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General Program Compliance

Civil Rights

Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) requires School Food Authorities (SFAs) to administer program services and benefits in accordance with all laws, regulations, instructions, policies, and guidance related to nondiscrimination in program delivery.  

Visit the ODE CNP Civil Rights web page for more information.

SFA On-Site Monitoring

The State Agency must determine that each School Food Authority (SFA) with more than one school operating the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) performs at least one on-site review. This on-site review must evaluate the lunch counting and claiming system used by the school and must observe the general areas of review that are readily observable in each school under its jurisdiction.

 The State Agency (SA) must also ensure that each SFA with more than one school operating the School Breakfast Program (SBP) performs at least one on-site review. The on-site review must evaluate the breakfast counting and claiming system used by the school and must observe the readily-observable general areas of review. A minimum of 50 percent of the schools operating the SBP under the SFA's jurisdiction must be monitored at least once every two years.

 The on-site reviews must occur by February 1 of each year.

Local School Wellness Policy

Schools play a critical role in promoting children's health, preventing childhood obesity, and preventing diet-related chronic diseases.  To help foster a healthy school environment, Section 204 of the Healthy, Hunger Free-Kids Act added a Section 9A to the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (NSLA) to expand the scope of wellness policies. 

School districts can develop wellness policies to meet the unique needs of each school under its jurisdiction, but at a minimum are required to:

School Meal Environment

​The Oregon Smart Snacks Standards, or other nutrition standards set by the district, should extend to all foods offered on the school campus including celebrations, rewards, and snacks.

Classroom Celebrations & Rewards

Good nutrition and the ability to learn are intrinsically linked. Providing access to healthy foods at school - through foods offered or sold during the school day - not only supports students’ nutrition and develops lifelong eating habits, but also reinforces the nutrition education they receive in class.

CDC Healthy School Resources​
Fostering the physical and mental health of school employees also helps to support students’ health and academic success. Every school employee, no matter the role they play, contributes to a school’s mission. School staff can give their best when they feel their best. School employee wellness programs can help.

Schools can provide an employee wellness program for staff that includes healthy eating and physical activity services. When staff model these healthy behaviors, they can reinforce them with students.

Additionally, supporting school employee wellness programs can

• Improve staff retention and productivity.
• Decrease employee absenteeism.
• Decrease employee health care costs.

Physical activity during the school day helps students concentrate, pay attention, and improve classroom behavior. Schools, where most of the students engage in physical activity every week, show bigger gains in test scores than other schools. Comprehensive physical activity programs include physical education and before, during, and afterschool opportunities for students to be physically active.

The organizations listed below help support school wellness through grant funding and technical assistance. 

OEA Choice Trust 
The mission of OEA Choice Trust is to provide expertise and resources to help Oregon public school employees create comprehensive and flexible wellness programs to build a culture of wellness that becomes the norm in school workplaces. This page provides grant opportunities and awards to help schools to support this school employee wellness. 

Action for Healthy Kids 
Schools need resources to implement health and wellness practices that help students eat better and be physically active. Thanks to our partners, Action for Healthy Kids has provided $6.6 million in grants to schools since 2009. Our School Grants for Healthy Kids can help your school health team achieve its goal of making every kid healthy and ready to learn. 

Oregon Child Nutrition Programs 
This page is dedicated to assisting sponsors with grant opportunities for their school nutrition programs. 

Most schools engage in four to five fundraisers per year. School fundraisers can promote student, family, and community involvement and activity, part that promotes family and community involvement. Healthy fundraisers can be fun while keeping in step with health messages that students are learning in school. Below are a list of resources that include healthy fundraising ideas.

Smart Snacks in Schools 

Schools must meet the minimum requirements in 7 CFR 210.11 for all foods and beverages sold in school (also known as Smart Snacks in School) to increase the consumption of healthful foods during the school day and support a healthy school environment.  The State Agency's (SA) responsibility is to understand the entities responsible for selling foods/beverages to students and to ensure that food and beverages sold meet the minimum requirements established in 7 CFR 210.11.

The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 required USDA to establish nutrition standards for all foods sold in schools beyond the federally-supported school meals programs. Oregon proactively set nutrition standards for non-program foods sold in schools prior to this, starting with House Bill 2650 and put into law, ORS 336.423, first implemented in 2008-09 School Year. In July 2014, USDA implemented Interim Final Rule Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School as Required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, also known as Smart Snacks. In response, Oregon amended its Nutrition Standards to be more aligned with federal Smart Snacks in House Bill 2404 as of July 1, 2015. To assist Oregon Schools, participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and/or the School Breakfast Program (SBP), State Agency carefully blended the two sets of rules creating what is called, Oregon Smart Snacks Standards. Below are the tools and regulations for Oregon schools participating in the NSLP and/or SBP to ensure compliance.

Oregon Smart Snacks Calculators
School Nutrition Sponsors and all Public Schools must use the ODE CNP calculators below to validate all non-program foods sold to students in Oregon schools.
Guidance and Regulations
For additional information or questions, contact the Oregon Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs by
Email: ODE School Nutrition or Phone: 503-947-5894.

Professional Standards

The Professional Standards regulations in 7 CFR 210.30 establish hiring standards for new school nutrition program directors at the School Food Authority (SFA) level. In addition, the regulations establish annual training standards for all school nutrition program directors, managers, and staff. The required annual training hours vary according to the employee's role in the management and operation of the school nutrition program.

Professional Standards | Food and Nutrition Service (

Professional Standards At a Glance


While water must be made available to students during meal service, program operators are not to promote or offer water or any other beverage as an alternative selection to fluid milk throughout the food service area.

Free, safe, unflavored drinking water needs to be available to all students on the school campus during the school day and where school meals are served during mealtimes.

Water sources may include drinking fountains, water jugs, hydration stations, water jets and other methods for delivering drinking water.
For additional information or questions, contact the Oregon Department of Education Child Nutrition Programs by
Email: ODE School Nutrition or Phone: 503-947-5894.

Food Safety, Storage, and Buy America

It is the School Food Authority's (SFA) responsibility to ensure that all selected schools meet the food safety and storage requirements and the regulations.  This includes any facility where food is stored, prepared, or served for the purposes of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), or other Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) programs. The SFA's also must ensure that all schools comply with the Buy American provision and policy.

Refer to the following At a Glance documents for guidance on food safety:

The 2004 Reauthorization Act included a provision requiring all school food authorities to implement a school food-safety program based on HAACP principles in every school building. USDA, the National Food Service Management Institute, and SNA all have provided guidance, resources, and training for operators.

Implementing HAACP is not a one-time endeavor but rather an ongoing systematic program that needs to be updated and maintained every year. The food safety program begins with the "Process Approach" to HAACP, which groups menu items into three key categories according to how many times each item passes through the temperature danger zone, then assigns "critical control points" and limits to foods in each of the categories using what is called Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's).
Procurement is another word for purchasing. All sponsors using Federal non-profit food service funds must follow applicable procurement regulations. Conducting proper procurement helps to ensure that sponsors receive the best product possible for the best price. It also helps to ensure there is free and open competition and that taxpayer funds are being spent wisely. 

Visit the ​Nutrition Procurement Resources web page for more information.

Reporting and Recordkeeping 

The School Food Authority's (SFA)  must submit reports as required by the State agency, and maintain other Program records for a period of three years after submission of the final Claim for Reimbursement for the fiscal year.  If audit findings have not been resolved, the three-year period is extended as long as required for the resolution of audit issues.  Additionally, the record retention period required by a State may exceed the three-year period. (7 CFR 210.23(c))

Retention of records. State agencies and school food authorities may retain necessary records in their original form or on microfilm. School food authority records shall be retained for a period of 3 years after submission of the final Claim for Reimbursement for the fiscal year. In either case, if audit findings have not been resolved, the records shall be retained beyond the 3-year period as long as required for the resolution of the issues raised by the audit.

School Breakfast Program and Summer Food Program Outreach

School Food Authority's (SFA) must inform families of the availability of breakfasts offered under the School Breakfast Program (SBP) and meals offered through the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). 

At the beginning of each school year, when free and reduced price meal applications are sent to households, the SFA must notify families of the availability of the SBP.  In addition, schools should send reminders regarding the availability of the SBP multiple times throughout the school year.

Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) also requires schools to conduct SFSP outreach before the end of the academic school year to ensure that eligible families are informed of the availability and location of SFSP meals.

A the beginning of each school year, when free and reduced price meal applications are sent to households, the SFA must notify families of the availability of the SBP. In addition, schools should send reminders regarding the availability of the SBP multiple times throughout the school year.

FNS also requires schools to conduct SFSP outreach before the end of the academic school year to ensure that eligible families are informed of the availability and location of SFSP meals.​

Refer to the Summer Meals Outreach At a Glance​ for further guidance.