigrant/Refugee Student Success Plan Grant Program: Definitions
The following definitions apply to OAR 581-017-0885 to 581-017-0910:
(1) “Immigrant” means an individual who was born in another country and permanently resides in the United States.
(2) “Asylum Seeker” means a person who has or is actively seeking protection and/or permanent relocation from inside of the U.S. due to having experienced grave danger because their home government is unwilling or unable to protect them or may be actively persecuting them.
(3) “Refugee” means a person who has or is actively seeking protection and/or permanent relocation from outside of the U.S. due to having experienced grave danger because their home government is unwilling or unable to protect them or may be actively persecuting them.
(4) “English Learner” means students who receive English language instruction, support, and services as part of an English language development (ELD) program as English learners.
(5) “Multilingual Learners” means students who speak multiple languages and may or may not be eligible to receive English language instruction, support as part of an English language development (ELD) program.
(6) Asexual means a person who does not experience sexual attraction, but could still experience other forms of attraction (e.g. emotional, intellectual).
(7) Agender means a person who does not identify with a specific gender or feels neutral when it comes to their gender identity.
(8) Bisexual means a person who is attracted to more than one gender.
(9) Cisgender means a person who feels their gender identity and expression align with the gender they were assigned at birth or by society.
(10) Community-Based Organization means a nonprofit organization that is reflective of a community or significant segments of a community it seeks to serve.
(11) Community Voice means that members representing the community served by the project will be involved in co-constructing the project design, implementation, and/or providing strategic guidance in final decision-making.
(12) Culturally Specific Organization means an organization that serves a particular cultural community and is primarily staffed and led by members of that community; these organizations demonstrate: intimate knowledge of lived experience of the community, including but not limited to the impact of structural and individual racism or discrimination on the community; knowledge of specific disparities, barriers or challenges documented in the community and how that influences the structure of their program or service; commitment to the community’s strength-based and selfdriven thriving and resilience; ability to describe and adapt their services to the community’s cultural practices, health and safety beliefs/practices, positive cultural identity/pride, religious beliefs, etc.
(13) Department means the Oregon Department of Education.
(14) Disproportionate refers to unequal or inequitable differences in access and outcomes that historical and current-day White supremacy has created between certain families, children and students. What is “proportionate,” however, must also be critically analyzed and addressed in terms of its values, intent, and ideology. (14) Gay means a person who is attracted to a person of the same gender.
(15) Lesbian means a woman-identified person who is attracted to women.
(16) Non-binary/Genderqueer means people whose gender is not exclusively male or female, including those who identify with a gender other than male or female, as more than one gender, or as no gender.
(17) Partnership means a group of organizations, Tribes, districts or individuals who agree to work together with a common interest and shared vision. In a partnership, there is a high level of trust and 2-way communication, and differences in power and privilege are addressed. Roles and responsibilities on all sides are well-defined and developed with shared authority in decision making. There might be shared space and staff, with expectations and agreements in writing.
(18) Plan Student means a student enrolled in early childhood through postsecondary education who: (a)Is an asylum seeker, a refugee or any other immigrant, regardless of status; and (b) Has experienced disproportionate results in education due to current and historical practices and policies, as identified by the State Board of Education by rule.
(19) Transgender: A person who feels their gender identity and expression do not align with the sex they were assigned at birth or by society.
(20) Two-Spirit is a term used within some Indigenous communities, encompassing cultural, spiritual, sexual and gender identity. The term reflects complex Indigenous understandings of gender roles, spirituality, and the long history of sexual and gender diversity in Indigenous cultures. Individual terms and roles for Two-Spirit people are specific to each nation.
Statutory/Other Authority: SB 1532 (2024) & ORS 329.849
Statutes/Other Implemented: SB 1532 (2024) & ORS 329.849
Immigrant/Refugee Student Success Plan Grant Program: Establishment
(1) There is established the Immigrant Refugee Success Plan Grant Program to support early learning hubs, providers of early learning services, school districts, education service districts, post-secondary institutions of education, and Community-Based Organizations who are working to design, implement, improve, expand, or otherwise revise programs and services for Plan students.
(2) The programs and services to be provided under the Grant must implement one or more of the strategies or address one or more of the objectives included in the Immigrant Refugee Success Plan.
(3) Subject to available funds, the Department of Education shall award Grants based on a detailed description of proposed programming or services. The programs or services may include:
(a) The scale-up of an existing program or project; and/or
(b) The implementation of a new program or project.
(4) The purpose of the Grant program is to provide funds to applicants that document an understanding of the unique needs of Immigrant and Refugee students, have the potential to become exemplar programs, and who create collaborative practices relating to strategies outlined in the Immigrant Refugee Success Plan.
Statutory/Other Authority: SB 1532 (2024) & ORS 329.849
Statutes/Other Implemented: SB 1532 (2024) & ORS 329.849
ODE 58-2024, adopt filed 12/06/2024, effective 12/06/2024
ODE 40-2024, temporary adopt filed 06/14/2024, effective 06/14/2024 through 12/10/2024
Immigrant/Refugee Student Success Plan Grant Program: Eligibility
(1) The Department will establish a process for eligible entities to apply for a Immigrant Refugee Success Plan Grant.
(2) To be eligible to receive a Grant, an applicant must:
(a) Be a Community-Based Organization, early learning hub, provider of early learning services, school district, education service district, tribe, or post-secondary institution of education; and
(b) Demonstrate the outcomes of the proposed project are to benefit and serve plan students and their families.
(c) Demonstrates alignment between the project and the strategies of the Immigrant Refugee Student Success Plan.
Statutory/Other Authority: SB 1532 (2024) & ORS 329.849
Statutes/Other Implemented: SB 1532 (2024) & ORS 329.849
ODE 58-2024, adopt filed 12/06/2024, effective 12/06/2024
ODE 40-2024, temporary adopt filed 06/14/2024, effective 06/14/2024 through 12/10/2024
Immigrant/Refugee Student Success Plan Grant Program: Criteria
(1) The Department will award Grants to eligible entities based on the following criteria:
(a) Whether the proposed project successfully implements the strategies provided in the Immigrant/Refugee Student Success Plan;
(b) Whether the applicant authentically and consistently engages Community Voice in the proposed project; and
(c) Whether the applicant demonstrates equitable distribution of Grant funds and resources in Partnership.
(2) The Department may give priority to applications that:
(a) Are led by Culturally Specific or Community-Based Organizations that represent Immigrant Refugee communities;
(b) Demonstrate authentic and on-going Partnerships with Community-Based Organizations, Culturally Specific Organizations, school districts, public charter school, early learning hubs, educational service districts, providers of early learning services, post-secondary institutions of education, tribe(s);
(c) Will help ensure geographic diversity of the Grant program by including rural communities or other underserved communities with large Immigrant Refugee student populations; or
(d) Address a strategy or an objective of the Immigrant Refugee Success Plan that requires additional support, as determined by the Department.
(e) Address strategies or objectives that are common across the African American/Black Student Success Plan, Latino/a/x and Indigenous Student Success Plan and/or the American Indian/Alaska Native Student Success Plan, the LGBTQ2SIA+ Student
Success Plan, the Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Student Success Plan and communities.
Statutory/Other Authority: SB 1532 (2024) & ORS 329.849
Statutes/Other Implemented: SB 1532 (2024) & ORS 329.849
ODE 58-2024, adopt filed 12/06/2024, effective 12/06/2024
ODE 40-2024, temporary adopt filed 06/14/2024, effective 06/14/2024 through 12/10/2024
Immigrant/Refugee Student Success Plan Grant Program: Funding
(1) Applicants must submit a detailed budget that explains how Grant funds will be used.
(2) Administrative costs, which include indirect costs, will be allowed as a percentage of the Grant funds disbursed as follows:
(a) Up to five percent for school districts, education service districts, early learning hubs, or post-secondary institutions of education;
(b) Up to fifteen percent for community-based organizations, or providers of early learning services.
Statutory/Other Authority: SB 1532 (2024) & ORS 329.849
Statutes/Other Implemented: SB 1532 (2024) & ORS 329.849
ODE 58-2024, adopt filed 12/06/2024, effective 12/06/2024
ODE 40-2024, temporary adopt filed 06/14/2024, effective 06/14/2024 through 12/10/2024
Immigrant/Refugee Student Success Plan Grant Program: Reporting
Grant recipients must report project or program outcomes in the manner and form required by the Department of Education.
Statutory/Other Authority: SB 1532 (2024) & ORS 329.849
Statutes/Other Implemented: SB 1532 (2024) & ORS 329.849
ODE 58-2024, adopt filed 12/06/2024, effective 12/06/2024
ODE 40-2024, temporary adopt filed 06/14/2024, effective 06/14/2024 through 12/10/2024